A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 765: The Famous Old Demon Yunlu

Following the sudden voice, Han Li appeared at the door of the hall and walked in with a calm expression.

"Junior Brother Han, it's great that you have finally come out of seclusion!" While other monks bowed to say hello to Han Li, Lu Luo stood up to greet him with a smile on his face.

"I haven't fully achieved my success. I originally wanted to continue to retreat. I just have some things to do with the Mulan people, so I came out to take a look first. It seems that coming out this time is really timely." Han Li chuckled. He made a sound and said.

"Haha! It seems that junior brother has also heard what the nephews said just now. However, there are really a lot of people who want to see junior brother recently. It doesn't matter anything else, but tomorrow the three major monks will personally host a high-level gathering, Han Junior Brother must go and take a look. After all, our Luoyun Sect has used most of its strength this time, and I don’t want the disciples of our sect to be harmed too much. Junior Brother, listen to those in charge of how to arrange this battle. It makes senior brother feel a little confident." Lu Luo said with a solemn look on his face.

"Well, now that I know about this, I will definitely go and have a look tomorrow. I have admired the three great monks for a long time. I am looking forward to tomorrow's gathering." Han Li promised.

Han Li's answer made Lu Luo very happy, and he immediately chatted with Han Li about some things that had happened in the past two months.

"The mages have begun to send people to attack several large formations on the border!" Han Li frowned and asked when he heard Lu Luo's words.

"Yes, actually this happened three or four days ago. Although there were no casualties, it was a sign that the Mulan people were ready." Lu Luo said in a deep voice with a smile.

"The Mulan people are almost ready. So how are our manpower arrangements going? It should be almost done!" Han Li asked slowly, his eyes flashing.

"We are not the same as the Mulan people. Although the Mulan monks are composed of various tribes, which is quite complex. But it is not like we have so many large and small sects in Tiannan. According to the characteristics of the skills, the power of the magic weapon, and even the cultivation level Organizing manpower is much more troublesome than the Muran people. What's more, the Muran people have been preparing for this invasion for a long time. We are just preparing now, and it is indeed a little late... But fortunately, the four major forces are relatively good this time. Yi Xin is very well prepared by now. Even if a war starts right away, he still won’t be without the strength to fight." Lu Luo explained.

"According to this, the war is really imminent." Han Li touched his nose and said with a gloomy expression.

"Mostly not bad. Otherwise, the three major monks would not have gathered together so quickly and hastily held tomorrow's gathering. The mid-stage Nascent Soul monks are the top existence in our Tiannan." Lu Luo sighed and said helplessly .

Listening to the discussions of Han Li and Lu Luo, the two elders of the Luoyun Sect, the other monks in the hall looked solemn.

But below, Han Li suddenly changed the subject and asked about the recent arrangements made by the disciples of Luoyun Sect. Lu Luo and others informed Han Li in detail.

When he heard that most of the disciples of the Luo Yun Sect were disrupted and arranged into several teams of monks to practice group combat abilities all day long, Han Li nodded and said nothing.

This arrangement is quite normal. After all, this is not a one-on-one fight between monks. No matter how powerful the monk is, if he is attacked by thousands of well-trained monks at the same time, he will only be angry on the spot.

Of course, under normal circumstances these high-level immortal cultivators would not put themselves in such danger. As long as they are not trapped by groups of monks, these high-level monks can use a wide range of magical powers to kill low-level immortal cultivators in droves.

Therefore, it is also crucial to be able to check and balance the existence of high-level immortal cultivators on the other side.

Now the situation in the battle between monks and mages is similar.

In the battle between high-level monks and Master Mulan, no matter which side is not able to balance the other, they will lose most of them without fighting. So while Han Li was asking about the Luoyun Sect, he was already thinking about the real intention of the three great monks from Tiannan to summon the mid-stage Nascent Soul monks.

I'm afraid that in addition to arranging the movements of the monk army, this meeting will probably also lay out some specific strategies to deal with Grand Master Mulan.

Han Li thought about this and couldn't help but smile coldly in his heart.

This time he used two months to not only drive away all the green flames on the Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword. He also used the evil-destroying divine thunder to refine the Qingyan mixed with Qingyuan sword energy into seven or eight thunder beads. As for the others, they all failed to be refined and collapsed on their own.

This made Han Li smile bitterly when he saw this scene. This is an excellent way to extinguish these cyan flames.

After chatting with these people for a while, Han Li said goodbye and left the hall, returning to the attic specially prepared for him to recharge his batteries.

In the past two months, he had been constantly expelling the flying sword green flames day and night, and immediately refining the thunder beads, which really tired him out.

Early on the next morning, Han Li set out from his station and walked calmly towards the central area. Soon after, a huge stone temple was faintly seen.

Because the entire Tianyi City was built temporarily, even the main hall specially used for the gathering of senior officials of the four major forces was ordinary and slightly rough. And except for being slightly taller than the Tiandao Alliance's meeting hall, it is almost printed from the same mold.

However, the monks guarding the door are several who are in the elixir formation stage. As soon as these people saw Han Li approaching, their consciousness swept away and they immediately came forward to greet him.

One of the monks in the alchemy stage even bowed first and then said respectfully:

"Senior, today's meeting can only be attended by seniors who are in the middle Nascent Soul stage and above. Senior, you are..."

"Here you go." Before the other party could finish speaking, Han Li raised his hand and threw a white jade slip over.

It's the invitation sent yesterday.

"It turns out to be Senior Han. I'm rude, junior. Please come in!" The monk guarding the door scanned the jade slip with his spiritual consciousness and said apologetically. Then he turned aside and left the palace door.

Han Li smiled slightly, and when he took two steps and was about to walk in, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned his head to look.

I saw two people walking slowly on a street on one side. One in front of the other, one male and one female.

The man seemed to be only in his twenties. He was dressed in a gorgeous brocade robe, his skin was white and tender, his face was extremely handsome, and his gestures were suave and extremely chic.

But if you get closer, you will find that the young man's eyes flash with a look of vicissitudes of life from time to time. There are also crow's feet looming deep in the corners of the eyes that do not match the appearance. As a result, this person immediately became more than ten years older.

But the strange thing is that the first time they saw this person, others felt that there was an indescribable feminine aura about him. It's like a woman disguised as a man, which is really weird.

The moment Han Li saw this man, his heart trembled, and his face showed a hint of solemnity.

This person is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he should also be attending this meeting. Judging from his strange appearance, he is probably a demonic monk. I don’t know which one it is from?

Han Li was thinking quickly in his heart, and his eyes turned slightly and fell on the woman half a step behind him.

"Hey!" Han Li exclaimed in surprise.

The woman was young and beautiful, wearing a gorgeous red dress. She moved lightly with lotus steps. Her figure was graceful and graceful. She looked enchanting and full of infinite charm.

But after Han Li saw the woman's face clearly, he first had a strange expression on her face, and then after the strange color faded, he put on a faint bitter smile.

Dong Xuan'er! It turned out to be this woman.

There is no need to guess now, Han Li already knows. The old monster who looked like a young man in front of her must be a monk from the Hehuan Sect, the first sect of the Demonic Path.

After not seeing each other for so many years, Dong Xuan'er has also reached the middle stage of pill formation, which is a bit unexpected compared to this girl's not very good spiritual root qualifications.

Han Li stood in front of the palace door, staring motionlessly, which naturally caused the alchemy monks guarding the door to also look at the two men.

As a result, most of the monks turned pale when they saw this person. One of them even murmured uneasily:

"I didn't expect that the ancient demon from the Hehuan Sect would also come."

"Ancient demon?" Upon hearing this, Han Li suddenly thought of someone.

It seems that in addition to the Hehuan Old Demon in the late Nascent Soul stage, the Hehuan Sect also has an old monster named Gu who is quite famous.

This person was born with special talents, yin and yang are in the same body. He also practiced the top magic method of Hehuan Sect. He was good at tonic and called himself "Zhenren Yunlu". Others call it the "Old Demon of Yunlu".

I don't know if this old demon is practicing the exercises or because of his nature, he is lustful and lustful, so he often kidnaps people to collect supplements.

No matter whether it's a handsome man or a beautiful woman, as long as he likes it, he will probably not let it go. As a result, he naturally offended many sects.

But his cultivation is really unpredictable, he has always gone deep and simple, and with the support of Hehuan Sect, others can't do anything to him. In addition, this person is not a murderous person. Once the captured people are harvested, they will be released. The elders of the sects and masters of these victims could only try their best to conceal the truth and admit the matter with pinched noses.

But this person's reputation in the world of immortal cultivation in Tiannan is really feared by everyone.

As soon as those young monks heard his name, they all ran away. Those who couldn't escape were trembling with fear and their faces turned pale. He was afraid that he would fall in love with him and be killed.

Could it be that this young man is the old monster?

Although Han Li was not afraid of this person, he still murmured a few words in his heart and felt a little uncomfortable.

Coincidentally, the handsome young man also noticed Han Li standing in front of the palace gate. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Han Li from a distance, and suddenly smiled at him, revealing a hint of charm.

Seeing this, Han Li felt a chill in his back. After reluctantly smiling back, without looking at Dong Xuan'er's shocked expression when she saw him, he turned around and strode into the huge palace.

He has no intention of dealing with such an old monster.

"What, do you know that person? Your heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot just now." Youyou looked slowly at the young man walking towards the palace door. When he saw Han Li disappeared, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and Dong Xuan'er walked behind him with a faint smile. asked.

(I’ve finally finished coding. I’m really tired. It’s the end of the month, so if you have votes, don’t forget to vote. Haha! It’s a shameful waste!)

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