A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 571 The Wind Rises Overseas Yuan Yao and the Qingyang Sect

Among the monks present, the two with skull faces, the refined man, and the old man seemed to be unknown to them, and no one had even asked Han Li about his origins. The skilled man among them, when he saw that the number of people present was five, he no longer hesitated and clasped his fists at Han Li and others and said:

"I, Ke Yu, have been ordered to convey the mission and lead the way to the three seniors. This is my token. Please test it with the three seniors." After the refined man finished speaking respectfully, he took out a black token from his waist. , handed it to Han Li. It was obvious that this person regarded the three of them as a group, and since Han Li had the highest cultivation level, he was naturally the leader.

Han Li pursed his lips tightly and stretched out his hand to catch the token. He glanced at it and threw it to the skull on one side without thinking.

The skull looked at it twice, then threw the skilled man back carelessly, and said lazily:

"What's there to see in the token? If the teleportation array at the other end hadn't released it, how could you, a foundation-building monk, be qualified to teleport here? There's no need to check the identities of us. Everyone gathered here at this time Except for us law enforcement officers who have received orders, there can be no outsiders. If you have any tasks, just tell us."

The skull seemed to be very familiar with this routine. After saying these words in a grand manner, he showed a look of impatience.

The smart man opposite who called himself Ke Yu hesitated for a moment after hearing this. But then he smiled awkwardly and did not mention the identity test of Han Li and others. Instead, he coughed dryly and introduced the old man next to him.

"Senior Ding is the protector of the Qingyang Clan. This mission actually involves asking three seniors to assist Senior Ding in capturing a key criminal in the Qingyang Clan. The seniors can discuss the specific matters among themselves. This junior is only responsible for the introduction. "As soon as Ke Yu finished the introduction, he obediently took a step back and let the old man deal with Han Li and others in person.

"Qingyang Gate? Could it be Master Sanyang's Qingyang Gate?" The skull's eyes flashed blue, revealing a look of surprise.

The evil man and Han Li next to him also changed their expressions slightly when they heard this.

"Haha! It seems that I don't need to say more. All three of us know the name of our ancestor. This time, it is our ancestor who personally made a request for assistance to the leader of the Six Paths of your alliance. Because this important criminal is not only in the pill formation stage The monk, who also possesses several treasures of the Qingyang Sect, has been escaping pursuit for many years. Only recently did the sect accidentally learn of his whereabouts. Originally, if the Patriarch himself had taken action, he would have been able to capture him. But unfortunately, the Patriarch had other important matters. I am really helpless, so I asked a few Taoist friends to come here to help me. I think I and the four alchemy monks will be able to capture the demon girl alive." The old man surnamed Ding from the Qingyang Sect smiled slightly and said to the three He said with cupped hands, but when he said the last sentence, his expression turned stern.

"Is she a female cultivator?" Upon hearing the word "witch", the evil man asked doubtfully.

Han Li frowned, vaguely remembering something.

"That's right. The witch's name is Yuan Yao. She was originally a concubine that our young master planned to take. But I didn't expect that the witch was cruel and ruthless. Instead, she relied on her charm and charm to assassinate the young master together with another woman. The master, and rolled away the treasures and rare elixirs on the young master. Then he used them to form a golden elixir. The Sanyang Patriarch had only one descendant like the young master. Naturally, they hated this woman to the core. The three of them hated her. If we can help Ding capture this woman alive, our sect will definitely express our deep gratitude. We will never let fellow Taoists' efforts go in vain." When the old man talked about the goal, he seemed to be gritting his teeth, but he didn't seem to want to talk more. This matter was briefly introduced and the topic was changed.

The skull and the evil man looked at each other with indifferent expressions, while Han Li touched his nose and was speechless.

Sure enough, he was talking about this girl Yuan Yao!

This mysterious and beautiful woman actually has such an origin. It was really beyond Han Li's expectation.

He originally wondered why this woman had formed a golden elixir in such a short time, and why she had remained so mysterious after the encounter. It turned out that some young sect leader was robbed and wanted by the Qingyang Sect.

It seems that the young master of the Qingyang Clan must have a lot of rare elixirs, and they all gave Yuan Yao an advantage.

But seeing that this woman is about to be unlucky, should she take action to disrupt the situation? This made Han Li hesitate.

Although he and this woman could not be said to have any friendship, they could barely be regarded as acquaintances.

At this moment, the skull beside him said:

"Since it is an order from above, there is no reward, so our brothers will definitely contribute. I wonder where this woman is now? Since we were asked to gather here, she must not be too far away!" Don't look at this girl's scary appearance , but very attentive.

"This fellow Taoist is right. The demon girl lives in seclusion on a deserted island north of Huangming Island. If she hadn't been out shopping once, she was accidentally recognized by the disciples and followed to her lair. I'm afraid there would still be no trace of her. News. This woman is extremely cunning, and she carries extremely powerful treasures, including the Qingyang Thunder, our secret treasure. I hope all fellow Taoists will be more careful." The old man warned, and specially raised his hand to Han Li.

After all, with Han Li's advanced cultivation of Dan Dan, the old man naturally valued it very much.

But what this person never expected was that although Han Li nodded expressionlessly, what he was thinking about was taking action to kill all of them.

However, when Han Li heard that Yuan Yao was nearby, his heart couldn't help but he made up his mind instantly. He decided to meet this woman for a while, and then take the opportunity to ask for something important after rescuing her.

At this time, when Ke Yu, a smart man, saw that several people had finished their discussion, he respectfully asked everyone, and then led the way out of the cave.

In a stone house on another island, a disheveled monk looked at the teleportation array at his feet, feeling puzzled for a while.

When he first entered the house, this magic circle was still flashing normally.

But when it was time to teleport, the magic circle failed inexplicably.

This made him touch his head and feel depressed secretly.

After passing through a short section of the mountain and several layers of guarded restrictions, Han Li and others appeared on the edge of a cliff.

After looking at the looming villages and towns in the distance, several people flew into the sky one after another.

Then, under the guidance of the old man from Qingyang Gate, he flew away from the island and flew towards the north.

The journey was uneventful, and everyone was busy on their way.

Han Li had the highest level of cultivation, and he had a cold and cold attitude that kept strangers away from him. No one would talk to him without a sense of humor.

As a result, after half a day, the five people saw a small island with a radius of only dozens of miles.

"This is it. The witch is hiding in one of the hills!" The old man's eyes flashed coldly, he stopped hiding and said coldly.

Han Li and others then stopped in mid-air and looked at the island from a distance.

Apart from a small patch of sparse vegetation, there are only a few small rocky hills on the island. The spiritual energy is also extremely thin.

"Fellow Daoist Ding, have you found the wrong place? How could a demon girl, a monk in the alchemy stage, find such a place to practice?" After looking at it for a while, the ugly man couldn't help but ask, with a look of doubt on his face.

"Don't worry. This is definitely the right place." The old man surnamed Ding replied confidently. Then he pinched the spell with both hands, then raised one hand, and a dazzling yellow light shot into the sky.

A moment later, the same yellow light rose far away from the other side of the island.

When the old man saw it, his face lit up, and he hurriedly turned to Han Li and others and said:

"Let's go. There are disciples of our sect there who have been monitoring the girl's whereabouts. It seems that the demon girl has not left the island."

After finishing speaking, the old man had no intention of leaving. As a result, after a while, a red light flew from another place where the yellow light came out. In the blink of an eye, they were in front of several people. After the brilliance faded, a man in gray clothes appeared, about forty years old and in the middle stage of foundation building. There is also a cyan flame mark embroidered on his sleeve, but it is much smaller than the old man's.

"Disciple has met Master Ding and several seniors!" The man recognized the old man surnamed Ding at a glance, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute him without any hesitation, and said respectfully.

The old man waved his hand carelessly and asked in a deep voice:

"Is the witch still on the island? Has she not left this place?"

"No! Ever since the disciple followed her back to this island, the demon girl has never left her cave." The middle-aged man said with certainty.

"Okay. You have done a good job in this matter. After the incident here is over, I will go back and promote you to the inner disciple. Now lead the way." The old man praised and said solemnly.

"Thank you for your guidance, uncle! Disciple, I will lead the way." Hearing this, the middle-aged man said continuously with a look of ecstasy on his face.

Then the man turned around and led a few people straight to the island to escape.

In the blink of an eye, the group of people arrived above the island. The middle-aged man pointed to one of the rocky mountains and said respectfully to everyone:

"When the demon girl came back last time, I didn't dare to get close to follow her because of my low cultivation. I just saw that she disappeared as soon as she approached this mountain. It is estimated that this female cave is in this mountain."

When the skull heard this, he looked at the rocky mountain with a flash of light in his eyes, and nodded slowly:

"Yes, some clever restrictions have been placed on the surface of the stone mountain. I also checked it carefully. If I were passing by from a distance, I would never be able to find anything strange about this island. No wonder this woman can hide here without incident for many years. "

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