A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 701: Famous, First Test of Magical Powers

With the astonishing speed of Han Li and Yufengche, in a short time, they had penetrated more than a hundred miles into the Mulan Grassland.

While Han Li activated the blood-colored cloak on his body and flew away under the blood light, he swept his consciousness behind him with a look of surprise on his face.

He had now unleashed the maximum power of his cloak, but instead of getting rid of the strange car behind him, he was caught up by less than half a distance. No wonder even the old man surnamed Yun, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, was chasing after this car when he saw it. , and his expression changed drastically.

This wind chariot is really a top-level flying rare treasure. It seems that unless you use thunder escape or blood shadow escape, you can't get rid of the opponent.

However, since Han Li completed his Nascent Soul cultivation, he has never fought against a monk of the same level. Although he was quite confident in his magical powers and magic weapons, he really had no idea about his strength among the Nascent Soul Stage monks.

After all, Nascent Soul monks do not easily compete in battles. Even in the past few years since he joined the Luoyun Sect, the two Luoyun Sect elders only talked to him about some cultivation methods and never really competed with him. In Tiantian City, Nanlonghou also only used his spiritual consciousness to compete with him, and was unable to test his true level at all.

It seems that the magician in the wind chariot behind him is a good opponent to measure his own cultivation. Moreover, he is also quite interested in the magicians' spiritual powers.

It would be best if the attack could repel or even kill the opponent. If that doesn't work, it would be easy to use the Wind and Thunder Wings to escape.

Don't delay the fight with the opponent for too long, otherwise things will change easily. What's more, now that we are in the Mulan Grassland, we can no longer afford to fight.

Han Li quickly made a plan in his mind, and the blood on his body flashed wildly for a few times, then dimmed immediately. Instead, the green glow burst out.

At the same time, his figure paused, and after fleeing the light in a big circle, he turned back and faced behind.

Looking coldly at the white light that was chasing after him, Han Li flicked his sleeves, and dozens of cyan sword lights swarmed out from the cuffs. After a low groan, he laid out layers of cyan sword formations like fish scales in front of him. It's quite surprising.

Naturally, Han Li would not be careless about his first fight with other Nascent Soul cultivators. In addition to drawing out the seventy-two Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Swords, he also stretched out his hand and lifted a spirit beast bag from his waist into the air.

The three-color gold-eating insect turned into a huge insect cloud and appeared in the sky. However, as the spell from Han Li's mouth came out, all the flying insects flew directly down after circling.

Han Li's eyes flashed, he raised his hands, and two cyan spells hit the insect cloud at once.

Immediately, the insect cloud was enveloped in green light, and Han Li was submerged in it.

But after a moment, a three-color insect beetle appeared on Han Li's body, crystal clear and simple, shining with a faint green light.

Coincidentally, as soon as Han Li stopped, the wind chariot behind him immediately caught up with him. The magician in the chariot caught sight of the astonishing scene of the insect armor forming into shape.

The speed of the speeding car that was chasing recklessly slowed down greatly, and stopped when it was more than a hundred feet away from Han Li.

Han Li looked at it expressionlessly and ignored it. Instead, he took this opportunity to flip his hands over. A flower basket appeared in one palm, and a small bell appeared in the other palm.

Then he threw the small bell to the opposite side without saying a word. The silver light flashed, and the small bell swelled in the wind. In an instant, it turned into a giant object several feet in size and shot towards the opposite side with great force.

At the same time, with a thought in Han Li's mind, the phantoms of the seventy-two flying swords in front of him flashed, turning one into three and turning into more than two hundred cyan swords.

Then Han Li whispered the word "go".

There was a loud chant, and with the flash of sword light, all the swords joined together and turned into a huge blue rainbow wave more than a hundred feet long, rolling towards the opposite side. It seems that he will follow the silver bell and twist the wind chariot into pieces in one fell swoop.

The silver bell that was sacrificed first had begun to show its power at this time. As soon as it reached the sky above the speeding car, it spun around. The low bells sounded one after another. The pale silver waves visible to the naked eye were marked by the giant bell. From the center, circles rippled out towards the wind chariot cover below.

If the sorcerer in the car was not careful, Han Li believed that this blow would be enough to cause the opponent to suffer a big loss.

After all, although the silver bell is still the original ancient treasure and has not changed much, as Han Li's cultivation has greatly improved, once this treasure is used, its power has almost doubled, which is far from what it was during the pill formation stage.

Of course, it is impossible for the magician in the speeding car to be directly connected.

I saw the wooden wings of the windmill moving slightly, and the car shot backwards more than ten feet away. Just escaped from the envelope of sound waves.

Then a white light emitted from the car, and a figure suddenly flew out of the white light and floated above the speeding car. At this time, the cyan giant rainbow that was following him had also shot up and struck head-on.

Seeing this, the figure on the flying car calmly raised one hand.

The blue light suddenly appeared, and a dark blue light curtain appeared several feet above his head. The moment the blue rainbow hit the light curtain, a bursting sound burst out.

Although the light curtain kept shaking and shining, for a while, it was safe and sound.

Han Li's eyes were half-squinted in the distance, his expression slightly changed.

At this time, the sorcerer muttered something, then opened his mouth, and a slender blue thread spurted out from his mouth. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a giant blue python and jumped out of the light curtain, fiercely facing Han Li's blue python. Rainbow sword light.

Suddenly, the green and blue lights intertwined together, and rumbling sounds could be heard from time to time.

At this moment, the magician raised his hand, and a spell hit the wind chariot below.

The speeding car quickly deformed and shrank until it was only the size of a palm, and then automatically shot into the hands of the wizard, who calmly received it into the storage bag.

Then the man looked up at Han Li, revealing a gloomy and thin face.

Han Li's eyes narrowed. This is an old man in his sixties, with some weird cyan tattoos on both sides of his cheeks, and wearing a strange blue brocade shirt. But what surprised him was not these, but that the opponent's spiritual energy fluctuated astonishingly. He was actually a mage who was at the peak of the early stage of Nascent Soul and was about to enter the middle stage. No wonder he blocked two waves of his attacks so easily.

Han Li also saw clearly that the opponent's blue light curtain was not deployed out of thin air, but was released from a large ball ball held by a fist in one hand.

As for the strange blue python, when he scanned it with his consciousness, he did not find the transformed body treasure. It was really composed entirely of spiritual power.

This made Han Li even more fearful.

After defecation, his face turned cold, and the ancient treasure in the flower basket in his other hand began to flash with white light, and he was about to sacrifice it.

"Stop! Although your Excellency is not low in magical powers, you are a bit too impatient. I haven't spoken yet, so why did my fellow Taoist attack me without saying a word?" When the old man saw Han Li's actions, he stopped with a solemn expression and a slight voice. Somewhat stiff.

"Is there anything else to say between monks and magicians?" Han Li frowned and said indifferently.

However, he still pointed at the silver bell, causing the ancient treasure to stop attacking and float in the air without moving. As for the flower basket in his hand, the same aura disappeared.

He wanted to hear what the other sorcerer wanted to say.

"The words are so true. But when our cultivation reaches the level of you and me, sometimes there is no need to fight to the death. As long as fellow Taoist's answer satisfies Mu. I can also let my fellow Taoist go. "The old man chuckled and said nonchalantly.

"Answer? I have nothing to tell you. But I have a few questions that I would like to ask you." Han Li stared at the old man and said with a sarcastic look on his lips.

He could probably guess what the other party wanted to ask without even thinking about it.

When such a multi-dimensional infant monk appears here, anyone who sees it will be surprised and suspicious.

"It seems that fellow Taoist has rejected my kindness!" The old man surnamed Mu turned gloomy upon hearing Han Li's words.

After Han Li snorted coldly, he suddenly rushed forward and tapped lightly in the air.

The cyan sword light, which was originally entangled and torn apart, condensed in the middle, and suddenly a giant sword about twenty or thirty feet long appeared there out of thin air.

After a few lightning-fast cuts, the strange blue python was immediately broken into several pieces, and then the giant sword slashed down unceremoniously, and the big screen of light and the old man surnamed Mu were chopped into ashes.

Seeing this scene, a ferocious look flashed across the face of the old man surnamed Mu, and he raised one hand with no more nonsense. The big orb in his fist was lifted into the air by him. Then he opened his mouth again, and a ball of essence was directed directly into the air. Spray onto the surface of this bead.

The orb flashed with blue light and spun rapidly out of thin air. Blue filaments flew out from the bead. In the blink of an eye, a ten-foot-long blue silk screen appeared under the light curtain.

At the same time, the old man muttered something, and after making a seal with his hands, the blue light from his body shot up into the sky, forming a huge blue light group, floating unsteadily on the old man's head.

The giant sword had already slashed down and collided fiercely with the light curtain.

It was not beyond Han Li's expectation that the giant sword condensed with more than 200 sword lights could not be easily caught by this light screen.

As a result, the sound of zila was loud.

The light curtain was split into two with almost no obstruction, and then the giant sword slashed through the giant net below.

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