Elder Li's residence is not luxurious, nor does it occupy a large area. It is just an ordinary house. Surrounding several adjacent wing rooms is a two-meter-high and half-meter-thick earthen wall, forming a simple small In the courtyard, there is an arched half-moon door in the wall facing the direction of the approach. Through the half-open wooden door, you can see many visitors in the courtyard.

After entering the courtyard, Han Li discovered that there were actually many more people here than what he saw from the outside. They gathered together in twos and threes and whispered about Elder Li's injury.

Han Li had long heard that Elder Li was one of the rare kind-hearted people among the top leaders of the Qixuan Sect. He rarely blushed towards lower-level disciples or colleagues, and he never fought for power and gain within the sect. For such a good old man, the sect members There was naturally a chorus of praise from up and down, which made him surprisingly popular. Now that something has happened to Elder Li, those who have some status must pay a visit in person or send someone to see him, whether it is true or false, in order to get along with him. This creates a scene where everyone gathers in front of him.

As soon as Han Li came in, he was recognized by everyone in the courtyard. Those with lower status, such as the guardians, immediately gathered around and rushed to greet him one by one.

"God Han healed me well!"

"Doctor Han is here!"


Waves of goodwill sounds kept pouring into his ears, and he couldn't even think about not listening.

Looking at these enthusiastic faces, Han Li's face was also bright and sunny. He smiled and returned everyone's greetings without skipping a beat, appearing extremely polite, but deep down he was really tired of these false entertainments.

Fortunately, those with higher status, such as the deputy hall masters, worshipers, etc., maintained their status a little bit. They just nodded and gestured towards Han Li implicitly and did not move closer to him.

The actions of these people made Han Li feel a little fond of him, and finally he no longer had to greet a few more uncles.

Ma Rong, on the other hand, was unable to intervene because of his low status, so he could only watch from the sidelines as Han Li interacted with these people in a sticky manner. His face was extremely anxious and he kept rubbing his hands together.

When Han Li finally finished greeting the last person, he couldn't help but rush up immediately, grabbed Han Li's arm and walked into the room. This reckless behavior made some people hope to become friends with the great doctor Han. The person showed some dissatisfaction.

Han Li seemed to be smiling bitterly on the surface, but he was really happy on the inside. He could finally get rid of those nagging people without offending anyone.

Just like that, Han Li was pulled directly into the living room by Ma Rong.

There were not many people inside. In addition to a few family members, two elders and Deputy Sect Master Ma were also there. But what surprised Han Li was that Li Feiyu was also in the house.

This surprised Han Li. As far as he knew, Li Feiyu had nothing to do with Elder Li. Why did he appear here?

Just when he was full of questions, Han Li saw Li Feiyu standing next to a petite girl with tear stains on her face. She was constantly comforting someone. Her attentive appearance was similar to that of other senior fellow apprentices in the past. The expressions in front of him were completely different, and his face was clearly full of love.

Seeing Li Feiyu falling deeply in love, Han Li suddenly realized it and couldn't help but feel a little surprised and amused.

He quickly took a closer look at the woman's appearance, wanting to see what kind of charming beauty she was that could capture alive a lawless desperado like Li Feiyu.

This girl is about fifteen or sixteen years old. She has a jasper hairpin in her head and a Dutch green dress that matches her petite figure very well. Her black hair is combed into two parts. The pigtails were placed behind her back, giving her already sweet face a somewhat naughty look. However, her eyes were now a little red and swollen, and her whole body looked pitiful, which made people have the urge to hold her in their arms and love her.

"Tsk tsk! She is really a real little beauty." Han Li marveled in his heart for a few times. He felt that it was understandable that Li Feiyu fell in love with this woman, but there was also a trace of envy and jealousy. He didn't know when he You can also have a close friend.

Perhaps seeing that Han Li noticed the girl, Ma Rong hurriedly stepped forward and introduced everyone in the room to him.

Master Ma had already met Han Li, a white-faced money elder. Naturally, there was no need to say anything more. He immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"Master Ma and Elder Qian are well!"

"Haha! Doctor Han is here!" Master Ma seemed very approachable and did not put on any airs in front of Han Li.

"Doctor Han, just Dr. Han, why do you need to use a small word?" Han Li secretly slandered the other party in his heart.

Elder Qian nodded indifferently, which was exactly the opposite of Master Ma's attitude, but Han Li didn't take it seriously. He knew that the other party practiced special internal skills and had to be ruthless and sever sexual desires. He was so indifferent to everyone. .

Another burly red-faced elder seemed strange to Han Li. He had probably never seen him before, but the skin on his palms was rough and his fingers were short and thick. He could tell at a glance that he had special skills in his hands.

"This is Elder Zhao, a close friend of my master. He used to be outside the mountain supervising the work of the Jubao Hall. He just returned to the mountain two days ago." Ma Rong introduced at the side.

Elder Zhao gave a lukewarm "hmm" with his nose and said nothing, but there was a strong look of suspicion in his eyes. It was obvious that the Korean genius doctor invited was so young and had little faith in his medical skills.

Since Elder Zhao didn't like him very much, Han Li would not take the initiative to touch other people's hot buttocks. He greeted him in a very calm tone and wanted to go around this person.

(Tomorrow, I will revise the unreasonable points raised by book friends. I can only update one chapter. I hope book friends will forgive me! I will write better, thank you for your support!)

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