Han Li watched Long Han release the sound barrier and take out a few small flags from his body, forming a wall of fog to isolate him from the outside. He couldn't help but remain silent and thought to himself.

There are not many monks here. Except for a few old monsters who are still trapped in the blood shield, there are only about twenty people.

These people naturally represent the majority of the forces participating in the war.

"Fellow Daoist Long, what happened! The Mulan people suddenly don't want to fight anymore." Master Zhiyang spoke.

"It's a little weird. We have already reached this point. Is the other party still trying to make peace?" Wei Wuya also became a little suspicious.

"The other party is not delusional. It's just that we may not be able to make peace even if we don't want to." Long Han said with a wry smile.

"What's going on? Other forces really got involved!" Hehuan Laomo frowned and asked in surprise.

"Yes. It was the Tuwu people who took action. And it is said that they also united several sects of the Jin Dynasty to attack the Mulan people together. The largest clan that was released after the Mulan people guarded them had all been wiped out a month ago. It’s just that the news about the Tuwu people is well sealed. Other tribes of the Mulan people don’t know about this. It seems that the Tuwu people are having a snipe and clam fight, and they are also interested in our Tiannan." Long Han said in a deep voice.

When the other monks heard this, their hearts sank. The scene fell silent for a moment.

Han Li also felt something bad and frowned.

This is a situation where a tiger comes through the front door and a wolf comes through the back door!

"Hmph! Is this news true or false? The Tuwu people are very far away from us. Are they not the Mulan people bluffing?" Master Broken Soul looked a little unbelievable.

"Probably not. The team of old monster Tianhen who entered Tiantian City failed. It is said that the Tutu spies lurking among the Mulan people paid the same attention as us and also sent a team of people to sneak into Tiantian City. Wanted to loot the Mulan people's warehouse. As a result, they happened to meet Daoist Tianhen. Both parties were naturally exposed unexpectedly. And after this battle, everyone must have seen clearly. The Mulan people who went out with all their strength, in terms of strength Maybe a little worse than us, but the other side came to this battle with a certain death in mind. If fellow Taoist Han hadn't shown his might at the last moment and destroyed those bronze-armored corpses and Mulan holy birds, they would have been completely defeated. It's possible. And although we in Tiannan have sent out all the major forces together, we can't say that we have tried our best. Every sect has left nearly half of its disciples to guard the mountain gate. If we really want to continue the fight, even if they can all be wiped out in the end Even though Master Mulan has no way out, he will definitely lose all his energy. The sudden attack will follow us. We will definitely not be able to resist it." Long Han said helplessly.

Hearing that Han Li had destroyed the corpse and the demon bird, the monks who knew this for the first time couldn't help but glance at Han Li with an expression full of surprise.

Han Li's expression remained unchanged, showing no signs of abnormality.

"Hmph! The Mulan people want our territory, how can we negotiate a peace? Do we really want to give them half of the land?" Wei Wuya seemed a little unhappy and said coldly.

"It is naturally impossible to divide half of it. But at the border of the Mulan grassland, it is possible to arbitrarily carve out two countries for Mulan to live in. In this way, the offensive of the Tutu people was still taken over by the Mulan people. The other two tribes They are life-and-death enemies, and there is no possibility of defection. Of course, the sudden force is strong at the moment, so we still have to join forces with the Mulan people."

Just now it was a life-and-death relationship between us and the enemy, but in the blink of an eye, Long Han said they were allies. But none of the monks showed any signs of surprise.

They are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years, and they have seen many things happen before.

As long as it's in their interests, they won't be emotional.

"If we are close to the border, wouldn't it mean that our Nine Nations Alliance's territory will be given to them?" Wei Wuya looked unhappy.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Only Guimeng is adjacent to Mulan Grassland. Of course, Guimeng cannot bear all this loss. Let's discuss it and see if we can make some appropriate compensation for Guimeng." Long Han explained. .

"Let's talk about this later. Let's see what the Mulan people think first, and then we can discuss the matter later." Wei Wuya was obviously dissatisfied with the matter, and he dismissed it lightly.

When Han Li heard this, he glanced at the faces of Master Zhiyang and Old Demon Hehuan. Although these two people looked thoughtful, they seemed to be considering the matter. But Han Li saw some excitement in their eyes. It's just that because of Wei Wuya's face, he couldn't agree immediately.

Han Li sighed. It seems that as soon as their respective interests are involved, the various forces immediately start fighting again.

After hearing Wei Wuya's words, Long Han didn't show any surprise on his face. Instead, he agreed with a smile:

"These are just one-sided remarks by Mr. Long. How to deal with this matter specifically needs to be discussed with a few people. Of course, people must be sent to Mulan Grassland immediately to confirm whether this matter is true or false. Only in this way can Negotiate with the Mulan people. As long as the matter is true, we can no longer fight with the Mulan people. We all have to give in half a step. Otherwise, we will work together and take advantage of the sudden people. "

Long Han's words made all the monks present satisfied. Wei Wuya's expression also softened slightly.

Everyone immediately discussed the details.

Han Li remained silent during this period, neither making suggestions nor participating in discussions.

For him, as long as it doesn't involve himself and the Luoyun Sect, he is too lazy to bother with it. And with Long Han here, it is estimated that the forces of the Tiandao Alliance will not suffer any big losses.

It didn't take long for these old monsters to discuss countermeasures and emergency measures before removing the restrictions and dispersing the clouds.

In the opposite mage camp, the three great mage and some people also had an urgent discussion and ended the discussion.

So each side sent one person, and after a little communication, they reached an agreement on a temporary truce.

Other matters can naturally only be formally negotiated in the future.

It's just the masters in the monk camp who all have gloomy faces.

With their escape route cut off, they have become completely rootless and feel that their future is bleak. Compared with the morale before the war started, it was extremely low. ,

After witnessing the evacuation of the army of magicians, Han Li and other monks also slowly evacuated this place and headed towards Tianyicheng.

This is the end of the border war involving more than 100,000 immortal cultivators.

In the Xi Kingdom, a hundred miles away from Yunmeng Mountain, a green rainbow shot forward as fast as lightning.

In the misty blue light, a human figure was hidden in it.

This man was dressed in a blue Confucian shirt and had an ordinary appearance, but his expression was calm and calm. He was Han Li, who had transferred to the Luoyun Sect.

At this time, several months had passed since the border war.

After being shocked to hear the news that the Tutu people wanted to take advantage of the fishermen, the Mulan and Tiannan forces, although they were somewhat reluctant, could only suspend the war.

After hearing from the old monster Tianhen who had fled back to Tianyi City, it was confirmed that there were indeed other forces that were also plotting against the Mulan people.

Several major forces immediately sent several waves of monks to go around the Mulan grassland, and sure enough they found that the mortals of the Mulan tribe had been driven close to the border of the grassland. In the place where the Mulan people originally lived, traces of unexpected people began to appear.

At this time, Tian Nan and other people in charge no longer delayed, and immediately started intense negotiations with the Mulan people.

From the beginning, the Mulan people demanded one-third of Tiannan's land, otherwise they would risk annihilation and go to war with Tiannan.

The two sides were unable to come to an agreement for a while.

But as the mortals of the Mulan tribe gathered in large numbers at the border of the grassland, the Tutu people also began to hunt down the Muran monks openly. The leading divine masters of the Tiannan tribe could only gradually give in.

After all, compared to the Tiannan monks who will be alone in the future, Mulan's genocide is just around the corner.

The Mulan tribe and the Tutu people have been blood enemies for tens of thousands of years, and they have no intention of compromising or surrendering.

After several rounds of concessions, the two countries they occupied were finally allowed to settle the Tiannan people. On the southern side, all the mortals from these countries were moved to other countries. The three major forces each set aside some areas to compensate for the losses of the Nine-Nation Alliance and to resettle the monks and sects from these countries.

Of course it's relative. The Mulan people face the beauty of Tiannan. When facing the sudden invasion, Master Mulan must resist with all his strength. The various forces in Tiannan assisted from the side, and both sides joined forces to fight against the enemy.

As a result, although the Mulan people have gained a place to rest, they also shoulder the same responsibilities as the Nine Nations Alliance before, and must always be careful of attacks from unexpected people. And because there are only two countries, the forces in Tiannan don't have to worry about the Mulan people getting stronger because of this, and they will fall out again in the future.

After all, how much power can be developed with how many cultivation resources there are.

Although the Mulan people were limited to two countries, they finally avoided the crisis of genocide, and they no longer had to fight alone when facing unexpected people. They had Tiannan as a powerful helper.

Both parties were relatively satisfied with this for a while.

However, there were some other things happening related to Han Li.

One thing was naturally that Han Li killed the companion of the leader of the Yinluo Sect, which made the Jin demon cultivator unwilling to give up. Several letters were sent to Han Li, requesting to fight Han Li alone.

But after Han Li received the letter of challenge, he rolled his eyes and immediately reduced the jade to ashes, with no intention of replying or agreeing.

For a late-stage Nascent Soul monk to challenge an early-stage Nascent Soul monk like him, it was really a shame that the other party could think of it.

Han Li was not a hot-blooded boy, so he naturally scoffed and ignored it.

Later, after the peace talks between the Mulan tribe and Tiannan were successful, the leader of the Yinluo Sect, who did not know how to discuss it in detail with Master Mulan, actually left immediately with his men. It is said that he returned to Jin State.

This made Han Li, who had been worried about it, finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Another matter was about the ancient lantern that Han Li had captured, the "Yuanming Lamp", the inherited treasure of the Mulan people.

After the peace talks, several priests of the Mulan tribe said that this lamp was an inheritance from their era of the Mulan people and must not fall into the hands of outsiders. I immediately wanted to take it back from Han Li.

Han Li had no intention of giving up. The lion immediately opened his mouth and asked the other party to exchange a large number of Geng Jing for him.

It's a pity that the Mulan people don't have many Gengjing. They can't make such a large amount at all, only a small piece.

With reluctance, Han Li could only ask the other party to replace it with other rare materials, and then returned the ancient lantern.

He had no real intention of leaving this lamp behind.

Although this ancient lamp is magical and mysterious, it is a hot item. If you keep it in your hands for one day, you will be stared at by many Mulan magicians for one more day. If this continues, something will happen sooner or later. It's better to get rid of it quickly.

(There is also a second update)

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