A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 734: Famous, first sight of jade talisman

After hearing what Han Li said, Ancestor Linghu frowned and stopped saying anything for a moment. Instead, he slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"How could I not know these words that Fellow Daoist Han said? But Fellow Daoist and I are different. I have been in Huang Maple Valley for more than a thousand years, and my feelings for him are far beyond comparison with other people. Naturally, I don't want to die here, then Bianhuang Maple Valley ended the inheritance. It seems that fellow Taoist is really not interested in things like fame and wealth. However, if fellow Taoist is willing to agree to inherit the position of elder of Huang Maple Valley, I am willing to give some of my belongings to him after his death. Inside There are many valuable treasures that I have collected over the years. They will be of great use to fellow Taoists in their future cultivation." Ancestor Linghu suddenly said to Han Li's surprise.

"Leave your Taoist friend's belongings to me? If I remember correctly, isn't your Taoist disciple a disciple of some kind?" Han Li's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, but he subconsciously narrowed his eyes before asking calmly.

"My disciples with the highest cultivation level are only in the middle stage of pill formation, leaving them with nothing but trouble. Even if no Taoist friends show up, I will dispose of most of the treasures separately and will not leave them in the Yellow Maple Valley. ." Ancestor Linghu sneered and said.

Han Li touched his chin and pondered.

It is of course impossible to say that he is not moved by what Patriarch Linghu just said. But he is also very clear that once he accepts the position of elder of Yellow Maple Valley, he may immediately face a series of difficult problems such as the Six Factions and the Nine-Nation Alliance. These things cannot be settled in a short time, and as the only elder in Yellow Maple Valley, he certainly has great power. But it will not be as carefree as in Luoyun Sect.

More importantly, it also involves some difficult problems for Nangong Wan and the Biyue Sect.

"Thank you for your kindness, fellow Taoist. Han still thinks that we should not mention joining Yellow Maple Valley." After thinking about it for a long time, Han Li shook his head and refused.

When Ancestor Linghu heard this, he was not angry, but his face was full of helplessness.

"No fellow Taoist is willing to agree to such conditions. It seems that fellow Taoist Han really doesn't want to get involved in the muddy waters of our six sects. If this is the case, how about I change the conditions." Ancestor Linghu sighed and said.

"How to change it!" Han Li looked curious.

"Well, fellow Taoist does not need to be the elder of our Yellow Maple Valley, but how about I pay fellow Taoist three valuable treasures in exchange for fellow Taoist helping the Yellow Maple Valley three times in his lifetime. Of course, this kind of help is limited to what fellow Taoist can do." Ancestor Linghu He said with a wry smile.

"Within the scope of my ability, I will help you three times. This condition is not too much, and I can agree to it." Han Li thought for a moment about this request from the ancestor Linghu, and then quickly nodded in agreement;

Ancestor Linghu had a smile on his face, then reached out and took out three things from his waist, and put them on the table, as if they had been prepared long ago.

Han Li didn't say anything. His eyes fell on these three things and he looked at them briefly.

A small shiny blue shield, a red jade bottle, and a black jade pendant-like thing.

Han Li was not polite and picked up the small blue shield first.

As soon as the small shield was put into his hand, it was soft and soft, as if it were nothing. This surprised Han Li. After looking at it carefully, with his current knowledge, he didn't know what kind of material it was made of. .

"This is an ancient treasure I got in my early years. It has been with me for a long time. I call it the "Blue Light Shield." This treasure has great magical powers, especially when faced with fire-based attacks. Extremely. You will know that what I said is true when you try it in the future." Ancestor Linghu looked at the shield in Han Li's hand and said with a hint of reluctance.

Han Li stroked the shield with one hand and put it back on the table. However, he knew that this treasure was indeed unusual and the other party should not be lying.

Then, he picked up the red jade bottle.

"In the bottle, I sneaked into the depths of the Mulan Grassland alone and killed a seventh-level iron-winged eagle monster. I guessed that the inner elixir of the monster beast was an extremely rare material. Whether it was for alchemy. Or use it for other purposes, both are of great use." Seeing this, Ancestor Linghu introduced it again.

"Seventh level demon pill!" Upon hearing this, Han Li showed no expression on his face, but he sighed in his heart.

Although the seventh-level demon elixir is a rare and unusual thing in Tiannan, to him it is really worthless.

So he opened the medicine bottle slightly with a smile, took a look, put the cap back on, and put it back in its place. His eyes finally fell on the last thing.

But this time, the ancestor Linghu smiled strangely and did not take the initiative to introduce anything.

But Han Li stared at the jade pendant-like thing with flashing eyes without saying a word.

"Could this be the jade talisman refined by ancient monks?" Han Li stared at it for a while, and finally said with some uncertainty.

When Ancestor Linghu heard what Han Li said, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"Fellow Daoist Han has seen this kind of jade talisman before? As far as I know, this kind of talisman unique to ancient times has been lost in Tiannan for a long time. Few local monks know about it." The old man asked curiously.

"I just occasionally met a Taoist friend who knew about this matter and heard some words from him." Han Li smiled slightly and said lightly.

"This jade talisman was obtained by me during an adventure in my near-death life. This thing is definitely not trivial. Although I have not yet mastered the correct method of using this object, I can only exert a little bit of the power of the jade talisman. But that's it, jade The magical power of the talisman is also terrifying. I have defeated powerful enemies with this object several times. It should be a fine product carefully refined by an ancient cultivator who is proficient in talismans." Ancestor Linghu said as he rushed to the table The black jade talisman waved.

The jade talisman made a "swish" sound and was sucked into the old man's hand. Then a few ancient and low-pitched spells were uttered in his mouth, and then he raised his hand, and the jade talisman turned into a ball of black light. Then the cold and biting wind blew by, and a monster black and red hand suddenly appeared in front of Mr. Linghu. On the ancestor's head.

This demonic beast was shiny black, with its five fingers spread out, and was several feet in size. Black fire flashed from time to time, and an inexplicable gloomy aura filled the entire tavern with the appearance of this strange hand.

Han Li was shocked on his face and shuddered in his heart.

"This is the only magical power I can use after I got this jade talisman and studied it for more than hundreds of years. With the mysterious ghost hand transformed by it, I can catch almost anything except the most powerful treasures. And as long as When caught by it, lesser magical treasures and ancient treasures will immediately lose their magical powers, so they will be captured obediently. The top-level treasures will also lose their spirituality and their power will be greatly reduced." Ancestor Linghu spoke with a thought. Next, the big black hand suddenly doubled in size and gently grabbed it from a nearby wooden table.

The black fire swept past silently, and the wooden table instantly disappeared without even touching it, as if it had never existed.

Seeing this scene, Han Li took a deep breath.

This thing looks a bit like the mysterious magical power of the devil to distract the enemy in form. But the black hand is made from the jade talisman, so there is no need to worry about being distracted and damaged. And judging from the strange appearance of the Yinhuo, there should be something magical about it.

"This jade talisman must have other magical properties. Unfortunately, I don't have much time, so I have no chance to understand this secret. My fellow Taoist is young, but there is still hope. But the power contained in the talisman Most of it has been used, Fellow Daoist Han must use it carefully in the future." Ancestor Linghu said, pointing at the black hand, and the big hand turned into a black light again and flew back to the table, revealing the original shape of the jade talisman.

Han Li had a smile on his face, but he was very interested in the last jade talisman.

Even if this talisman is not as powerful as Patriarch Linghu said, he can also gain insights into the ancient monk's talisman knowledge from this ancient talisman. This will definitely help him a lot in the future.

So Han Li saw that Ancestor Linghu had finished introducing them, and immediately flicked his sleeves and robes on the table, and the three things disappeared immediately.

But there were three more white jade formation disks on the table.

"These three formation disks are all magic weapons that I have personally refined and cannot be counterfeited by others. In the future, if Huang Maple Valley encounters any trouble that I can solve after my fellow Taoist is enthroned, I will not refuse." Han Li He looked up at Ancestor Linghu and said calmly.

"Okay, as long as you have these words from Fellow Daoist Han. I can be considered as doing my best for the things behind me." Ancestor Linghu smiled and said calmly.

But now that the business was done, Han Li had no intention of staying here any longer. He immediately stood up and left.

Ancestor Linghu didn't try to persuade him to stay. After saying a few polite words, he watched Han Li go down the stairs and left calmly.

Then the smile on his face disappeared and he stared at the teapot on the table without moving, as if he was deep in thought.

After Han Li left the teahouse, he did not return to his residence immediately. Instead, he looked up at the sky, randomly found a secluded corner and took out the jade slip given to him by the white-robed elder of Tianji Sect. After scanning it carefully with his spiritual consciousness, There was a trace of hesitation on his face.

(That’s it for tonight. Things have been packed together in the past two days. We have only slept for a few hours in the past two days, which is a serious lack of sleep!)

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