A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 57 Awakening and enemy death

An icy coolness slowly surged out from the secret place in his heart, and soon spread throughout Han Li's body, waking Han Li up from his drowsiness.

As soon as Han Li woke up, he felt that his head was extremely heavy and there was a dull pain. Every part of his body was soft and weak, as if he was recovering from a serious illness. He tried hard to open his eyes, but his eyelids were extremely heavy and he could not move at all.

In his confusion, Han Li remembered everything that happened before he fell into coma.

He stirred up his energy, shuddered, his mind immediately cleared up a little, and he quickly checked his specific situation.

"Hey!" It seemed that his body was not occupied. Although he couldn't open his eyes, the discomfort all over his body really told him that his whole body was back in his hands again.

"Did Dr. Mo's approach fail?"

Han Li, who was shocked by the unexpected surprise, came up with the only reasonable explanation.

Holding down the excitement in his heart, Han Li patiently regained some strength, and then he struggled to open a small slit in his eyes and see clearly what was outside him.

As soon as he opened it, he saw a face full of white hair, thin and haggard, and extremely old. It was the face of Dr. Mo's aging, but he seemed to be more than ten years older than before. He is already a bad old man who cannot get any older.

At this time, his eyes were wide open and he was looking at Han Li with a horrified expression.

Han Li was taken aback, and his muscles tightened all over his body. The feeling of weakness was forgotten. The first thought in his mind was to strike first and strike first to gain the upper hand.

After experiencing the last lesson, Han Li would never let himself be easily controlled by others again.

But then, Han Li noticed something strange. The other person's expression was stagnant, motionless, and there was no sound of breathing or breathing, as if he had been dead for a long time.

Han Li frowned, but he didn't dare to be careless and still didn't lift his guard. He focused on the other person's face, trying to find some flaws.

After observing carefully for half a quarter of an hour, Han Li had to admit that the other party did not look like a living person.

After hesitating for a moment, he cautiously approached the other person, stretched out his hand to grab the other person's wrist, and put the other one under the other person's nostril. He tested it for a while, but there was no movement.

Only then did Han Li feel completely at ease, his heart became extremely relaxed, and the boulder that had been oppressing him deep in his heart was finally thrown away.

Until now, Han Li still couldn't believe that the archenemy in his mind, the cunning and vicious Doctor Mo, had died so silently, so mysteriously, so easily.

He touched his forehead and found that the so-called "Calming Talisman" had disappeared without a trace. He did not know where it went. It was also seen nearby, which made Han Li a little strange. Later, when he learned the magic of talismans, he recalled the incident and realized that the yellow talisman must have been reduced to ashes due to the exhaustion of its magic power, so he could not find it anywhere.

Han Li, who was mentally relaxed, began to look away from Doctor Mo's body, trying to find some clues as to why he died.

The oil lamps and candles around him were still on, which meant that he had not been unconscious for too long. The sapphires not far away had become gray, as if the quality had dropped several levels all of a sudden. It has to be inconspicuous.

When he turned his eyes, in the corner of the stone house, something that was dodging and trying its best to avoid Han Li's perspective fell into his eyes.

This object was no stranger to Han Li. It was the enemy he had fought with in his sleep for the last time and slipped out of his hands, the green light group that had one third of it swallowed up.

At this time, it was desperately looking into the corner, seeming to be afraid of Han Li and trying to hide.

Han Li was a little surprised at first, but then he raised his chin with one hand thoughtfully, lowered his head and pondered for a while.

After a while, Han Li stood up and walked towards the light group.

He didn't stop until he was only half a foot away from it, and said slowly:

"I think we should get to know each other. You must be Yu Zitong."

The green ball of light was trembling a little, and the light on its body was flickering. When Han Li called out its name, it dimmed for a while before shining again.

"You have guessed it. Your Excellency is indeed a disciple of Mo Juren. He is as difficult to deal with as he is." Guangtuan seemed to be a little resigned to his fate, and even started to speak in human language. Judging from his accent, it was exactly that person. A young man.

It did not quibble and directly admitted Han Li's guess.

"Then your Excellency, shouldn't you give me some explanation and tell me the whole story next time?" When Han Li heard that the other party was really one of the culprits who murdered him, Han Li didn't look angry at all and remained calm and calm.

But Yu Zitong, after seeing the other party's lukewarm look, felt cold in his heart for some reason, and felt that a disaster was imminent.

In the recent battle of consciousness, he had just experienced the power of this evil star. Part of his soul was swallowed alive, and most of his mana was lost. The remaining magic power at this moment can only allow him to perform a few small illusions, without any lethality. Now facing a real person and having no ability to protect himself, he naturally has unspeakable fear in his heart.

"What do you want to know?"

He knew that the other party had just escaped from death and should be emotionally unstable and extremely dangerous. Even though the other person seems calm on the surface, deep down he may be filled with rage just like before the volcano erupted.

Now that he has been discovered, the best thing to do is to cooperate and not challenge the other person's patience with words. He does not want to just succumb to the other person's impulse.

"First, tell me, who are you? Then tell me everything about how you and Doctor Mo got to know each other, as well as your original plan. I have plenty of time now, so I can slowly listen to your story. ." Han Li spoke expressionlessly, as if wearing a mask, with no trace of any emotional fluctuations.

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