A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 85 Death Pact Bloody Fight

"There are not many conditions, it's very simple, there are only two." Wang Juechu said expressionlessly.

"First, your people must evacuate from our sect's sphere of influence, and this evacuation must be done in batches and under the supervision of our disciples." His tone was stiff.

"Okay, no problem." Jia Tianlong agreed without hesitation.

Seeing the other party agreeing so readily, Wang Juechu sneered, and then said the next condition that surprised Jia Tianlong.

"The second thing is that you and I must have a bloody fight to the death here before you can leave."

"A fight to the death!"

"real or fake?"

"The other party is not crazy!"

As soon as Wang Juechu's words came out, he immediately caused an uproar in the crowd opposite. Everyone who heard this had different expressions on their faces. Some people were as horrified as if they heard a poisonous scorpion, while others were excited and seemed a little eager to try.

After hearing this, Jia Tianlong's expression also changed, but he returned to normal afterwards.

"Did I hear you correctly? It's a bloody battle where both parties sign a death contract and only one party can leave the duel?" He laughed and asked seemingly casually.

"That's right! This is a fight to the death that must be held to repay the blood debt of Sect Master Wu and others. You and I will also participate." Wang Juechu pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword, stared at Jia Tianlong, and said coldly.

Jia Tianlong chuckled, and did not immediately respond without comment. Instead, he thought about it with flashing eyes. It seemed that he did not dare to neglect the death contract and blood fight, and would only give an answer after careful consideration.

Seeing that everyone nearby was talking about the Death Pact, Han Li, who was unaware of this, couldn't bear it anymore and asked Li Feiyu next to him.

"What is a death pact? It seems like a big deal!"

"No way! You don't even know about Death Pact? It's unbelievable! This is the most famous and bloody way for Jianghu people to resolve disputes!" When Li Feiyu heard this, his face looked as if he had seen a ghost. Extremely, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Nonsense! You have always known that I don't know much about these things in the world. I wonder what's so strange about this?" Han Li whispered angrily.

"Oh! That's true, I almost forgot about this." Li Feiyu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"The so-called death contract refers to two parties with a deep hatred. Before the duel, they must sign a life and death document, declaring that after entering the duel field, only one of the two parties can walk out of the field alive. If someone leaves the duel privately, then Not only will his reputation be disgraced and cast aside by others, but he will also be wanted and hunted by the entire world. This is because all people in the world believe that the Death Pact is a sacred duel, and anyone who tarnishes this duel should be executed as a warning. .”

"And this kind of duel is usually used in situations where multiple people fight to the death, so it is particularly bloody and cruel. In recent years, it is rare to hear of anyone using this method of dueling."

Li Feiyu said slowly, and he explained in great detail.

After hearing this, Han Li frowned. After understanding the nature of the death duel, he was somewhat disapproving of the sudden proposal of the death duel by the leader of the Wang clan. In his opinion, this kind of duel is obviously a lose-lose outcome, so why bother to continue it! It would be better to let this enemy leave as soon as possible, and save many long nights and dreams.

"Okay, I agreed, we can have a death fight." After repeated consideration, Jia Tianlong finally made up his mind after turning his eyes around Master Jin Guang several times.

You know, the other party wants to take this opportunity to kill you, so why don't you want to take this opportunity to wipe out the remaining elites of Qixuanmen in one fell swoop!

Jia Tianlong knew very well what Wang Juechu was planning. Didn't the other party just want to rely on the support of three unknown uncles? Unfortunately, he had already known the details through the secret spy and had already taken precautions against this.

Now that he has a cultivator who can fly swords as his trump card, coupled with his mental arithmetic but not his will, his chances of winning a death duel are definitely more than 90% certain.

As long as Wang Juechu and the remaining masters of the Qixuan Sect are eradicated in a fight to the death, it doesn't matter even if this plan fails. Because as long as they attack again next time, the opponent will have absolutely no power to resist. You must know that the cultivation of masters cannot be effective in a year and a half.

Therefore, Jia Tianlong, who has always thought twice before acting, was willing to take the risk and resolutely agreed to sign the life and death document.

"Master Wang! According to the rules of death duel, since you proposed the time and place of the duel, and I have no objection, then I should decide the number of people and the method of the duel, right?" Jia Tianlongpi He said without a smile.

"Humph! Not bad." Wang Juechu agreed reluctantly.

"Well, I request a duel of one hundred people, fifty people from each side, in a melee mode." Jia Tianlong made his request unceremoniously.

"Fifty people? A melee?" A look of surprise appeared on the cold face of Sect Leader Wang.

You must know that in a normal death duel, in order to prevent their own vitality from being seriously damaged, both parties usually only have twenty or thirty people. The melee method is rarely used, and the one-on-one duel method is the most used.

However, since he was the first to propose a fight to the death, he naturally could not go back on it. Moreover, he had full confidence in his three uncles and believed that even in a melee, the winner would definitely be his side.

Besides, as long as Jia Tianlong can be killed, no matter how much the price is paid, it will be worth it. As long as this scheming leader of the Wild Wolf Gang dies, his rebellious subordinates will immediately become torn apart and fight among themselves for the position of gang leader, leaving them no time to take care of the greatly reduced Qixuan The door gave him a chance to breathe.

Thinking of this, Sect Master Wang nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

"Come here! Mark out the arena of death! Prepare the book of life and death!" Wang Juechu said sternly behind him.

(Book friends, if you find it interesting, please don’t forget to collect this book)

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