A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 776 Famous Border Battle (1)

"If the original forbidden-breaking beads were indeed unable to overcome the high-level restrictions. But Brother Long didn't know that those forbidden-breaking beads floating outside were not completely refined, they were just some semi-finished products. The real forbidden-breaking beads must not only be added Several rare and unusual materials, which are not easy to refine, but are very effective in breaking high-level restrictions. Of course, it has few uses, so our sect has not refined this thing more. But now, it is for those who participate For the sake of fellow Taoists who are gambling, we still managed to collect ten of them. As long as they bring this bead and use it immediately if the situation goes wrong, they can break the ban. In this way, there will be no worries. " Master Zhiyang said confidently.

"I said that fellow Taoist Zhiyang knew that something was wrong, but he didn't worry about tomorrow's gambling battle. It turns out there is someone behind the scenes. With the Forbidden Breaking Bead, you don't have to be afraid even if the other party plays any tricks. But just to be on the safe side, Our Demon Dao Tiansha Sect has a secret elixir called "Huisha Pill". Taking it can stimulate the true energy in the body, allowing the mana to be restored to more than half immediately, and increase the cultivation level by a few points. Of course, after the potion wears off, it will definitely damage a certain amount of vitality. . You can ask these fellow Taoists to take one pill each. If the situation is really critical, you can also take it suddenly and use it as a strange trick." Hehuan Laomo glanced at Master Zhiyang and added.

"Wonderful. With these two back-ups, Long feels at ease when it comes to gambling." Long Han chuckled. But after the conversation changed, he spoke again:

"Next, I should think about how to deal with those black-robed men. These people practice demonic techniques. It is better for the Righteous Alliance to select a group of fellow Taoists to deal with these demonic cultivators. After all, there are several sects in Taizhen Sect. Among them, there are many magic arts that specifically restrain demonic powers. They should be equally effective against these demonic cultivators."

As Long Han said this, he glanced at Master Zhiyang to see how he would reply.

"No problem, just leave these demonic cultivators to our Righteous Dao Alliance. But most of the masters among the magicians will have to be dealt with by you." Master Zhiyang did not mean to shirk the blame, and agreed immediately. .

"Of course! The magicians will be taken over by our three major forces. The specifics are..."

When they saw Master Zhi Yang agreeing to deal with the demon cultivators of Jin without any hesitation, the others were very satisfied. They discussed in the hall for a long time, and it was not until sunset that they dispersed with peace of mind.

According to the results of the discussion, these people went back to make separate preparations.

The day of the decisive battle has arrived in a blink of an eye.

Early in the morning that day, the patrolling monks saw a flash of light in the mage camp opposite, and then the thunderous sound of drums sounded, and groups of mage flew out of the camp unhurriedly. , controlling the magical weapon, drove towards the center of the boundary.

At this time, these monks who had been prepared hurriedly sent back the transmission notes.

Suddenly, a moment later, a long bell sounded from the camp in the south. Then, many monks who had been recharging their energy for a long time came out of the camp and turned into countless startling rainbows rising into the sky, overwhelming the same place. and left.

For a time, all kinds of spiritual lights filled the sky, and clear sounds and long whistles came and went. Compared with the menacing army of magicians coming from the other direction, it seemed like two huge waves were coming towards each other, but when they were more than ten miles apart, the two sides suddenly stopped.

Regardless of whether they are magicians or monks, when they can vaguely see the distance of the other party, they invariably stop and escape. Then they looked at each other hostilely from a distance.

One side has no way out, and only by fighting to the bitter end can the whole clan find a way out. One party has lived in its homeland for a long time and does not allow foreign enemies to invade, and its morale is also extremely high.

The two sides haven't taken action yet, but the shocking murderous aura filled the air between the two formations.

At this time, Han Li was floating above a group of more than a thousand monks, looking coldly at the army of magicians in the distance.

At a glance, there were patches of glow on the opposite side, and in each patch of glow, there were hundreds of Dharma gathered there. And this glow stretched for more than ten miles.

Obviously, both sides used their main force, although it is impossible to estimate the exact number of people. But there are at least 60,000 to 70,000 immortal cultivators gathered here.

And high-level immortal cultivators, who are rare to see under normal circumstances, are now everywhere.

However, although the number of people is roughly the same, the similarities and differences between the two sides can still be seen.

Although the magicians have different costumes, the weapons of the low-level magicians are all the same simple ones. They were either bright round bowls or fist-sized beads, but the most numerous were Dharma flags of different colors. But there are very few magic weapons like swords.

As for the monks, the magic weapons in the hands of low-level monks can be described as diverse, including everything, but most of them are swords and swords. But these magic weapons are sparkling and sparkling, and their spiritual energy is compelling. In terms of level alone, they are far superior to the magicians at a glance.

Although the magician side is far inferior to the Tiannan monks on the magic weapon, the team of magicians is orderly. Even if they are flying in the air, they still maintain a mysterious formation. They are silent and look at each other with hostile eyes. .

The monks obviously lacked training. Although they barely maintained their formation, it was chaotic and disorderly. Not only were there constant whispers, but people also left the formation to do other things from time to time.

The high-level monks had to come down and scold him.

Han Li frowned when he saw this.

No wonder! How could it be possible to train so many unruly monks in just a few months?

Just having these monks line up gave those high-level monks a huge headache.

The army of magicians on the opposite side was different, although it was also composed of many Mulan tribe coalition forces. But they often fight against unexpected people. It is common for magicians from various tribes to form an alliance, and they will become well-trained after a little training.

The senior leaders of the monks are very aware of these matters. But there is nothing they can do. Fortunately, they are immortal cultivators and not a secular army. The key to victory or defeat does not lie in this, so they just turn a blind eye.

Han Li thought this way and looked at the army of magicians a few more times.

The most eye-catching thing on the opposite side was not Master Mulan, but the dozen or so huge and abnormally large wild beasts in the army of magicians.

They were mixed in with the army of magicians, and their shapes were like hills, which was really eye-catching.

Many monks from the Ninth Alliance have seen the power of these giant beasts. Therefore, there are many eyes on these giant beasts, and there is a hint of fear.

Han Li looked up at the sky. There was not a single dark cloud in the clear sky. Then he looked down at the messy queue of monks below. He sighed and shook his head.

Then he turned over with one hand, and there were two more small things in the palm of his hand.

A black bead the size of a thumb, a fiery red and pungent square elixir, the size of an almond.

These two things were sent by people from Zhiyang Shang last night, and explained their effects and uses. It is said that every monk who participates in the gambling war has one.

Han Li was a little surprised, but he accepted it politely.

It seems that in order to defeat the army of magicians, the three monks really used all their magic weapons. Some of the things they had hidden before were brought out a lot this time.

But it’s not just the three great monks who can do this!

Thinking of this, Han Li couldn't help but look down at the other adjacent group of monks.

There are about a thousand monks in this group, among them there are sixteen male and female monks wearing red and green costumes.

They were carrying two huge coffins, one black and one white, side by side.

The coffin was covered with various talismans, large and small, dozens of them, which was really weird.

Han Li recognized these male and female monks as disciples of the Hehuan Sect, the first sect of the Demonic Path. This made Han Li very curious about the two coffins.

It's a pity that he used his spiritual consciousness to pry it out halfway. But the coffin was obviously extremely restrained and could not be penetrated at all.

In addition to these two coffins, there were also some weird and eye-catching things appearing in the queue of other monks.

For example, monks from a certain righteous sect on the other side were surrounded by a high bronze platform about six or seven feet high. On the platform was a huge gong with a diameter of about ten feet.

The surface of the gong was shining with golden light, and white runes floated out from time to time. There was a shirtless giant sitting next to him with his eyes closed.

Further away, there are more than a dozen jet-black statues in the ranks, which are three to four feet high. They seem to be a bit broken, and they all look like ancient ferocious beasts. They are lifelike and are held out of thin air by some flying cars. It is unknown what purpose they have.

As for the monks further away, there were also some strange things appearing.

Seeing this, Han Li felt much relieved.

This shows that all the sects know that this battle is not trivial, and they all took out some of the treasures they had packed in the bottom box.

In this way, the chances of winning naturally increase a lot.

What's more, apart from these surface treasures, there are also countless powerful treasures that are put into storage bags by the monks of the sect and cannot be seen.

Except for those giant beasts, there are no other strange things in the army of magicians.

Han Li would never believe that the sorcerer's tricks didn't stop there. , there must be some powerful killer move hidden.

It is really difficult to predict whether we will win or lose this war!

At this time, the army of monks and magicians who were flying in a steady stream finally arrived.

Then, except for a few people, most people landed on the ground in unison and began to become silent.

At this time, after a commotion in the army of magicians opposite, three people flew out from inside.

The skinny old man, the dwarf, and the middle-aged Confucian scholar are the three great masters of Mulan.

On the monk's side, three frightening rainbows also flew out. It was Master Zhiyang, Wei Wuya, and Hehuan Laomo.

When the two sides were tens of feet apart, they both turned away and stopped.

"How about it! It's too late for several fellow Taoists to regret it now. As long as Tiannan is surrendered to half of our Mulan tribe, we can stop fighting and turn enemies into friends. Otherwise, it doesn't matter who wins or loses after this battle. You Tiannan cultivators I'm afraid the immortal world will be severely damaged!" Confucian scholar surnamed Zhong looked at Wei Wuya and others opposite and said coldly.

"It's a joke. It's true that our Tiannan Cultivation Society will be severely damaged, but if you Mulan people are defeated in this battle, you will be exterminated. I think it is you magicians who should be cautious!" Wei Wuya raised his chin. , said lightly.

(There’s another chapter tonight!)

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