A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 591 The wind blows overseas, the land of darkness

The giant beast seemed to know that something was wrong, and roared, blowing out a stream of cold wind from its mouth.

The arrows flying in the face were blown by the wind, not only swaying here and there, but also instantly covered with a layer of crystal black ice. They fell one after another without touching the body of the giant beast.

As for the heavier spears and the like, although they pierced the huge body of the giant beast, their lethality was greatly reduced by the strong wind, and they only barely caused some skin injuries. Instead, they stimulated the beast to become even more violent.

I saw this beast being furious, its eyes suddenly flashing with blood, and then there was a "bang" sound, and some of the hard hairs on its neck stood up one by one, looking extremely terrifying.

Han Li was stunned when he saw the scene on the roof. Before he could understand the beast's intention, he saw the giant beast's head lowered, and its hair that stood on end instantly turned into countless black lights, shooting towards the stone wall.

Everyone on the wall seemed to have known that this beast had this trick. Although everyone looked nervous, they still shouted and neatly raised various large shields in their hands.

The sound of "crack, crackle, crackle" came from the shield like a shower.

Although the black light penetrated several inches into the shield, most of it was finally blocked. But there were also some people who had neglected protection and were directly penetrated by the black light. They immediately turned back and fell down the stone wall, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Others had no time to worry about the life and death of these people, and under the loud command of one person, another batch of spears and arrows were shot out in large pieces, but most of them were also blown away by the evil wind of the giant beast.

However, this beast seems to only have a piece of hard hair on its neck that can shoot out. Although the person behind was howling and screaming as he was being stabbed, he was just struggling desperately to get up. There is no more means of counterattack.

But the tentacles transformed by the purple mist firmly trapped his feet, and he would not relax for a moment.

After repeating the long-range attacks five or six times in a row, the evil wind in the giant beast's mouth finally weakened rapidly and no longer had the power it started with.

At this time, the number of bows, arrows and spears on the stone wall suddenly increased, piercing the giant beast densely like a hedgehog.

Under this situation, the beast seemed not to be seriously injured, and it was still roaring with great energy. It kept waving the huge black stick in its hand, making craters on the nearby ground.

When Han Li saw this, he couldn't help but feel slightly frightened by the beast's rough skin, thick flesh and strength.

The people in the village seemed to have their own way of dealing with this beast.

Immediately, a group of strong and extremely tall men quickly ran up the stone wall.

They carried no weapons except several giant spears three to four feet long under their ribs. As soon as these people climbed onto the wall, they immediately raised their spears. After a few gestures, they aimed at the huge body of the beast and threw them fiercely.

The sound of "whoosh" and "whoosh" shot through the air made Han Li behind him change his expression slightly.

These people all had strong internal strength. They threw these giant spears as easily as grass and grass. Their force was as fierce as a strong crossbow.

Immediately, blood flowers the size of a bowl bloomed all over the giant beast's body, and all the giant spears were inserted into the beast's body, nailing it to the ground alive, and the original fierce flames disappeared. .

There were loud cheers on the stone wall, and everyone showed relief. At this time, the purple mist wrapped around the feet of the giant beast finally disappeared.

Some people hurriedly lowered the wooden door in excitement, holding swords and preparing to go out to kill the beast, while others began to rescue their injured companions.

But before the wooden door was completely lowered, the giant beast, which had lowered its head, suddenly looked up to the sky and roared like a flashback. Then, with a strong wave of one arm, the giant stick of more than ten feet in the hand was thrown out violently.

The giant stick flew far into the sky, flew straight to the center of the village, and flew down with an astonishing momentum.

Below, there were some women and children who rushed out happily when they saw that the giant beast was about to die. Seeing that seven or eight villagers were about to be smashed into meat, the others' expressions changed greatly and they screamed in shock.

But at this moment, a figure flashed and flew straight towards the fallen giant tree. After a low roar, the person waved his hands and hit the middle of the giant stick hard.

There was a loud noise, and the black wood flew out diagonally, landing in an empty space with no one around.

The man landed lightly on the ground, moving gracefully and freely. It was the somewhat stern white-faced middle-aged man.

The rescued male and female villagers breathed a huge sigh of relief, and immediately surrounded this person with grateful faces, and praised him repeatedly. But the man just waved his hand with a calm expression and returned to his original position.

However, a strange color flashed across Han Li's face. Because after this man saved someone, he looked at him inadvertently and gave him a cold look.

Although I didn't know what he meant, it was obvious that he didn't like it.

Han Li frowned, and while he was still trying to figure out what was wrong, the wooden door had been lowered, and dozens of young and strong men rushed out of the village, killing the giant beast that could no longer afford to be seriously injured.

But these people didn't give up yet. Someone used a long white knife to split the head of the giant beast. Then after a bloody groping, he suddenly raised one hand, and a green crystal the size of a thumb appeared in his hand. The man shouted in surprise, and the nearby bystanders became equally excited after a commotion.

Seeing this scene, Han Li blinked his eyes and suddenly felt that the green crystal stone seemed familiar, as if he had seen it there before.

He lowered his head in confusion and thought about it for a while, then an idea flashed in his mind and he suddenly thought about it.

In the inner hall of Xutian Temple, all the remains of the puppets he obtained seemed to have a similar green crystal. Are they really the same thing? Han Li started to murmur a little!

However, after Han Li watched for a while, he jumped out of the stone house without saying a word.

The fat old man and several other elders had already entered the hall again. He still had a lot of questions that he wanted to ask clearly.

Mei Ning saw Han Li returning to the hall and walked in with her head lowered. After seeing the giant beast fighting just now, she seemed to know the danger here, and there was a trace of sadness on her face.

When Han Li walked in, the old man and several other elders sat back in their original seats.

Seeing Han Li walking in, the old man smiled. Just when he was about to say something, a tall and strong man walked in quickly, holding the green crystal in his hand.

"Great Elder! This is the Yinming beast crystal inside the head of Haughty Cunning. Please ask some elders to check it out." The strong man put the crystal on the stone table in front of the old man and said respectfully.

"Thank you for your hard work again this time. = Taking advantage of the eruption of the Jue Ling Qi, Xin Shi and the others brought back some fish and shrimps. After a while, everyone will get some more, which is considered a consolation." The old man was happy to see this crystal stone. said.

"Thank you, elders!" The strong man suddenly showed a look of surprise, and with this order he left the hall with satisfaction.

Han Li stayed aside and watched coldly.

"The monsters you two saw just now are the cunning Yin beasts unique to this place. It must have surprised you two! Although this Yin Netherland is only a hundred miles in size, there are monster beasts, humans and all kinds of creatures living there. All kinds of underworld beasts." The old man carefully took the green crystal into his arms, then turned his head and said sternly to Han Li.

"Are there any monsters here?" Han Li was a little surprised.

"Of course, whenever the space here is torn apart, no matter what the monks or monsters are, they will be treated equally and will not be let go." The old man showed a wry smile, but after a pause, he continued.

"The demonic beasts here can't use magic either. But their demonic bodies that have been tempered for thousands of times are extremely powerful. We humans and the underworld beasts can't provoke them. Fortunately, they usually only guard a few fixed places, so underworld. They feed on beasts and never go out easily. The threat to us humans is not great. But these Yin beasts are different. They were born on their own based on the Yin energy here, and they are born to devour human flesh and blood. . Almost every once in a while, a powerful underworld beast will come to human villages, although most of them will be repelled by the people in the village. But occasionally, smaller villages have been defeated and the entire village has been devoured. . On the contrary, we killed such a ferocious beast today, but not long after, the same one was born again from the place where Yin energy condensed. These Yin beasts are simply inexhaustible."

"According to your words, there is not just one human village here. Are there several others?" Han Li was silent for a while and asked slowly.

"Of course there is. Although there are not too many, there are about seven or eight places. They are distributed throughout the land of the underworld. Because the food here is very scarce. Except for a few limited pieces of land that can grow some edible coarse grains, the rest of the ground Because the Yin Qi is too heavy, no grass can grow at all. And most of the Yin beasts here contain highly toxic substances in their bodies. Although the stomachs of those monster beasts don't care about these, we humans will die if they stick! Except for a few special species In addition, even if the rest of the underworld beasts are killed, we cannot eat them. These harsh conditions combined determine that the number of human beings surviving is fixed. Everyone must do something if they want to survive here. He is a useful person, otherwise he will have to drive out of the village and let him fend for himself!" When the old man said the next words, his tone became a little cold.

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