A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 567 The wind is blowing overseas and it’s tempting to ambush

After returning to Shuangfeng Island, Mrs. Fan immediately, with the assistance of Han Li, wiped out all the monks who were loyal to Yuntianxiao, and then began to wait quietly in the market for his arrival.

Five days later, Han Li closed his eyes and rested in the hall of Fangshi, while Mrs. Fan sat opposite her with a gloomy expression on her face.

At this moment, a burst of fire flew in from outside the door. Mrs. Fan's bright eyes suddenly lit up, and with a slight move of her delicate hand, the fire flew into her hand.

A few panicked female voices came out from the fire.

"Sect Master, it's not good! In addition to Elder Yun, Master Miaohe has also returned with him. Now he has entered the city. Sect Master, you should prepare early!"

"What? Miaohe and old ghost are here together," Mrs. Fan was shocked and crushed the transmission note to pieces, her face became extremely ugly.

"Miaohe from Biyun Sect?" Han Li opened his eyes and his expression changed slightly, but then he calmed down.

"If it's not this old man, who else could it be? It's too late to stop now. Yuntianxiao's men have been wiped out. As long as he stays in Fangshi for a while, he will find something wrong." Mrs. Fan He said with a livid face.

Then, when she saw that Han Li still maintained a calm expression and stared at Han Li, she felt a glimmer of hope in her heart!

When Han Li saw this woman staring at him without saying a word, he couldn't help rolling his eyes at her and said angrily.

"Madam, what do you mean when you look at me like this? Do you still expect me to fight against the Nascent Soul Stage monks!"

However, he really doesn't panic!

Since the person who came was not a bearded guy like Wan Tianming, even though he was defeated, the worst he could do was just pat his ass and leave. Especially after acquiring the Wind and Thunder Wing magic weapon, he became more confident in escaping safely from the hands of the early Nascent Soul monks.

If possible, of course he would like to return to the Inner Star Sea from the teleportation array as planned. Therefore, although Han Li said this in his mouth, he began to think about it very quickly in his heart.

But after hearing what Han Li said, Mrs. Fan's face turned pale, and she stood there blankly, and her position suddenly became chaotic.

But a moment later, a cold look flashed in Han Li's eyes, and he licked his upper lip and asked in a deep voice:

"I wonder what the relationship is between Miaohe and Yun Tianxiao. If I suddenly kill Yun Tianxiao, will he definitely take action to avenge him?"

After hearing what Han Li said, Mrs. Fan was stunned for a moment, but she immediately understood something and replied in surprise.

"What kind of relationship can it have? That old Taoist is just some relationship that Yuntianxiao forced himself into by using our female cultivator from the Miaoyin Sect to give him a furnace cauldron. Although he and Yuntianxiao are closer. But if they promise afterwards, If he can provide higher conditions, he should not interfere with our Miaoyin Sect's affairs. However, this must be done when Yuntianxiao does not ask him for help. Otherwise, the old Taoist may not be able to forgive his feelings and really intervene in our affairs. .”

"That's enough! Later, you can lure Yuntianxiao to the house next door alone. I will kill him instantly. He will not have time to ask Miaohe for help. As long as it causes the fact that you are in power, the old Taoist will not say anything else. Then you can use better terms to win over Miaohe." Han Li calmly analyzed for Mrs. Fan.

"Okay! At this point, the only thing left is to fight. Senior must use all his strength to get rid of Yuntianxiao in the shortest possible time! Senior will wait in a room farthest away from here, and interesting things will happen. Just leave it to me." Mrs. Fan was not an ordinary woman, and after being forced to this point, she gritted her teeth and agreed.

Seeing this, Han Li didn't waste any more time and immediately walked quickly towards the side door of the hall. It leads directly to many large and small rooms behind the hall.

When he walked to the door, Han Li seemed to remember something, his steps suddenly stopped, and he turned around with a gloomy expression.

"Master Fan! After I killed Yun Tianxiao, I won't expose Han's identity on a whim, and then come to please Master Miaohe! Regardless of whether Madam will have this idea, I will give Madam a warning first. .With Han's current methods, even if he is not Miaohe's opponent, it is still easy to escape from his hands. When the time comes, I must be aware of what I will do! These words are considered as follows. A word of warning, please prevent Madam De from getting too hot-headed and doing something that is not good for you or me." When Han Li said the next few sentences, his voice became extremely cold.

After hearing these words, Mrs. Fan couldn't help but be startled. After her expression changed several times, a wry smile appeared on her face.

"Senior is joking, how could I repay kindness with revenge? Besides, Elder Han is not an ordinary pill-forming monk, how could I not know this? Senior, please rest assured, as long as we get rid of Yuntian Xiao, the little girl will not be ruined. Promise." The goddess said solemnly, and then swore a poisonous oath to the sky.

After hearing this, Han Li took a deep look at the woman, then entered the side door without looking back. After walking a short passage, he entered the last room.

Except that this room is smaller, the layout of this room is similar to that of the front hall.

Han's figure flashed and he sat down next to a sandalwood chair. Then he closed his eyes and collected his energy, condensing his own spiritual energy completely to prevent being discovered by Miaohe and others who were about to arrive.

He was confident that after his cultivation reached the late stage of pill formation, he should be able to hide the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but this was still his guess after all.

Is it really possible to hide from Miaohe's induction? He himself was a little uneasy. Just do your best.

Mrs. Fan in the next hall was equally uneasy.

She seemed to have full confidence in Han Li, but in fact, the woman also didn't know whether Han Li's magical power could really kill Yun Tianxiao instantly.

Although Han Li showed his skills at the last exchange meeting. But she knew very well that most of them were unexpected effects.

However, this woman was also a very scheming person. After forcibly using mental techniques to suppress the distracting thoughts in her heart, she sat on the main seat, poured herself a cup of hot tea, and tasted it slowly.

With this move, she quickly regained her composure as usual.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door. After a while, a Confucian scholar and a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing white crane pattern robes came in one after another.

"Senior Miaohe, Elder Yun!" Mrs. Fan exclaimed pretending to be surprised, quickly put down the tea cup that had been placed on her lips, stood up in a hurry and bowed to Master Miaohe first.

Miaohe just nodded slightly indifferently without saying a word, looking like an expert from this world.

But as soon as Yuntianxiao entered the hall, after looking around, he frowned inadvertently, with a trace of doubt on his face.

"Why don't I see Yunqin waiting for the door master outside? Does she dare to be lazy and mischievous? I must teach her a lesson." Yun Tianxiao said in anger after returning the greeting.

"Yunqin! She..." Mrs. Fan showed a hint of hesitation and glanced at Miaohe, looking hesitant.

"Sect Master, Senior Miaohe is not an outsider! Just tell him about anything." Yun Tianxiao was startled at first, but then he pretended to be unhappy and said.

"In this case, I will tell you the truth. Yunqin is receiving a casual cultivator, and he has a batch of fantasy stones that he wants to sell to our sect. That girl Yunqin must negotiate with this person in person, so I have to let him ." Seeing this, Mrs. Fan replied with the same displeasure.

"What, Dream Stone?" Yun Tianxiao was about to turn to Miaohe to say something. When he heard this, his body couldn't help but trembled, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

After hearing this, Master Miaohe's eyes flashed, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Hmph! Elder Yun's good disciple actually insisted on having a detailed discussion with him alone. Even I, the sect leader, was not allowed to watch." Mrs. Fan seemed to have been sulking for a long time, and said coldly with a very ugly face.

"Ahem... Yunqin did go a little too far. But I believe she didn't mean it. Master, where are they now? I'm a little worried." After a few dry coughs, Yun Tianxiao looked downplayed, but immediately turned his face and said Master Chong Miaohe said with unusual respect:

"Senior Miaohe, please wait for a moment. After I have taken care of this small matter, we can continue to discuss the things we talked about on the way."

"Since Fellow Taoist Yun has important matters, let's deal with them first. I can just meditate here for a while." Master Miaohe smiled slightly and said nonchalantly.

When Yuntian Xiao heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. Then his eyes fell on Mrs. Fan.

"Elder Yun, come with me, I will show you the way out." Mrs. Fan said reluctantly, walking slowly towards the side door, as if she was reluctant.

Yun Tianxiao was already confused by the good news about the Dream Stone. Seeing Mrs. Fan's actions, the last bit of doubt in his heart disappeared and he hurriedly followed.

Miaohe, on the other hand, glanced at the backs of the two of them casually, found a chair by himself, and sat down grandly.

At the other end, Yuntian Xiao had followed Mrs. Fan excitedly to the last stone house in the passage, and the door was tightly closed.

"We're here! Let's talk about it. Anyway, I, the owner of the house, can't take any control at all!" Mrs. Fan snorted, pointed at the door, and then walked back as if she was dissatisfied.

When Yun Tianxiao saw this, a sneer flashed across his face, then he opened the door without a care and walked in.

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