A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 851 Tongtian Lingbao Demonic Body

As soon as the kid covered in black energy escaped into the passage, there was a "pop" sound, and it exploded on its own for no reason, turning into a ball of Yin energy that collapsed without a trace.

Wang Tiangu, who was mentally connected to the little ghost, turned pale, and suddenly suffered a small and secret loss.

"What's going on? Is there any other mechanism in this passage?" Wang Tiangu asked the Confucian student angrily.

"Do you think the entrance to Lingmiao Garden is an ordinary passage? Let alone an uncondensed little ghost, it is an invisible ghost like Ghost King Li Po. As soon as it enters this passage, its soul will be squeezed out. Even if I enter this space, I still need to With the help of the scroll scroll. Anyway, the entrance has been opened. I won’t ask whether you will enter this place next." Now, the Confucian scholar seemed to be calm and leisurely. After saying these words calmly, he turned into a ball of green light and flew away. Escaped into the scroll that had been suspended in mid-air.

After hearing this, Wang Tiangu's face instantly darkened. From what the Confucian scholar said, it seems that invisible things like demons and ghosts cannot directly enter the passage. He and the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect looked at each other, both showing surprise.

"Wei has already used his spiritual consciousness to explore the other side of the passage. Although it is blurry and abnormal due to the cracks in the space, there is no doubt that it is an unknown space somewhere inside. I don't have the patience to hesitate here, save the passage and what will happen in Ye Changmengduo? Error. Just take the first step." Wei Wuya thought for a moment. He said directly, then ignored the two of them, turned into a green light and flew towards the passage.

When the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect saw this, his expression changed slightly.

"The three of you stay here. Junior Brother Wang, we don't need my mother-in-law, so let's go there together. For the sake of Lingmiao Garden, it's worth taking some risks. Besides, the soul has been cursed by me. I guess I don't have the guts to play any tricks. ." The leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect ordered while looking coldly at the scroll suspended in front of him. When he saw that nothing unusual happened to it, his eyes flickered a few times.

He reached out and grabbed the scroll in the air, sucked it into his hand, then stuffed the scroll into his sleeve, and he and Wang Tiangu turned into two startling rainbows and shot towards the passage.

The Lingmiao Garden is said to be filled with elixirs from all over the world. If you go there a step too late and fall behind Wei Wuya, you will suffer a big loss.

As a result, the figures of Wei Wuya and the others disappeared in a flash at the entrance of the black passage, and passed directly through the space barrier into another space.

"This is definitely not Lingmiao Garden!" The person who said this was Wei Wuya who was the first to come out of the passage.

He was looking around at this strange place with a gloomy look on his face.

This is a space with no other colors except gray. Looking up, there are low piles of black rocks everywhere, about tens of feet high. What can be seen is still gray mist. However, under the sweep of Wei Wuya's spiritual consciousness, the surrounding area is more than ten miles wide. look.

But if we talk about this kind of place, it is said that the spiritual energy is several times that of the human world, and the spiritual garden is full of spiritual flowers and plants. Not to mention Wei Wuya, even the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect and Wang Tiangu who just came out of the passage would not believe it at all.

However, as soon as these two people appeared here and looked around, their faces looked a little strange at the moment, looking half angry and half surprised.

This made Wei Wuya, who looked back at the two of them, a little stunned, and then he became more wary.

He originally thought that when these two people saw this place, they were not in the legendary Lingmiao Garden. They would look extremely ugly and even immediately called out the distracted Master Cang Kun in the scroll to question them.

"Junior brother, do you feel it? The demonic energy here is at least twice that of our human world. When fighting people here, the power of my demonic skills can be increased by 30% out of thin air." After being silent for a while, the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect finally said spoke.

"Senior brother, you and I practice the same kind of magic, how could we not be able to sense it? If we stay here to practice, we may have great hope of breaking through the current bottleneck and entering the next realm." Wang Tiangu looked at him. Flashing, said with the same complicated expression.

"Two fellow Taoists, it's time for you to call that guy out and interrogate him. Don't tell me that Wei went through so much trouble to come here just to come to a place like this." Wei Wuya looked at it. After a while, there was no result. He stepped on the gravel under his feet and said coldly to Wang Tiangu and Wang Tiangu with a cold face.

"Of course. If he doesn't give us three a reason, Wang will let him taste the pain of soul refining." Hearing what Wei Wuya said, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect also evoked the thoughts of the man who The anger of the spirit's deception immediately replied with a ferocious expression.

Then he threw the scroll in his hand to the ground, and was about to unfold it to call out Master Cang Kun's distraction.

But before the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect could cast a spell, a flash of light flashed from the scroll, and a ball of green light suddenly shot out from the scroll. Wang Tiangu was standing nearby, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he grabbed it with his backhand, and covered it with a black bare hand about the size of a foot.

But this green light group seemed to have planned all of this. In an instant, its speed doubled, and it escaped from the transformed black hand and flew away into the distance.

Wei Wuya maintained his identity and watched calmly without making any move. When the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect saw this scene, he was furious.

Turning his palm, the bloody token appeared in his hand. A sharp look flashed on his face, and he raised the token and shook it fiercely in the direction of the green light's escape. Immediately, the token was filled with blood, and the green light group in the distance disappeared almost simultaneously and swayed in the air for a few times.

The master of the Ghost Spirit Sect had a happy expression on his face, but the green light ball suddenly stabilized, and shot away again at a speed that was three minutes faster than before, turning into a small point of light in the blink of an eye.

This time, not only the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect was stunned. Wei Wuya and two others on the side were also stunned.

"I'm not mistaken. The frightening curse cast by the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect has no effect on a ray of spirit. This is quite interesting. I will capture this guy and see what his plans are. ." Wei Wuya suddenly said with a sneer. Then his body swayed and turned into a green rainbow, breaking through the air and chasing him.

"Master, you..." Wang Tiangu finally recovered from his surprise and couldn't help but want to ask something.

"It's not like you haven't seen the punishment the Shocking Curse used on him just now. It's true that he was hit by a secret curse before. As for why it doesn't work now. I'm also very interested. Let's go. Let's catch up. My sect leader I also want to see what his plans are for bringing us here." The leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect said with a sinister look on his face and a fierce light flashing across his face. Then it also turned into a startling rainbow and shot out.

With such a big space, he was not afraid of where the other party could escape.

Wang Tiangu smiled bitterly and could only fly into the air and chase after him.

It didn't take long for the two of them to find Wei Wuya, who had stopped escaping the light, somewhere near the center of the space. The spirit in the scroll now transformed into a Confucian scholar again, standing opposite him, facing him. There seemed to be no fear at all. This surprised the two of them. However, when Wang Tiangu and the others raised their heads and looked more than ten feet behind the Confucian scholar, they were startled again.

In the light mist, a huge monster about thirty feet tall was seen, motionless in a piece of fiery red crystal like crystal.

This monster has two heads and four arms, a single horn on its forehead, and its body is covered with shining black scales. Its face is even more ferocious and ferocious, with its fangs exposed. It is really terrifying.

"What is this? Such a strong demonic energy." Wang Tiangu's heart skipped a beat and he cried out.

He was not surprised by the monster's size and ferocity, but because although the monster appeared to be sealed, the intensity of the demonic aura that permeated the vicinity was many times greater than that of other places, and it contained a frightening atmosphere. Trembling breath.

"Let's talk after we go down. Listen to what the other party has to say." The master of the Ghost Spirit Sect was also very afraid of the monster in the seal, but after hesitating for a moment, he took Wang Tiangu down lightly and landed in Wei. Wuya's side.

After all, with this late Nascent Soul great monk here, he didn't have to worry too much.

"It's just right that two fellow Taoists are here too. This saves me from wasting my breath." When the Confucian scholar saw the arrival of the two masters of the Ghost Spirit Sect, he laughed without fear.

"You brought us here, tell us what your purpose is." The leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect said calmly, but after looking at the other party for a few times, he was very shocked.

Because the blood-red runes on the Confucian scholar opposite him were still flowing and flickering, it was obvious that the Shocking Curse was taking effect. Moreover, the opponent's exposed skin was obviously twitching as the runes flashed, but the Confucian scholar's face was full of joy at this time, and there was no trace of pain on his face. Moreover, the ghostly body was also solidified abnormally, with no sign of disintegration.

"Brother Wei won't tell you, but the two Taoist friends, Master Wang, practice the magic power passed down from ancient times. When you come here, do you feel that the magic here is very different from the human world." What the Confucian scholar said made him The three of them were a little surprised.

"So what. Do you want to tell me that this is Lingmiao Garden?" Wang Tiangu said calmly.

"Hey, Lingmiao Garden! It may or may not be here." The scholar said leisurely.

"What do you mean by this? At this moment, you still want to play tricks on us." Wang Tiangu's face turned cold.

"You really think that the ancient monks will leave that kind of place rich in spiritual medicine and dense spiritual energy to your descendants. Many years ago, there might have been such a place as Lingmiao Garden, and there seemed to be more than one. But now, they All the elixirs were picked up and destroyed in the competition between the ancient monks. This may be an abandoned Lingmiao Garden somewhere, which is also very possible. But now, this is just the human world and our holy world. It's just another spatial gap at the junction." The Confucian scholar said calmly with a hint of weirdness on his face.

"Holy World? You are an ancient demon!" Wei Wuya, who originally looked indifferent, suddenly turned pale and shouted in shock when he heard what the Confucian scholar just said. At the same time, he hurriedly made a seal with his hands, and green poisonous mist billowed out from his body, submerging him in it.

(Second update!)

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