A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 654: Famous Dian Feng Pei Yuan Gong

"As you command, young master!" Mu Peiling's face turned slightly red and she whispered in a low voice.

"You go back and tidy up, and choose a sub-peak to open a cave. This is the prohibition token for the nearby formation. With it on your body, you can enter and exit the formation I have set up at will. When everything is arranged, I will cast the Forbidden God on you. Shu, it was then that she officially became my concubine. However, let’s get started. I don’t care if you had any sweethearts or husbands in the past. Now that you have become my concubine, you naturally have to cut this off completely. . If we are still disconnected and have contact with each other, don't blame me for being rude. If you regret it now, it's still too late." Han Li withdrew his wanton eyes, took out a purple jade tablet from his body and put it on the table. ,, said with a cold voice.

"Pei Ling has been practicing hard in the sect since she was a child. She has devoted herself to cultivation, so how could she have a sweetheart? And since the little girl has made up her mind, she will never act haphazardly." The Yan Leng woman stretched out her hand without even thinking. He put away the jade token lightly.

Han Li nodded when he heard this and said nothing more. Then he summoned a giant ape puppet and asked it to take Mu Peiling out of the hall.

Seeing this puppet, surprise flashed in the woman's eyes. I was surprised that this puppet seemed very powerful, and I was also wondering why the maid in white that day was missing.

However, she also knew that some things were taboo to be explored deeply, so she obediently followed the puppet out of the cave without asking any questions.

"Since the master wanted to take this girl as a concubine as a punishment, why did he agree to the thirty-year agreement? Could it be that the master had other plans?" After the beautiful and cold woman left, the seemingly empty corner of the hall blurred for a while, and then walked out of the bank. moon. At this time she has returned to the form of a white fox.

"Of course I have a plan. In fact, even if this woman doesn't say anything, I won't touch her in the slightest before she builds the pill." Han Li did not deny it and replied calmly.

"Hey, why is that?" The white fox jumped onto the table in front of Han Li, its pair of black eyes rolling around, and it looked extremely cute with its snow-white fur.

Seeing this, Han Li smiled slightly and seemed to be in a good mood.

He did not reply immediately, but took out a pink jade slip from his waist and placed it on the table.

"Do you still remember the storage bag I got from the young master of the Six Paths that day? This jade slip was found in it. I did some research later and found that it actually recorded a variety of magic dual cultivation techniques."

Yinyue was startled when she heard this. She lowered her head to look at the jade slip, then raised her head to look at Han Li, with a trace of doubt on her face.

She knew that since Han Li took out this object, he would definitely continue to explain clearly.

Sure enough, Han Li caressed the pink jade slip with one finger and said leisurely:

"The other secret techniques recorded on this jade slip are nothing more than that. Although they are stronger than the ordinary dual cultivation techniques, they are not much better. Only the two secret techniques recorded in it are really extraordinary. One is' The "Yinlong Jue" is only suitable for monks in the alchemy stage. It allows the alchemy monks to continuously absorb the true yin essence of female cultivators with special qualifications, so that their cultivation level will skyrocket. However, the secret technique will cause certain damage to female cultivators. It causes a lot of damage to women's vitality. Therefore, the more male cultivators who use this technique, the more women who serve as concubines, the better. The successor of the Six Paths that I saw that day had many female cultivators in the Foundation Establishment stage around him, so he should have practiced this technique. . Otherwise, even if he has extraordinary qualifications, it is impossible for him to reach the late stage of pill formation at such a young age. He does not have a mysterious vial to ripen the elixir. "

"And another secret technique, "Dianfeng Peiyuan Gong", is a dual cultivation secret technique specifically for monks in the Nascent Soul stage. This technique is opposite to the 'Yinlong Jue', which allows people to have a virgin body. It can be practiced by both women and men. Wait until the woman has practiced this skill to a high level, and then let the male cultivator use the secret technique to break through the bottleneck of cultivation at the moment of seizing the woman's Yuan Yin. Of course, this requires the female cultivator. We must cooperate fully, and this woman’s cultivation level cannot be too low.”

"Yinlong Jue! Bianfeng Peiyuan Gong! There is such a powerful dual cultivation technique, don't exaggerate it!" Xiaohu blinked, a little unbelievable.

"I had the same idea as you at first. I thought it was possible that I had never heard of such a powerful exercise. But later, I saw the names of the people who created these two sets of exercises at the end of these two dual cultivation techniques. Name, I immediately believed it." Han Li sighed and said.

"Hey! It's rare..." Yin Yue exclaimed, as if she thought of something, she couldn't help but cry out.

"You are right! These two secret techniques of dual cultivation were created by the Supreme Saint of Six Paths. Since this person has entered the late stage of Nascent Soul and is known as the number one person in the Demonic Way of Chaotic Star Sea, these two secret techniques should be of great significance. The effect is. Otherwise, the successor of the Six Paths would not be kept in the storage bag." Han Li said in a deep voice.

"Master wants this girl to practice..." Bai Hu tilted his furry head and asked hesitantly.

"Indeed, I want this woman to practice the 'Dianfeng Peiyuan Gong' after forming the elixir, and then when I reach the bottleneck in my practice, I can give it a try. After all, after entering the Nascent Soul stage, there are not so many elixirs. With assistance in cultivation, the progress of cultivation is pitifully slow. Just look at the Yuanying monks, nine out of ten are in the early stage, and very few can enter the middle stage. We can know how difficult it is to break through the bottleneck after Yuanying. Therefore, regardless of this method Whether it’s true or not, I’ll give it a try.”

"Unfortunately, as mentioned above, this method of using the dual cultivation technique to break through the bottleneck is only effective the first time it is used. It will be useless if you use this secret technique later. Of course, using this secret technique also has certain effects on the woman. It's just that no male cultivator has benefited so much. Otherwise, you think I would really be idle and take this girl as my concubine." Han Li glanced sideways at Bai Hu and said with a sneer.

"So that's it! I really thought that after the master's Nascent Soul was formed, he became lustful and prepared to take more concubines?" Yinyue seemed to be relieved and said with a chuckle.

Han Li had a noncommittal look on his face after hearing this.

"Although I will cast the Forbidden God Technique on this woman, it is best not to let her know about all the secrets in the cave. Although the Forbidden God Technique can allow me to control this woman's life and death, people's hearts are unpredictable and If I am not kind to this girl, she will definitely be grateful to me. I would rather treat this girl with a villain's heart than to be betrayed by others. This 'Uncle Mu' is a smart man, but he still We need to observe it for a while. If you really follow me, I have no other strange thoughts. I will not treat this woman badly and will help her improve her cultivation. After all, not to mention other elixirs, I still have low-level elixirs. A lot. And you are proficient in escape techniques. When you have nothing to do, please pay more attention to this woman's behavior for me." Han Li ordered with an expressionless face.

"Yes, Master! I will pay special attention to this woman when you are practicing in seclusion." Yinyue agreed very obediently.

"Well, that's enough. Thirty years should be enough for me to see someone clearly. I hope this woman won't disappoint me!" Han Li murmured, but when he said the last sentence, his voice became Get low.

A few days later, when Mu Peiling went up the mountain again, Han Li cast the Forbidden God Technique on him and gave him some foundation-building elixirs.

When this woman was stunned, her face was full of surprise, and her jade face was like a hundred flowers blooming, extremely gorgeous. She was completely submissive to Han Li like a little bird, and it seemed that she really regarded herself as a concubine.

When the two silver-haired old men found out about Han Li's taking in a concubine, they also came over to congratulate her, and each also presented Mu Peiling with a top-level magic weapon.

Han Li smiled slightly at this and responded politely.

After that, Mu Peiling stayed on the sub-peak next to Han Li's main peak, and under Han Li's guidance, he began to swallow pills and practice hard in seclusion.

Han Li himself went to the cave of the two silver-haired old men from time to time, and humbly asked for advice on the cultivation methods of the Nascent Soul stage.

The two elders of the Luoyun Sect sincerely accepted Han Li's thoughts and naturally spoke up about everything, which greatly benefited Han Li. He deeply felt that his original choice was extremely wise.

A few months later, the spiritual eye tree in the medicine garden began to leak alcohol. Han Li was naturally overjoyed.

He hurriedly prepared and refined the "Ming Qing Ling Shui" according to the elixir recipe he got from the monk.

With Han Li's mastery in alchemy, although he failed a few times at first to prepare this kind of spiritual water, he immediately mastered the trick after he succeeded once, and the rest was naturally a piece of cake.

Now in the alchemy room, Han Li was playing with a small bottle of "Ming Qing Ling Shui" he had just prepared, his eyes flashing as if he was thinking about something.

But soon, a look of determination flashed across his face, and he opened the bottle cap with one hand. A blue light flashed with his other hand, and a ball of blue crystal liquid flew out of the bottle and slowly floated towards Han Li's forehead.

When it reached a few inches in front of Han Li's eyebrows, the group of spiritual water suddenly stopped and floated there motionless.

Han Li stared at Lingshui with half-squinted eyes, silently, but after a moment he opened his mouth, and a small piece of green misty light shot out, covering everything in front of him.

A fist-sized amount of spiritual water shone with light, and two slender hair-like blue threads suddenly shot out from the glow and flew into Han Li's eyes in a flash.

Han Li's eyes suddenly felt hot, and then piercingly cold. He closed his eyes tightly and shivered violently.

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