Just when Han Li's figure shot out of the hall door, an earth-shattering roar came from behind. Han Li was startled and hurriedly glanced back.

I saw that the Yuji Pavilion behind me suddenly exploded, and then a golden sun with a diameter of about ten feet suddenly rose in the ruins, and there was a faint figure shaking in the center of the sun. It seemed that he didn't know how to use it. Nanlong Hou himself had some secret skills.

Han Li was shocked when he saw it!

That Yuji Pavilion was by no means an ordinary attic, otherwise he would have escaped through the wall of the pavilion. But now he collapsed under the blow from Nanlong Hou.

It seems that after these Yuanying old monsters put in all their efforts, none of them is a trivial matter!

When Han Li thought of this, he had already escaped to the middle of the hall where he came from. He looked at the walls that had been closed in all directions. Without any doubt, he raised his hand and flicked his fingers, and a green light several feet long shot out, just in time to hit it. On the opposite stone wall.

With a "Puff" sound, a hole as big as a bowl was punched through the wall, but then a white light flashed and the hole disappeared.

Han Li frowned when he saw this. Just when he was about to think of another way, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately turned around.

The movement was as fast as a ghost.

A few feet away behind him, Nanlong Hou stood there quietly and silently. His body was dazzling with golden light, but his face was gray and his expression was extremely tired.

Han Li looked behind him expressionlessly and saw a huge golden bowl upside down in the attic, floating in mid-air. There was a golden haze underneath, with black light and white gas flickering from time to time. Stop, there is still a faint sound of thunder and explosion.

Seeing this, a look of surprise flashed across Han Li's face.

Unexpectedly, Nanlong Hou used some kind of supernatural power to temporarily trap Wang Tiangu, the old man surnamed Yun and others there, and then he escaped.

"This outer restriction must be opened with the Kaishan Flag to be released as soon as possible. Fellow Taoist Han, there is only one Kaishan Flag, so it will take some time. Please delay it for me, fellow Taoist. Although my ancient treasure is very powerful, it cannot trap them for long. In a blink of an eye, they may be able to escape." Nanlong Hou forced a smile, turned one hand over, and a small yellow flag appeared in his hand that kept spinning, and then began to recite a spell. It seemed that Han Li would definitely take action as promised.

After Han Li's eyes flickered for a few times, he clapped one hand into the storage bag without hesitation, and a green array disk appeared in the palm of his hand.

It was the magic weapon used when breaking the Taimiao God's ban.

Without saying a word, he quickly drew a few green runes and opened his mouth to blow. These runes lightly sprayed onto the array disk. Suddenly the formation disk glowed with green light.

"Get up!" Han Li made a gesture with his hands and said coldly.

Except for the wall facing Nanlonghou, the blue crystal wall that had disappeared reappeared, sealing the door of the hall inside again.

"Fellow Taoist, can you control Tai Miao Shen Jin?" Nanlong Hou saw this scene and couldn't help but paused at the incantation in his mouth, and said with some surprise.

"The power of the restriction that I can exert is less than one-tenth of the original. I can't trap them for long. Brother Nanlong had better open a way out before they break the restriction." Han Li did not show any pride on his face. Instead, he said solemnly.

After hearing this, Marquis Nanlong realized that the crystal walls were indeed much dimmer than what he had seen before. Immediately, his excitement in the interview faded away, and he threw out the flag, which turned into a yellow light and disappeared into the wall, and then the spell came out from his mouth again.

At the same time, a loud thunder-like sound came from inside, and then the crystal wall set up by Han Li shone with blue light, and the roar of explosions was clearly heard from inside.

It seems that Wang Tiangu and others have destroyed Nanlonghou's ancient treasures and began to attack the crystal wall.

Han Li glanced at the stone wall that had begun to glow with white light, and then at the flickering blue crystal wall. After a slight hesitation, he threw out a spirit beast bag with a wave of his hand.

Immediately, three-color gold-eating insects surged out. Han Li pinched the spell with both hands, and cast the insect beetle technique instantly. After a cloud of insects flew wildly around Han Li, the three-color beetle was wrapped around him.

Marquis Nanlong saw Han Li's casting, and a different expression flashed across his face.

But it was important to escape now, so he naturally didn't ask any more questions.

A moment later, when the crystal wall was flashing wildly and seemed to be crumbling, a rumbling sound was heard from the stone wall opposite. The stone wall in front of him finally split apart in the white light, revealing a stone staircase.

When Nanlong Hou saw this scene, golden light flashed around his body, and instantly turned into a golden rainbow shooting out from the place.

Han Li also suddenly disappeared from the spot after a flash of lightning from the Wind and Thunder Wings behind him.

The next moment, Han Li ran in front of Nanlong Hou, and his figure emerged in the middle of the passage, but immediately a crisp cracking sound came from below the passage.

Han Li's expression changed, his wind and thunder wings moved again, and he arrived at the entrance of the stone steps in an instant. He then used his thunder escape technique with all his strength and escaped far away in the blink of an eye.

Just when Han Li had just escaped a few hundred feet away, a piercing scream came from the passage, and then a dazzling golden rainbow flew out in a flash.

The golden rainbow circled slightly at its exit, and the resentful and cold voice of Marquis Nanlong came out.

"You remember, you'd better not fall into my hands in the future, otherwise I will destroy you physically and mentally!" As soon as these curse-like words were said, the golden rainbow shined brightly, and then began to blur, and so on. When a silver escaping light also shot out from the passage, the golden rainbow suddenly turned into a wisp of abnormally slender fine silk. After a few flashes, it shot into the distance instantly. Its speed was so fast that it almost took a breath. , disappeared from the vicinity without a trace, with no trace at all.

At this time, Han Li was on the edge of the sky, flickering into a small black dot.

"What kind of escape technique did these two perform? How come it's so fast!" Immediately after the silver light escaped, a black light flew out. After the light faded, a figure appeared and asked solemnly. It was Wang Tiangu.

"Nanlonghou used Master Cang Kun's original secret technique of 'Ten Thousand Feet of Thread'. It is an escape technique that can reach far away in an instant at the cost of a lot of energy and even blood essence. It can also turn the escape light into as thin as silk threads. , the aura was completely restrained, making it impossible to track him. In fact, he had not gone far, but he could not sense it with his spiritual sense alone. As for the escape technique of the boy named Han, it seemed to come from the strange pair of wings that drove thunder and lightning, which should be the rumor A few teleportation lightning escapes!" After the silver light disappeared, the figure of the old man surnamed Yun was revealed from inside, and he said with an extremely gloomy expression.

At this time, the old woman and the black-faced monk also flew out of the passage, and happened to hear the words of the old man surnamed Yun.

"The escape skills of these two people are so weird, wouldn't they be in trouble! What should I do with this guest?" The old woman asked with a faint look of uneasiness on her face.

"That's fine with the boy surnamed Han. But if Nanlonghou escapes, we will be in big trouble. Fellow Daoist Wang and Yun, you said that this trip will definitely remove Nanlonghou, so we will I will agree to join forces!" The expression of the black-faced man was not much better now.

"Don't worry! Do you think that he just defeated me and many others without falling behind? Is this his true cultivation level? He dared to activate the secret technique to forcibly increase his magic power even when he was seriously injured, and now he has used the same skill of 'Ten Thousand Feet of Thread' Even if I don't chase him, he will not be seriously injured if he goes back. Even if it takes more than a hundred years to restore his vitality, he will no longer be able to maintain the realm of the middle Nascent Soul. Besides, when did I say that? We can't track him anymore." The old man surnamed Yun sneered and said gloomily.

"Oh! Brother Yun means..." The black-faced man perked up and couldn't help but ask.

"Since I plan to destroy him here, I have naturally taken action long ago. As long as he cannot run three hundred miles away in one breath, I can find him. And with his current physical condition, he will never be able to support the 'Ten Thousand Feet' How long will it last? When the time comes, we will catch up and destroy it." The old man surnamed Yun said confidently.

"That's good. I'm finally relieved! This time, if Friend Wang had not presented me with a piece of 'Black Jade Lotus' first and promised to share the secret of Fallen Demon Valley with me afterwards, I would never have taken this risk. Heyi It is really not a wise move for a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul to make enemies." Not only the dark-faced man breathed a sigh of relief, but the old woman also relaxed and said with a sigh.

"This time, you two really spent a lot of effort on Falling into the Devil's Valley! But what we really didn't expect was that Fellow Daoist Yun turned out to be not a casual cultivator, but an elder of the Ghost Spirit Sect. It was really beyond our expectations. ! Could it be that there are many elders in the Six Demon Dao Sects who are no longer in the public eye?" After the black-faced man said this, some complicated expressions appeared on his face.

"Although I was born in the Ghost Spirit Sect in my early years, I never took care of things. Therefore, there are not many people in the sect who know my true identity, and I have no intention of deceiving anyone. Speaking of which, this fellow Taoist from Nanlong is Qiong He is a descendant of Master Kun and has been friends with me for many years. I didn’t originally want to kill him. But unfortunately I found out later that he had secretly befriended several elders of the Righteous Tianji Sect and was also interested in joining this sect. I made some insinuations about him. In his words, he has no intention of changing at all, and he also intends to use the power of Tianji Sect to enter the Falling Demon Valley to obtain the treasure. In this case, I must not be able to ignore the increase in the power of the right path, and I have to take this dangerous step." Yun The old man shook his head and said calmly.

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