A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 594 The wind blows overseas and the demonic text reappears

I met several villagers along the way and felt that Han Li's face was a bit unfamiliar. I looked at him curiously, but no one came up to ask anything.

Han Li reached his destination easily.

Looking at the extremely old dark stone house in front of him, Han Li hesitated for a moment before stepping forward and pushing slightly, but the stone door did not move at all.

Is there any mechanism in this door? Han Li was slightly surprised. But he took a deep breath and suddenly exerted 100% of his strength on his arms.

Although he has never practiced any external martial arts, after undergoing the marrow-cleansing I Ching of Foundation Building and Pill Formation, he still has hundreds of kilograms of strength this time.

The sound of "creaking" came heavily. Although very slowly, the door was finally pushed open inch by inch.

Han Li felt happy when he saw this.

Only then did he realize that for some unknown reason, this door was more than twice as thick as an ordinary stone door. It was so heavy, no wonder I almost thought there was a trap on the door just now.

Han Li stepped into the house in a flash, and was greeted by a rotten and sinister aura.

His face tightened, and Han Li quickly held his breath.

After a while, the outside air rushed in, and the atmosphere in the room gradually returned to normal.

Then he let out a breath and looked at the situation inside the house through the dim light outside the door.

This place is extremely simple. Apart from rows of stone tablets of similar sizes around it, there is just a rough stone table placed in the room.

The stone tablet is about ten feet wide and about two feet high, which is relatively huge. Han Li couldn't help but be startled after seeing it.

And there was no book or bamboo slips on the stone table. There are only a few magical weapons that seem to be lackluster.

The stunned look on Han Li's face quickly disappeared. Instead, after thinking about it for a moment, he burst into laughter.

This is not the outside world. Where can I find paper and bamboo? Things like jade slips cannot be used without spiritual power.

And these stone tablets are obviously the classics recording things here. The above must be the experiences and experiences left by those monks.

As for the magic weapons on the stone table, it seems that they are the same as those of his flying swords. The owner has not yet put them away, and even people and objects have been taken into this place. Naturally, it cannot be put back into the storage bag.

As for those storage bags, Han Li didn't see any of them in the house. It seems that the owners have their own ways of dealing with it, and they are not displayed here.

After Han saw the situation in the house, he casually walked to a stone tablet and glanced at it.

It was covered with thick dust and so gray that it was impossible to see what was engraved on it.

After frowning, Han Li stepped forward without caring about the dirt, then tore off a piece of clothing and wiped it lightly.

After a while, clearly visible inscriptions appeared in front of me.

This is not a text that is currently circulating in the world of immortality, but a rare ancient text. Fortunately, Han Li was involved in a complicated matter, so he could easily identify it.

But Han Li only looked at the stone tablet for a few times before losing interest.

This is just an essay written by a monk in the Foundation Establishment Period to record his life experiences. Han Li naturally had no interest in reading more. Immediately turned to other stone monuments.

There are more than twenty stone tablets in this house. When Han Liza saw the sixth stone tablet, he finally stopped with a look on his face. This was exactly what he was looking for, the cultivation experience left by the Yuan Ying stage monk.

Han Li stood motionless in front of the stone monument. After an unknown amount of time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief with a complicated expression on his face.

"It turns out that there are so many taboos in condensing Nascent Soul. It seems that if I don't know these things, even if I have the help of Jiuqu Spiritual Ginseng, the probability of my success will not be too high. This time I fell into this Yin Ming. This land is truly a blessing and a curse!" Han Li murmured a few words to himself.

Although there is no specific cultivation method engraved on this stone tablet, the nameless Yuanying stage monk recorded his experience in the process from foundation building to elixir condensation to Yuanying condensation in great detail. When Han Li took a look, he was filled with surprise. With the guidance of the Yuanying Stage monk's experience, he could avoid many detours and avoid some of the original wrong ideas of condensing the Yuanying.

After reading the stone tablet several times to confirm that nothing was missing, Han Li turned his face with satisfaction and looked at the remaining stone tablets.

Originally, he wanted to leave, but then he thought, since he had already read less than half of it, he might as well read the rest of the stone tablets together. It would be good to gain more insights.

So, Han Li looked at them one by one with a relaxed expression.

As expected, there was nothing useful to him on the remaining stone tablets. Even though there were some formulas and formulas on it, he couldn't see it at all as he was carrying the Xuanyin Sutra.

After a meal, Han Li saw the last piece.

He absentmindedly brushed off the dust, and after briefly looking at the stone tablet, an unexpected look of astonishment appeared on his face.

The stone tablet in front of me is completely different from the previous ones. It is densely covered with countless small words about the size of rice grains. The small words are far smaller than those before.

Moreover, Han Li glanced at it and saw that the writing on it was actually in two completely different styles. One was the ordinary ancient writing that he knew, and the other was the monster writing that he had seen many times before.

Han Li's curiosity aroused and he immediately stepped forward to observe it carefully.

After only watching a little bit, Han Li became slightly excited.

This stone tablet actually teaches a scripture in the demon language. Moreover, it is extremely detailed and explained word for word. This is definitely inscribed by a monk who knows the demon script well.

Although it is impossible for Han Li to grasp it immediately after reading it. But if you memorize it in its entirety and slowly understand it in the future, it will not be difficult to really master the Yao Clan writing.

In this way, the demon clan copper piece and the animal skin book he got originally can understand what demon clan skills are recorded on them.

As for whether humans can really practice the demon clan's techniques, Han Li wouldn't think too deeply about it.

Even if those skills are completely useless to him, learning these demon characters will only benefit him and not harm him. Who knows if they will have other uses in the future.

After all, this opportunity is really rare!

After spending a long period of time, Han Li relied on his photographic memory to memorize the text on both sides of the stone tablet word for word.

Then he took a deep breath and left the room. As for the magic weapons on the table, he didn't even glance at them.

After leaving the stone house, Han Li walked around the village a few times. When he saw some strange buildings, he would take a closer look and chat with the nearby villagers.

Fortunately, the aboriginal people in the village seemed to be relatively simple. Although they were not very enthusiastic towards him, a stranger, they knew everything and answered him.

Han Li used this to quickly figure out some common sense things about the Land of Netherworld.

For example, because there is no such thing as iron ore here, we have to use several kinds of particularly hard Yin beast bones to make weapons.

Of course, this does not mean that these bones can be used directly as weapons materials, but they must be soaked in a liquid called "submersible water" beforehand.

As a result, these bone materials are not only three times harder than before, but also have some Yin fire power. After being made into weapons, they will be even more special against Yin beasts.

However, because yin fire cannot last long, these weapons will be re-soaked in "sinking water" every short period of time so that their lethality will not be reduced.

This made Han Li a little curious about the so-called "submerged water"!

In addition, this dark place has a few windy days every month. During these days, icy black winds would blow in most areas, making it impossible for humans to go out during this period. Once enveloped by these dark winds, humans will definitely turn into black ice sculptures. Only in the village can the people in the village be safe and sound with the help of some magic.

But on the contrary, on windy days, it is the time when the Yin beasts are most active. Things like today often happen, when a single or a group of Yin beasts attack the village. The people in the village are always on tenterhooks.

Han Li inquired about a lot of information like this. He even had an idea and asked about the identity of the white-faced man with narrow eyes who seemed to be unkind to him.

Only then did I know that this person's surname was Feng, and he was also an outsider who had been sucked in a few years ago.

But this man didn't know what he was doing, but he had amazing martial arts and had killed powerful Yin beasts several times. He played an important role in the village, so he was recommended as an elder in the village at a young age. Specialized in teaching martial arts to young people in the village. Among young people, his prestige is not low.

After Han Li heard these words, although he couldn't say that he felt any fear in his heart, he frowned secretly and felt that it was a bit difficult.

After wandering around the village for a while and seeing something to see, Han Li walked slowly towards his house.

As soon as he entered the door, Han Li heard a man's voice coming from inside the house.

"Well, what I just said is true. As long as Miss Mei is willing to marry Feng, not only will she have no worries about food in the future, but she will also not have to risk her life by leaving the village frequently. And Feng has been single for so many years. He is not a sentimental person, but he is sincerely attracted to the girl." It was a middle-aged man named Feng who arrived at the house at some point.

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