A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 865 Tongtian Lingbao Black Blade

After hearing this, the demon soul surprisingly didn't get angry at Han Li. Instead, it suddenly narrowed its silver-white eyes. Han Li glanced at the sword shadow in front of him, the purple firebird, and the Blood Demon Sword several times before gradually becoming colder.

Han Li looked at each other coldly without saying a word. The wind and thunder wings slowly emerged from behind, and mana began to flow rapidly in his body.

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded from afar, and both Han Li and Mohun couldn't help but glance at it.

I saw light flashing there, and several light groups of different colors broke out of the black light barrier. The light mask disintegrated in the blink of an eye, reappearing the original forms of the three demonized treasures: the ring, the small sword, and the flag. However, the demonic light above them was dim, as if they were seriously injured.

Just when the demon soul was concentrating on dealing with Han Li, it accidentally underestimated the three silver-haired old men.

Although these three people were only early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, they had all fought for a long time, and they had no idea what secret techniques they had used. In a short period of time, they worked together to break the restrictions that trapped their treasures.

However, they had just seen the strange movements of the demon soul appearing and disappearing. They were shocked and naturally they would not take the initiative to move closer to Han Li. They just commanded a few magic weapons to attack the demon soul from a distance, hoping to contain it. effect.

These three people know very well that Han Li is the main force against this monster. If Han Li dies, the three of them will definitely not be much better.

These three people were able to lend a helping hand at this time, and Han Li was naturally overjoyed. It would be even better if they could give him a chance to set up a sword formation.

When Han Li thought about this, he couldn't help but glance at the demon soul opposite.

The demon soul glanced at the treasure flying over, and then glanced at Han Li. The eyes of the evil ghost's head moved slightly, and then he suddenly smiled sinisterly and started to move.

After an afterimage, the demon suddenly disappeared on the spot.

When Han Li saw this, his heart moved, and he hurriedly swept away with his spiritual eyes. As a result, he immediately looked shocked.

"No, be careful!" Han Li shouted loudly, and then he couldn't say more with his spiritual consciousness. The giant turtle puppets scattered around raised their necks, and blue light beams spurted out one after another. The target was actually the silver-haired old man. around.

The silver-haired old man and Master Tianjing were so experienced. Han Li only reminded them briefly. In addition, they had just seen the strange escape method of the demon soul. Naturally, they immediately understood that the demon suddenly abandoned Han Li. It came towards them.

The three people were horrified and could only moan secretly in their hearts.

The demon soul used many methods on Han Li, especially after taking out the Blood Demon Sword. He felt that it was not possible to defeat him in a short while. Now that there were three more silver-haired old men harassing him from the side, it was even more troublesome. Therefore, the demon suddenly changed his mind and planned to get rid of other people who were in the way first, and finally deal with Han Li who was alone.

More than a dozen thick beams of light exploded around the three Nascent Soul Stage monks, and an icy air filled the air.

The black shadow shook, and the demon soul appeared somewhere. They were only a dozen feet away from Tian Jing Zhenren and the others.

Even though the silver-haired old man and others were prepared in their hearts, their faces were shocked by the speed of the demon soul's escape.

Fortunately, the three of them seemed to be cooperating very skillfully. Immediately, Senior Brother Cheng and another old man raised their hands, one shot out a large talisman, and the other flew out a flaming red fox from his sleeve. Master Tianjing made a seal with both hands, and the two evil ghost puppets standing behind him swayed at the same time, and the fire fox and the fire fox rushed out of the shield at the same time under the cover of the talisman.

As soon as the talisman flew out of the protective shield, it turned into a large fire cloud and roared into one. The fire fox jumped and merged into the fire field in the air, disappearing instantly.

This is actually a rare spiritual beast that is proficient in fire escape.

Demon Soul saw two powerful evil ghost puppets rushing towards him, but his four hands rubbed each other with expressionless faces.

A piercing scream erupted from the palm, followed by a loud "chichi" sound that broke through the air, and two dazzling black lights appeared between the palms.

Jie used his four palms and five fingers to grab it, and split the two black awn balls into four parts out of thin air. He grabbed a ball with each of his four palms and shook his arms.

The black light exploded, and four strange black light blades appeared in the palm of his hand.

This light blade is not too long, only about two feet, and is slightly curved from tip to thick, like an ox-tipped knife. But the strange thing is that the entire blade of this blade is vibrating slightly all the time, and even the nearby space is distorted, and the piercing sound is constant. It’s incredible!

But what I didn't notice was that at the moment when the black strange blade took shape, the face of the human-faced head behind the demon soul twitched in pain, and then turned extremely pale. It was as if less than half of the blood and essence in his body had been drained out at once. But the evil ghost head in front had an increasingly fierce look on his face. Four strange light blades shook, and with a "swish" sound, he shot towards a light blue evil ghost puppet like a crossbow.

The puppet naturally didn't know what it meant to be afraid, so he opened his mouth without hesitation, and a large stream of gray Yin Qi spurted out from his mouth, turning into a wave of mist and sweeping away. At the same time, both hands were raised, green light flashed, and ten cold threads spurted out from the fingertips, flying into the Yin Qi and disappearing in a flash.

After the other red puppet sprayed out Yin Qi, a red light flashed on its hand, and a red light shot out of its hand.

At this time, the fire cloud above the head was also billowing toward the demon soul.

For a moment, the demon soul that shot over was caught in the attack of the three.

The demon soul waved its four expressionless strange blades lightly, and immediately four crescent-shaped blades shot out of the air, turned into two huge black crosses amidst the screams, and slashed straight at the two puppets.

But because of this, the demon soul paused slightly. Taking this opportunity, a giant flaming claw several feet in size suddenly grabbed it from the cloud, and five long sickle-sharp nails penetrated directly into the spiritual cap of the evil demon's head.

The cyan cold thread and the red light flew out of the Yin Qi in a flash and shot towards the body of the demon soul.

The four arms of the demon soul moved, and the light blade blurred for an instant, setting off layers of waves of light, and then turned into a huge ball of light rolling with black light. As soon as Qingsi and Guangdao touched the ball, they whined and were immediately drawn into it. In an instant, green and red light exploded, and Hansi and Guanglian were shattered to pieces.

As soon as this scene happened, the giant flaming claw that had already grabbed the light ball suddenly stopped in fear, and then retracted as fast as lightning.

But it was obviously too late. A crescent-shaped black light flashed past, and the giant claw suddenly fell down with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

A shrill wail came from the fire cloud in the sky.

A violent look flashed on Demon Soul's face, and his long purple tongue licked a few drops of fox blood on his cheeks. After a low shout, the figure suddenly disappeared on the spot and appeared in the center of the fire cloud the next moment.

The fire cloud rolled and surged, and several broken limbs of the fire fox fell from the sky dripping with blood.

The scene where the demon soul killed the fire fox in an instant made the three people in the shield gape. The unfamiliar Nascent Soul old man, as a Fire Fox, looked even more heartbroken.

After the demon soul smiled strangely, the figure disappeared again.

Suddenly there was a flash of black light in the gray gloom, and two loud rumbling sounds were heard one after another.

Master Tianjing, who was controlling the puppet himself, turned pale. Then without thinking, he flicked his sleeves, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the Yin Qi, and the mist was immediately blown away. Except for the remains of two puppets that had been cut into several pieces, there was no trace of the demon soul.

At this time, even Master Tianjing couldn't care less about the destruction of the Heartache Puppet. The three of them looked around hurriedly and frightened, and went to the storage bag to get other treasures.

There was a spatial movement somewhere nearby, and a huge black peak dozens of feet high suddenly appeared, and then was pressed down hard. Seeing that the situation was critical, Han Li instantly moved the Thousand Peaks ancient treasure in his hand to the vicinity of the shield to temporarily lend a helping hand to the three of them.

As a result, before the peak could land, the originally empty place suddenly flashed with black light, and the demon soul appeared there with a cold look on his face.

The four arms were raised into the air, and the four light blades instantly condensed into a giant black blade about ten feet long. A loud rumbling sound like thunder came from the blade.

Demon Soul held the blade in both hands, aimed at the bottom of the black mountain without hesitation, and slashed with one strike.

A dark and narrow sword light shot out from the blade silently.

A dazzling brilliance erupted from the bottom of the mountain, and the entire mountain shook violently. Starting from the middle, a crack as smooth as a mirror emerged inch by inch. The black mountain peak was cut in half by this slash.

Then the two mountain peaks staggered slightly and plummeted to the ground.

Without any delay, Demon Soul once again raised the huge black blade with both hands and glanced at the five or six layers of protective shields of the three monks, with a malicious look on his face. He waved his hands instantly, and the same dark and strange sword light slashed towards the opposite shield.

The faces of the silver-haired old man, Master Tianjing and others suddenly turned pale.

Although they did not think that the layers of light shields in front of them could really block such a powerful attack. After the three of them looked at each other in horror, their spiritual lights flashed almost at the same time, and instantly turned into three shocking rainbows, flying out of the light shield. Escape and shoot in three different directions.

Among them, the silver-haired old man flew directly towards Han Li, while Master Tianjing and another old man flew through the air toward Wei Wuya.

Han Li, who was also shocked by the Demon Soul's attack from a distance, secretly screamed when he saw the three people's actions.

With the demon soul's terrifying escape speed, the separation of the three of them must have been a disaster.

But now he is busy taking advantage of this opportunity to arrange the final steps of the Dageng Sword Formation, and he is unable to fly to rescue him personally.

He had no choice but to quickly shoot a series of spells in all directions, while under the control of his spiritual consciousness, the dozen giant turtles shot out the ice picks on their backs at the same time. Now Han Li didn't expect this attack to hurt the opponent. As long as it could slightly prevent the demon soul from moving, the three silver-haired old men could escape with their lives.

(Second update! Oh my, it’s the second update from yesterday!)

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