A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 696: The Famous Treasure of Cangkun

"Brother Nanlong, are you right? Are you going to Mulan Grassland?" The cold-faced monk asked with a frown, as if he really believed what he heard.

The expressions of the other monks were not much better. But the old monster Nascent Soul sitting here has not gone through countless storms to get to this point. Therefore, although he was shocked in his heart, he could still maintain his composure and wait and see how Marquis Nanlong would answer this question.

"Fellow Taoist, I misunderstood. When I said I wanted to go to Mulan Grassland, I didn't mean to go deep into the grassland, but just at the edge of the hundred miles away." Nanlong Hou explained calmly.

"That's also a very risky thing. I heard that after years of recuperation, the Mulan people are getting ready to take action again. Now the edge of the grassland is the real dangerous place. I'm afraid the magicians of the same level as us, There must be a lot of them gathered. Even though those magicians have a single magic weapon, their cultivation and skills are not inferior to our monks. And the spiritual arts they are proficient in are surprisingly powerful. And they are very good at cooperating to fight against the enemy. . If we are discovered, even if we can escape with our lives, it will be difficult for us to escape intact." The cold-faced monk shook his head and said, seeming to be really afraid of this matter.

"How could I not know how difficult a magician is? Back then, I fought with a Yuan Ying stage magician for three days and three nights. That man's cultivation was inferior to mine, and the power of his magic weapon was far inferior to mine. But after a fight, neither of them could do anything to the other." Marquis Nanlong said with a dark expression.

"In this case, fellow Taoist still plans to go to Mulan Grassland. It seems that there is really something extraordinary in that place. Otherwise, Brother Nanlong will not take this risk." Wang Tiangu suddenly smiled and leaned back. He said slowly.

"Haha, Brother Wang understands my thoughts best. Have any of my Taoist friends heard of the name 'Master Cang Kun'?" Nanlong Hou changed the topic and said a name that was somewhat familiar to everyone. Come.

"Master Cangkun! That crazy cultivator from Tiannan who defeated both good and evil five thousand years ago?" An old woman who had been silent until she heard this was moved, and her turbid eyes immediately shot out a A ray of semen came out.

"What Mrs. Tai said is true, she is the lunatic who caused great troubles between good and evil. Although no one has officially admitted it, this bold cultivator was definitely the number one cultivator in Tiannan back then. With his unfathomable magical power, it is almost impossible to find an opponent for him across Tiannan. Even the great elder of the Demonic Hehuan Sect and the leader of the Righteous Alliance, the two recognized first demons, dare not say that they can defeat this man. A half-crazy crazy person." Marquis Nanlong said in a deep voice with a hint of color on his face.

"Fellow Taoist is talking about this person now. Is this related to this mad cultivator?" Wang Tiangu asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Hey! It's what Brother Wang said. The place we are going to this time is a secret cave carefully arranged by Master Cang Kun before he passed away." Nanlong Hou said solemnly.

"Impossible! Wasn't that lunatic back then because he offended the public and was surrounded by many monks and shot to death on the spot?" The old woman shook her head like a drum and said in disbelief.

When Marquis Nanlong heard this, he smiled softly and was about to explain. The old man in white shirt who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul suddenly spoke.

"Master Cang Kun was not killed back then. Instead, he was forced to self-destruct the two puppet incarnations of his cultivators, and then used deceitful means to escape. The monks who besieged him did not know about this. They always thought they were killed. It was just Master Qiongkun and one of his incarnations. However, after this battle, Master Cangkun was also seriously injured. It was difficult to restore his supernatural power. So after several years of rest, he left his original cave. Disappeared without a trace. There has been no news since then. It was not until my Nanlong Taoist friends and I found his final resting place that we learned from the information left behind. After this master disappeared, he actually started to fight against the demon. Gu’s attention. He risked his life to break into this valley, and became the first person to survive the Demonic Valley.”

"Survived from the Devil's Valley! How is this possible?" the old woman shouted sharply, with excitement on her face.

Except for Nanlong Marquis, everyone else, including Han Li, took a breath of cold air.

Most of them, while shocked by the shocking news and judging the possibility of authenticity, couldn't help but look at each other for a while.

"Even if this matter is true. What does this have to do with Mulan Grassland? Did Master Cangkun really bury all the treasures he obtained from Fallen Demon Valley in the secret cave there?" The man with a dark face The monk, after pondering for a while, asked with a sneer. He seemed quite disapproving.

"Although this, fellow Daoist Bing, is not completely correct, I guess he is right. According to the information left at the place where Master Qiongkun sat and was reincarnated, he seems to have stayed in the Falling Demon Valley for several years. It took a long time, but he passed away on his own shortly after leaving the Valley of the Fallen Demon. I don’t know if it was a recurrence of the old injury or another serious injury in the Valley of the Fallen Demon. But he should have brought out a lot of treasures from the Valley of the Fallen Demon. Yes. It is definitely not trivial to be able to attract the attention of this No. 1 casual cultivator. Moreover, this man was able to dominate the group of cultivators just by virtue of his status as a casual cultivator. His own secret skills and magic weapons are also remarkable. Things. Are you really willing to leave this trip to Mulan Grassland?" Marquis Nanlong said while twirling his long beard and his expression remained unchanged.

"As for me and other multi-dimensional infant monks walking together, how can ordinary magicians really stop us? Besides, even if we encounter any accidents, at worst, we can all break out separately. If you are not willing to take this risk, I Then please leave it to those fellow Taoists who don't want to go. The two of us will find others to go with us. But there is one thing I want to make clear to you first." The old man in white shirt added calmly.

After hearing the words of Marquis Nanlong and the old man in white shirt, Wang Tiangu, the old woman and other monks showed hesitation on their faces. But at this time, Han Li asked:

"Han is a little confused. Since you two know where the treasure is, why did you summon us here? You have to have people with strong spiritual consciousness. Isn't it difficult to find here? Or is it because of the opening of the cave? What's the relationship?" Han Li calmly said what he had been wondering about for a long time.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I don't care. In fact, I will explain it later. If the two of us can get the treasure alone, we will naturally not let others share it. But last time, when we sneaked into Mulan Grassland to look for the cave, . Although the place is very secretive, we still found it after a lot of effort according to the information left by Master Cangkun. But the trouble is, there is a very magical ancient magic circle outside this cave. The two of us spent a lot of time to find it. Even though we tried our best, we couldn't break through. Because we were in the Mulan Grassland, we didn't dare to stay for a long time. So we had to write down the characteristics of this magic circle, returned to Tiannan, and searched for various magic circle classics. Studying that ancient magic circle. It was finally discovered that the prohibition released by this magic circle was actually the "Tai Miao Shen Jin" that had been lost in ancient times." When Nanlong Hou said this, there was a trace of helplessness on his face.

"Too Miao Shen Forbidden! Isn't this one of the top ten ancient prohibitions? How could it appear there?" Wang Tiangu's expression changed, and he was a little surprised.

Most of the others had never heard of the title "Tai Miao Shen Jin", but after hearing this, their hearts trembled.

Top ten ancient taboos! As soon as I heard this taboo, I knew it was definitely not something that was easy to get rid of.

A look of surprise flashed in Han Li's eyes, but then he disappeared and his expression remained as usual.

"I have long heard that Brother Wang is a famous formation master. Now it seems that he is well-deserved. He even knows about such a rare ancient prohibition!" Marquis Nanlong was also a little surprised. After looking at each other with the old man in white shirt, he said He praised repeatedly with a smile on his face.

"Brother Nanlong has already told me. I've only heard his name. I don't know anything about how the ban was broken." Wang Tiangu seemed to realize something, and he immediately gave in politely.

Seeing this, the old man in white shirt gave a rare smile and continued:

"It took several years of research for the two of us to discover. If you want to break this restriction, you can either use brute force bit by bit to forcefully break the restriction. Or you can find eight monks with powerful spiritual consciousness and use their spiritual consciousness to transform into forms. This ban. Forcibly breaking the ban will definitely not work. This ancient ban is magical and abnormal. Even if the two of us attack this formation day and night for several months, we may not be able to open it. And on the Mulan grassland, how dare we two Use your magical powers unscrupulously! But if you use your spiritual consciousness to break this restriction, as long as your spiritual consciousness is strong enough, you can break the formation in one day."

After hearing this, everyone in the hall understood why the two Nanlong Hous came to find them.

Maybe other mid-stage Nascent Soul monks with powerful enough spiritual consciousness can also cooperate to break the restriction, but they obviously don't want overly powerful monks to join them, for fear that something will turn against them.

After all, both of them are monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. If they join forces, they can't say that they can definitely defeat Han Li and others, but they can still maintain a clever balance. Even the two of them have put in a lot of effort.

However, when faced with the treasures brought out from the Fallen Demon Valley, the monks in the hall, including Han Li, were naturally tempted.

Although going to the edge of Mulan Grassland is a bit risky, as the old man in white shirt said, these risks are insignificant compared to these treasures. Such an opportunity is something that no other monk would be able to ask for.

So everyone was angry and secretly making plans. Nanlong Hou asked a few questions and saw that no one left, and a real smile appeared on his face.

"But there is one thing that I need to explain to you first. If everything goes well and we actually enter the cave, we will have to pick one of the treasures inside first. Then we can share the rest equally. Several Taoist friends No objection?" Marquis Nanlong put forward his own conditions.

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