A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 780 Famous Border Battle (5)

The five-color curtain condensed by the monks was obviously a kind of restriction specifically for restraining spiritual arts. After the seemingly shocking attack passed, the colorful curtain did not shake at all.

When Long Han saw this, a hint of joy appeared on his face.

The more than a thousand monks who flew out were all elite disciples of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance who had been trained for a long time. Only then could they skillfully arrange this array.

After seeing its power, Wei Wuya did not exaggerate.

The skinny old man looked a little ugly when he saw that his attack was ineffective. But without hesitation, he issued the order to attack again.

Amidst the spells from the mage camp, what was condensed this time was no longer simple fireballs and ice guns, but fire crows and crystal ice pythons, which slowly began to take shape in the air.

Of course, it will naturally take longer than the first round of attacks.

At this time, there was a slight commotion in the opposite monk camp, and a group of green-shirted monks flew out of the shield.

At the same time, they took off the spirit beast bags from their waists and sacrificed them high in the sky. With the mouth of the spirit beast bag facing down, it sprayed out colorful rays of light, and dozens of monster beasts of various shapes flew out from the rays of light.

The first three are particularly extraordinary.

One has dragon horns on its head, is covered in armor and scales, and is shining with white light. It is a rare dragon-horse beast. The other one was spitting fishy wind and was a two-headed demon lion with green fur.

The last one was even more terrifying. It was actually a huge poisonous scorpion that was red all over and five to six feet long. The scorpion hooks on its back were black and purple, making people shiver at the sight of it!

These monster beasts are a group of powerful spirit beasts carefully raised by the Demonic Spirit Control Sect. As soon as they were released, under the leadership of three monsters, they fiercely faced the giant beasts coming from the opposite side and the ethereal beasts urged out by the sorcerers' spells.

For a moment, there was a gust of evil wind, and the beasts fought together.

Although only the three leading spirit beasts could fight alone and entangle a wild giant beast each, fortunately, there were many other spirit beasts and they had not been trained for a long time. They rushed forward and blocked the progress of the giant beast, and even Still slightly gained the upper hand.

At the same time as the monsters flew out, thousands of monks also rose into the air, divided into five teams and rushed directly to the opposite side. They sacrificed their magic weapons on the way and rained jet attacks on the mage camp.

The spiritual magic gathered by the mage camp this time is obviously more powerful than the last time. They will not just wait for the other party to finish casting the spell.

The densely packed magic weapons were like a stormy sea, constantly hitting the Mulan people's protective formation.

The skinny old man's face darkened, and after snorting coldly, he gave an order, and a large number of magicians also flew out. The two sides instantly fought fiercely in the high air between the two formations. Spiritual arts, magic weapons, and magic weapons turned into countless flowing fireflies and intertwined. Together.

After a brief confrontation, hundreds of people's protective magic weapons were destroyed by the opponent, and the main body exploded and fell from a high altitude.

It can be called a tragic abnormality!

But after just a short delay, the magician camp's spiritual attack was ready.

Dozens of fire crows and ice pythons seemed to come alive, shooting towards the army of monks on the opposite side.

But this time, the monk army was also well prepared for the attacks. Before these attacks could land, countless magic weapons and magic weapons soared into the sky, destroying most of the Fire Crow Ice Python at once.

The few remaining fish that slipped through the net were all blocked by the five-color light curtain. Although the light curtain shook a few times, it did not really pose a threat.

But when Long Han saw this, he frowned.

It seems that although the protective array of the Nine Nations Alliance is powerful, it still cannot completely block the more powerful spiritual attacks.

So he took a deep breath and gave the order in a cold voice.

The army of monks faced the five-color curtain and began to slowly move towards the opposite mage camp.

At the same time, the monks sacrificed their magic weapons and magic weapons, which turned into various spiritual lights floating in the air or protecting the whole body. Various incantations sounded, and these magic weapons and magic weapons became more powerful and ready to strike at any time.

When the old man in the mage camp saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He knew that the other party took the risk and took the initiative, but he just didn't want them to have time to use the spiritual magic circle. And depending on the situation, they really don't have time to carry out the next round of attacks.

After the same order, the army of magicians also slowly moved to the opposite side under the huge light shield.

The distance between the two sides shortened sharply.

When the two sides were only a hundred feet away, and the face of the enemy on the opposite side could even be vaguely seen, seven soft sounds of "Puff" were heard first from the queue of monks.

Seven white jade talismans were sacrificed by seven Luanming Sect elders with solemn expressions.

As soon as the jade talisman was released, it turned into seven white rainbows and shot towards the sky above the army of magicians. They circled dozens of feet in the air and revealed their original shapes one after another.

Between shrinking and swelling, an earth-shattering thunderclap sound suddenly came from the jade talisman.

Then the seven jade talismans shattered, and seven dazzling white electric balls emerged.

Then it gets bigger dramatically.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge existence like the blazing sun.

Seven white scorching suns with a diameter of more than ten feet were floating brightly above the army of monks.

This scene was truly astonishing. Many magicians couldn't help but look up, with expressions of horror on their faces.

"No! It's an ancient talisman!"

The skinny old man, who was originally calm and collected, became horrified when he saw this situation.

But before he could take any action, seven rounds of scorching sun burst out one after another.

In the sky above the sorcerer, a crackling white arc instantly filled the air, turning into seven huge electric grids that covered the ground downwards.

The monk seemed to be awakened, and countless colorful and shining talismans were thrown out overwhelmingly.

At this time, the rumbling thunder sounded in the white light.

"It looks like the fighting outside is very lively!" Han Li murmured to himself.

At this time, he put his hands behind his back and stared at the blood-red wall in front of him, with no trace of panic after being trapped on his face.

Ever since he found out that the sorcerer had planned to trap them, the worry in Han Li's heart disappeared.

Although the Mulan people must have full confidence in this shield when they used this method, Han Li was more confident in breaking this restriction.

But when to go out and what method to use to break the cover, this is a more careful matter.

Now it's not like the sooner we go out, the better.

Although Han Li was willing to contribute to Tiannan's fight against the Mulan people, he also did not want to be used as cannon fodder and die in confusion at the beginning of the confrontation.

After all, this is not a matter of fighting alone, just dealing with one opponent.

If he is targeted by several Nascent Soul stage monks at the very beginning, or attacked by dozens or hundreds of magicians at the same time, even if he has the thunder escape technique, it will still be extremely dangerous.

Only after avoiding the initial chaos and having most of the high-level monks and mages fight each other, it will be safer to go out. The possibility of being besieged will be greatly reduced.

Of course, if it hadn't been for the blood shield being trapped, Han Li would have had other methods to avoid the initial confrontation.

But now he has legitimately escaped the most dangerous moment of this battle.

And the rumbling thunder that just came was really shocking. Even though Han Li was here, he could still feel the slight tremor of the thunder shaking the walls. It should be a precursor for the two sides to finally come into contact with each other.

I don't know who unleashed such an astonishing attack. Presumably, the other side would definitely not feel comfortable receiving such a powerful attack.

Thinking of this, Han Li sighed, turned his head, and looked at the walls in other places.

This blood shield was indeed a little weird, and he couldn't penetrate it even with his spiritual consciousness. Moreover, this restriction seemed to be a demonic technique. However, when the Evil God's lightning struck it, it had no effect at all. This made Han Li very angry. Interested.

Previously, he used his Ming Qing Spiritual Eyes to explore various parts of the blood shield.

The result was nothing but a red patch.

But Han Li was not in a hurry. The battle outside had just started, so he had plenty of time to study how to break the shield.

Opening his mouth, Han Li spit out a small green sword.

Under the urging of his spiritual consciousness, the sword turned into a green rainbow about a foot long and struck the wall fiercely.

A muffled sound of "bang" came, and the wall did not move at all. Instead, the flying sword was bounced many feet away.

Han Li did not show any surprise. He put away the flying sword and flipped his hand over. A dark thing appeared in his hand, which was the "Thousand Peaks" castle.

Han Li tossed the treasure and made a seal with both hands.

After the black light flashed, a hill more than ten feet high appeared silently in front of Han Li.

Han Li stretched out his finger and tapped the mountain lightly.

Suddenly the mountain peak shuddered and unceremoniously hit the wall in the distance.

There was a loud noise, and after a burst of black light and blood, the mountain peak was also bounced away. The wall just trembled a few times inadvertently.

Han Li finally showed a look of surprise on his face.

After touching his chin, he suddenly straightened up the hill again.

This time, the treasure turned into a black light and flew to the center of the blood shield.

Then the mantra came out from his mouth, and the hill grew rapidly in the light. After a while, it was seventy or eighty feet high, and the top and bottom of the peak were about to touch the ground and the roof above.

Han Li had no intention of stopping at all. Instead, he raised his hand and fired several more spells at Xiao Shan.

The speed at which the hill grew huge was three points faster.

After the rumbling shaking, the mountain peak more than a hundred feet high suddenly stood upright in the middle of the blood shield like Optimus Prime, with black aura flickering all over its body.

Under the blood cover, the top began to deform slightly and bulge out.

The entire cover wall shook violently.

Han Li was overjoyed when he saw this, and the spiritual power in his body began to flow rapidly, and various spells continued to hit the hill.

The black mountain peak is still slowly growing larger and larger, and the deformation of the top of the blood shield is becoming more and more obvious.

But when the bulge reached a certain level, no matter how Han Li cast spells to encourage it, the deformation of the blood shield stopped strangely. The enormity of the black mountain peak was also stopped abruptly.

Han Li stopped the spell, stared at the top of the blood shield, and narrowed his eyes.

It seems that the idea of ​​using Qianzhong Peak to break this restriction is not feasible. The only thing left to do now is to try to see if dry blue ice flames and violet sky fire can break through this barrier.

(I’m a little tired, there’s only one chapter left.)

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