A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 800 The Famous Oni Luo Ban

When Han Li saw these beads, his heart moved. Could it be that these are also thunder beads or something like that?

This thought flashed through Han Li's mind, but he had no intention of stopping the stimulation of the Da Geng Sword Formation.

These golden threads are one of the magical powers of the Da Geng Sword Formation. Some are similar to the sword-turning-silk technique of sword cultivators, which is caused by condensing the amazing sword energy in a hundred sword lights into threads.

Because it borrows the power of the magic circle and mixes it with Geng Jing, the flying sword itself is extremely sharp. Therefore, the sword thread formed is much more powerful than ordinary sword repair.

Ordinary magic weapons and ancient treasures cannot resist the cutting of gold wire.

As for things like thunder beads, Han Li is not afraid anymore.

As long as the hidden thirty-six flying swords are intact, these sword threads can be defeated. The energy is still being re-formed continuously, and it is not afraid of attacks at all. This is also the scary thing about the Dageng Sword Formation.

When Han Li was thinking about it, golden light flashed, and those spheres also touched the sword formation's restrictions, were cut into several pieces by many golden wires, and then exploded.

To my surprise, these round beads did not contain any thunder and fire. Instead, after it exploded, thick black and red blood mist emerged.

Once the blood mist dissipated, it immediately spread. At the same time, there was a strange, nauseating smell that was extremely pungent.

These round beads are called "blood thunder seeds". It is said that they are made from the most filthy things in the world. When fighting against the enemy, as long as they are not the treasures refined by the magic method, once they are stained by these blood mist, they will be very powerful. Fall, spiritual loss. No matter how powerful your magic weapon is and how high your spirituality is, if you want to regain the power of the magic weapon, you have to re-train it with infant fire for several days.

Of course, these blood thunder beads are very rare in the Demon Sect. Not only are the raw materials extremely scarce, but the refining efficiency is also pitifully low, and they are much more difficult to refine than ordinary thunder beads.

These dozen or so pills were all the young man in black robe had accumulated over the past hundred years.

As an elder of one of the ten major demon sects in the Jin Kingdom, this man is well-informed. After recognizing the sword formation set up by Han Li. He immediately thought of using the blood thunder to contaminate Han Li's flying sword.

The sword formation originally required perfect cooperation in order to be able to display magical powers. Once any of the flying swords in the formation fails, the sword formation will naturally collapse.

This method is one of the most commonly used means by the demonic cultivators of the Jin Kingdom to fight against the sword cultivating sects that drive the sword array.

Of course, something as precious and unusual as a blood thunder child would generally not be used in a solo fight. It is usually used in large-scale confrontations. After all, under normal circumstances, how could a sword formation be driven by one person?

Seeing the blood mist, although Han Li didn't know what was going on, he obviously felt a little strange. Just as he was muttering in his heart, a low thunderous sound suddenly came out.

Pieces of golden light simultaneously emerged in the blood mist, and then light golden arcs were ejected. When these arcs and blood mist collided, they immediately exploded. They were all destroyed at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, these dozen or so blood mists were all gone like Han Li's evil spirit god.

Han Li was stunned.

The evil-dispelling divine thunder ejected from the flying sword automatically without waiting for him to activate it. This was the first time he had ever encountered this. And the blood mist, which looked like an evil thing at first glance, could actually offset the evil-proof divine thunder, which was really incredible.

Naturally, Han Li didn't know that the properties of these Blood Thunder Sons, which were designed to defile the righteous treasures, were almost the same as the properties of the Evil-Repelling Divine Thunder, which was specialized in defeating demons. The two happened to restrain each other. Normally no one can restrain the other.

Although there was a lot of blood mist just now, compared with the divine thunder hidden in the thirty-six flying swords, it was naturally far behind. Therefore, the blood mist was completely driven away in the blink of an eye.

"Exorcism Divine Thunder, these flying swords are all golden thunder bamboo magic weapons! Impossible, how can there be so many golden thunder bamboos?" Seeing this situation, the young man in black robe turned pale and shouted loudly:

"I'll tell you this question when I'm underground!" Han Li replied rudely upon hearing this. At the same time, after taking a deep breath, he urged the magic spell again in his heart.

The golden thread, which had been temporarily paused due to the appearance of the blood mist, silently squeezed towards the middle.

Although the Great Geng Sword Formation was extremely powerful, it was still a bit weak for Han Li's current level of cultivation.

Although he could run the sword formation, the loss of mana was astonishing, and after activating the sword formation, he was unable to accelerate the sword formation.

Otherwise, as long as the sword wire is suddenly closed in the middle, the opponent can be killed immediately. How could he watch the young man in black robe helplessly and use any means to fight against him.

Han Li estimated that based on the mana consumption of this sword formation, a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk would be the best choice when starting to practice this magical power. If he hadn't only summoned half a set of sword formations, and his magic power would be far superior to that of ordinary Yuanying early stage monks. At this level, he cannot use this sword formation at all.

"Hmph! Do you really think that a mere sword formation can really trap me? Even though your sword formation is sharp, can it still cut off the sect's most important treasure?" A layer of emotion rose on the face of the young man in black robe upon hearing this. Black Qi said solemnly.

He looked again at the golden thread which was less than ten feet away from him. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and punched his chest hard.

With a "pop" sound, a mouthful of black blood spurted out. Sandwiched in the black blood was a small green flag about an inch long.

As soon as this flag was exported, green light flashed, immediately absorbing all the black blood around it.

This flag has turned green.

The young man in black robe gloomily waved to the flag, and with a whoosh, the small flag turned into a black light and shot into his hand. After rubbing his hands together, the light shone brightly, and the green flag horse rose to several feet in size.

The flag was shimmering with green light, and the clouds were covering it, making it impossible to see its face clearly. It's just that this flag is obviously missing a corner, and it seems that it has been damaged beyond repair.

Han Li's pupils shrank and he whispered:

"Oni Rahata!"

Back then, the head of the Yinluo Sect had said that he would use the sect's treasure, the Ghost Luo Banner, to deal with the old demon Hehuan. Later, although the latter was not actually displayed, Han Li kept the name in mind.

As soon as the young man in black robe took out this small flag, Han Li naturally guessed it.

"You are quite clever! This is one of the main banners of the Twelve Ghost Raban banners. It's up to you to experience its power yourself." When the young man in black robe saw Han Li, he recognized the thing in his hand, and first said Startled, but then said with a sneer. It seems that he has full confidence in what he has in his hands.

Then the young man suddenly grasped the flag tightly and waved it lightly towards the golden thread in a certain direction. .

With a "Puff" sound, green clouds emerged from the flags. Then it surged sharply, covering the young man's figure in it.

The icy cold wind was blowing nearby, and many dark clouds flew in from the sky at some point. The entire sky turned into a black mass in a blink of an eye, covering all the sunlight.

The sky became extremely dark. I don't know when a green ghost mist appeared all around, and the sound of ghosts crying was heard all around.

Just shaking the flag in his hand gently, the color of the world changes. No wonder this person is so confident about this flag.

Han immediately had great confidence in the Da Geng Sword Formation and was also horrified.

At this moment, the sound of breaking through the sky came from the opposite side, and countless black thin lines sprayed out from the fog where the young man was. He went straight towards Han Li and entangled him.

With a flash of golden light, the restrictions in the sword array were activated, and countless golden threads flashed across each other. All the black threads paused for a moment, then turned into countless small pieces and fell down. But immediately, these broken black lines turned into balls of green mist, flew back, and merged into the green mist again.

"Hey!" Before Han Li felt anything, the young man in black robes in the green mist shouted in surprise. These ghost threads were extremely tough, and they were also vulnerable to being destroyed by the opponent's sword array. This was somewhat beyond his expectation.

After pondering for a while, he finally activated the maximum power of the ghost flag in his hand without any reservation.

I saw him suddenly throwing the flag in his hand out of the green mist and inserting it exactly three feet in front of him, motionless.

Then the sound of obscure spells sounded from the fog, and gusts of dark wind swept the surrounding fog, coming from all directions towards the center.

The green flag swelled up in a flash, reaching a height of two feet in the blink of an eye. The mist on the surface of the flag began to dissipate, revealing its true appearance.

As a result, Han Li's expression changed drastically when he saw it.

"You actually used so many living souls to refine the flags? How many people did you kill?" Han Li shouted sharply.

The green flags were densely packed with humanoid faces that had shrunk countless times. These faces were of both men and women, old and young, and they were squirming on the flags as if they were alive, and all of them showed expressions of extreme pain. It's really terrifying.

"How many people, who knows! Maybe one hundred thousand or hundreds of thousands. There must be hundreds of monk souls among them to refine such a main flag." The young man's gloomy voice came from the green mist.

Han Li fell silent, staring coldly at the green mist, and after a moment he uttered only a few words.

"You deserve to die."

"Damn it? I don't know how many people have said this to me. But I am not living well. On the contrary, the souls of those who said this have been received by me into the flag and become part of this flag. You There will be no exception." The young man said sarcastically.

Then he didn't want to say anything more, and a red spell hit the giant flag.

The green light shone brightly, and suddenly a large hole with a diameter of several feet appeared from the flag. After the black air emerged, a sinister wind gusted inside.

"Puff" sounds came out one after another. Several huge skulls with will-o'-the-wisps in their eyes and smoke coming out of their mouths flew out from the flags in a row, lined up in a row.

The largest skull among them had two huge horns, but the facial features of the skull below looked the same as those of humans.

Could it be that this skull was actually a monster in the transformation stage? Han Li was shocked.

But what happened immediately afterward made Han Li put the doubts in his mind away from these words.

Except for the first few skulls that came out, various will-o'-the-wisp skulls continued to swarm out from the black hole on the green flag, and in the blink of an eye, they emerged. Hundreds of them, crowded around the black-robed man. .

"Go!" The young man in black robe pointed in the direction of Han Li in the green mist.

(This is yesterday’s second update. I’m sorry it’s a little late. When Han Li saw these beads, his heart moved. Could it be that these are also thunder beads or something like that.

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