Doctor Mo couldn't be happy for a few days. The power of the Ghost Curse soon became apparent. He aged almost at a terrifying rate of one year per day.

He was frightened and tried every means to control the strange phenomena happening to him, but with little success.

If this continues, he will naturally die soon, like a normal old man, dying of exhaustion. But fortunately, Yu Zitong's soul felt even worse at this time.

It turned out that after Yu Zitong entered Doctor Mo's body, over time, he actually became assimilated by the doctor's soul.

"Assimilation" is a passive behavior of seizing one's body. It is a vicious phenomenon in which foreign souls that stay in other people's bodies for a long time are subconsciously influenced by the body owner's souls and influence each other, but in the end only one consciousness can survive.

When Yu Zitong saw this, he had no choice but to take the initiative to seize the body.

The reason why he is so reluctant is not because he has good intentions, but because he is afraid of the three iron rules of seizing a body in the legendary world of immortality:

First, immortal cultivators must not seize the body of a mortal, otherwise the body that has been taken away will collapse on its own because it cannot bear the act of seizing the body.

Second, only when a person with high magic power competes with a person with low magic power to seize the body, can it be successful without suffering backlash from the other party, and the larger the magic power gap is, the safer it is.

Third, a cultivator of immortality can only carry out body snatching once in his life, regardless of the level of his magic power. The second time, the soul will die for no reason.

The above three iron-blooded laws that have not been broken after countless attempts have restricted how many gangsters try to make trouble by seizing bodies and tricksters who try to use this technique to avoid disasters. God has warned against this kind of behavior that goes against heaven, and will not allow immortal cultivators to use this technique to cause the world to become chaotic and out of control.

Therefore, if Doctor Mo was an immortal cultivator, Yu Zitong would not be afraid. He could fight to the death with him and compete with him for this body. But Doctor Mo is just a mortal and has no magic power in his body, so he cannot bear to take the body. I'm afraid he was only halfway through the fight, and his body would completely collapse.

And even if you find another person's body to hide in, you can't avoid the fate of being assimilated again, and you will face an embarrassing dilemma again, and it will be even worse. Because his mana will decrease sharply with each entry and exit of the soul, and will soon be lost, and he will no longer be able to move in and out freely. He will be trapped alive in other people's bodies and eventually be assimilated.

You must know that after becoming a soul, he has no body to meditate to replenish. The mana he carries is lost every time he uses it, and it will gradually decrease as time goes by. He doesn't know how long he can sustain it.

Therefore, unless Yu Zitong can find an immortal cultivator with low magical power who can withstand the seizure of his body, he will never leave his body again and take the risk.

Under the huge pressure that the opponent's body was about to collapse due to the blood curse, leaving his soul with nowhere to hide, and that he was in danger of being assimilated by the opponent's soul, Yu Zitong, who was greedy for life, had to temporarily abandon the relationship between the two of them after thinking about it. He had no choice but to contact Dr. Mo and told him the whole story and the stakes involved.

After hearing this, Doctor Mo was a little angry at first, but soon realized the great opportunity. Without thinking, he made a three-part agreement with Yu Zitong and reached an agreement, revealing his true nature as a hero.

First of all, Doctor Mo must control his own consciousness according to the method taught by Yu Zitong, and try to avoid assimilating the other party's soul. Yu Zitong taught the other party some secret techniques so that the other party could slow down the rate of aging and possess mana temporarily.

Secondly, Doctor Mo needs to find a boy with spiritual roots who can practice Changchun Kung Fu, teach him to practice this Kung Fu, and then when the time is right, Doctor Mo will rely on the temporarily acquired magic power to seize the body and regain his life.

Doctor Mo once had doubts about this and wanted to practice this skill himself, but naturally he achieved nothing. He was also laughed at by Yu Zitong. Only then did he realize that people without spiritual roots cannot cultivate magic power, and he They are what cultivators call mediocre people without spiritual roots.

The last point is that after successfully seizing the body, Doctor Mo will have enough buffer time to help the other party find a suitable body and assist him in seizing the body.

The above terms seem to be more favorable to Doctor Mo, but there is nothing that can be done about it. The crisis of Yu Zitong's assimilation is right in front of him. He is in a disadvantageous position, and of course he can only suffer some losses, but only he knows whether he really suffers a loss.

During the above process, Yu Zitong once proposed that Dr. Mo go to his family's secluded place to seek help, but how could the experienced Dr. Mo be willing to give him advice? He refused without any room for negotiation. This made Yu Zitong In the days to come, I have been itching my teeth with hatred.

There is nothing to say about what happened next. Dr. Mo failed to find a suitable candidate in the past few years and entered the Qixuan Sect in frustration. Then he unexpectedly accepted Han Li and taught him the Changchun Kung Fu, etc. These... It's not much different from what Doctor Mo said, and Han Li even experienced it himself.

After Han Li heard these words, he let out a long breath, and most of the doubts in his heart were solved.

However, when he saw that Yu Zitong had stopped and would not continue his story, his face darkened and he said coldly:

"It seems you haven't told me the reason why Doctor Mo died!"

"There's nothing to explain. It's just that Doctor Mo misjudged the progress of your Changchun Gong. His magic power is far inferior to yours, so he failed to seize the body and was devoured by you." Yu Zitong's voice hesitated for a moment, but he still spoke the truth.

"So, the yellow ball of light that entered my body for the first time was Doctor Mo's soul, and the second green ball was you." Han Li said lightly.

"This...this, didn't I also think that your Excellency and Doctor Mo died together? In order not to waste this body, I wanted to borrow it." He was a little embarrassed.

"Hmph! I'm afraid I didn't think so, but you designed it deliberately."

"Yu Zitong, when you first taught Dr. Mo the method of seizing the body, you probably didn't have any good intentions. You deliberately didn't mention that the success or failure was related to the depth of the magic power."

"According to your original plan, Doctor Mo used the soul-eating technique of self-mutilation and my fourth-level Changchun Kung Fu. Their magic powers are about the same. Once they fight for the body, they will kill each other and die together. Then you, a fisherman, will take advantage of you. The third party who gained the advantage took the opportunity to occupy my body and succeeded in seizing my body. I guessed it right, my Yu Daxian cultivator!" Han Li expressed his judgment in one breath and calmly.

After hearing this, Yu Zitong was speechless for a long time. After a long time, he sighed and did not refute in frustration.

"Originally, I only praised you casually, but now I praise you sincerely. You are really smart. You are better than your master, and you are better than that fox Mo Juren."

"You're right. I did design all this. But I didn't expect that your aptitude for cultivating immortals is so good. In such a short period of time, you could reach the sixth level of Changchun Gong, which is only one level lower than mine." Not only did it easily swallow up Doctor Mo's soul, but even the soul of me, a cultivator whose vitality was severely damaged, was no match for you, and on the contrary, I lost a lot of vitality."

However, his voice changed and his tone suddenly became arrogant:

"Mo Juren is just an ordinary person. He actually wants to be on an equal footing with us immortal cultivators and call him brothers. Is he worthy?"

"What's even more intolerable is that he actually used despicable means to destroy my Dharmakaya and wants to set foot on the immortal path. It's really a daydream!" Yu Zitong gritted his teeth and said. It seems that he has hated Doctor Mo for a long time, and now he has nothing to do with it. Scruples are revealed.

"But you are different. Your Excellency is born with spiritual roots and extraordinary qualifications. It is really a pity to be in the world. If you are willing to help me find a suitable body and assist in seizing the body, I am willing to be your guide and help you. Introduce me to the elders of the family and accept you as my disciple, what do you think?"


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