A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 541 The Wind is Rising Overseas Childish Girl

With a "whoosh" sound, a giant ape appeared in the light curtain in the twilight. Then he walked a few steps in front of the kneeling girl and stopped.

The faces of the middle-aged monks and others changed slightly, and they stared at the puppet with a hint of worry.

The girl in the yellow shirt opened her bright reddish eyes and looked at the giant ape in front of her with a hint of confusion.

"I don't care whether what you said is false or not, it is still so pitiful. But I never do anything unprofitable. I think you are still a virgin, and I have reached a bottleneck in your cultivation. Perhaps you can break through again with the help of dual cultivation. If you are willing to be my cauldron, the three "Zhiyuan Pills" in this small bottle are more than enough to cure your father. You can let your fellow disciples go back with the pills, and you can enter the formation. I will never force others to do anything, nor will I. If you don't want to, you can leave now. Just pretend you have never met me." The man's cold words came without any emotion.

At this time, the giant ape puppet held it up with one hand, revealing a small jade bottle with warm white color and sending it to the kneeling girl.

When the girl heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned!

Although she was still young, she also knew the meaning of dual cultivation and the furnace. A seductive blush appeared on her originally pale and pretty face, but she immediately agreed without hesitation:

"Okay. As long as my father can be restored to his former self, I will volunteer to be the cauldron for my senior." After saying this, the girl stretched out her slender wrist, took the jade bottle into her hand, and then slowly stood up.

"Myolie! How could you do this? How can I explain it to my senior brother when I go back?" The middle-aged monk was frightened when he heard what the girl said, and shouted loudly in a hurry.

The other four men and women also changed their expressions upon hearing this and also spoke out to dissuade him.

"Uncle, please take a look at the elixir in this bottle. Is it really useful to my father?" The girl did not respond to the middle-aged monk's anger, but raised her delicate hand and threw the jade bottle towards him, asking calmly.

"You... Hi!" The middle-aged monk took the jade bottle, looked at the girl's expressionless and pretty face, and sighed helplessly. Knowing that it would be difficult to change the other person's mind, he could only open the jade bottle with a gloomy face and pour out a light blue pill.

A strange fragrance suddenly filled the air!

Everyone who smells this fragrance is refreshed and feels extremely relaxed physically and mentally.

"This is the elixir refined from the demon elixir!" The middle-aged man smelled the fragrance of the elixir and was surprised at first. Then he put the elixir under his nose and sniffed it twice before exclaiming in surprise.

"Refined with Demonic Pill? Can this Supreme Yuan Pill really cure my father?" The girl looked unusually calm and just asked calmly.

"Although I don't know the specific effects of this medicine, this medicine is absolutely rare. It should not be a lie." The middle-aged monk's face was complicated, but after hesitating for a moment, he still told the truth.

"Thank you, Uncle, for telling me! This will put Xing'er at ease. I also need to ask Uncle, Master, to bring this medicine back. Just tell my father that there has never been an unfilial daughter like me in this life." The girl let out a long breath. Then his bright eyes turned red, he turned around and rushed into the light curtain without looking back.

Seeing this, the middle-aged monk's expression changed several times. He opened his mouth, but said nothing. Instead, he tightened his grip on the jade bottle in his hand.

At this time, the giant ape puppet also returned to the light curtain. The light curtain that was originally cracked slowly closed.

"Uncle, are you really going to let Junior Sister Gongsun sit on the furnace for someone else?" The sturdy young man finally couldn't help but said loudly with anxiety on his face.

The expressions of the other two women were also not very good-looking.

"Don't you see it? You junior sisters have made up their minds, and we can't stop it at all. Besides, this senior's elixir may really cure the master. For the sake of Qingling Sect's future, I can't stop it." The middle-aged man said. The monk's expression dimmed and he said in a low voice.

"But we can't let our junior sister be the furnace! Isn't this going to ruin this little junior sister's life?" The young man's face was blood red, but he still refused to give up and argued hard.

"Master Nephew Li, I know that you and Xing'er grew up together and are as close as brothers and sisters. But it can't be changed now." The middle-aged monk's mouth twitched and he said with a conflicted look on his face.

"Uncle, Junior Sister Gongsun has been sent away." The woman in blue suddenly exclaimed.

When the middle-aged monks and sturdy young men heard this, they all looked around hurriedly.

I saw the rays of light blooming in the light curtain, and the girl's figure was gradually blurred in the brilliance.

After a while, the glow disappeared, and the girl disappeared, leaving only pieces of lonely fallen leaves in the same place.

When the stout young man saw this scene, he immediately felt like a deflated rubber ball. He squatted on the ground with his head in his hands and remained speechless.

The middle-aged monk silently patted the young man on the shoulder to comfort him a little.

Half an hour later, these people drove away from the island and flew away from this sea of ​​fog.

After the girl in yellow shirt was wrapped in the glow, she felt dizzy and was teleported out.

When she returned to normal, she was already standing in a strange small valley.

There are steep stone walls on both sides, and in front is a blue stone door about several feet high.

The girl looked around, feeling hesitant in her heart. Just when she didn't know what to do, there was a flash of light, and the giant ape puppet appeared behind her.

The giant ape ignored the girl at all, but strode towards the stone door. With a stiff push with both hands, the bluestone door easily opened inwards.

"Your name is Gongsun Xing, right? Follow me, this puppet, into the cave. Wait two more days, and I will come out of seclusion." As soon as the man's voice appeared, he mysteriously disappeared.

At this moment, the girl in the yellow shirt bit her red lips and entered behind the bluestone door.

After following the giant ape puppet turning left and right for a while, the girl was led into a stone room several feet in size.

There is nothing else in this room except a stone bed covered with unknown fur, a stone table and two stone chairs.

The giant ape led her to the place and left the house on her own, leaving only the girl who was a little overwhelmed and stayed where she was.

The girl looked at everything in the house for a moment, then looked outside the house. The stone door was not closed, and it seemed that one could enter and exit freely.

But after thinking about it for a while, the woman slowly sat on the edge of the bed and began to hold her chin in her hands in a daze.

Although she had already made preparations to devote herself to it, she naturally became frightened when she thought about her future dual cultivation and the rumored life in the furnace.

Moreover, now that she was alone in an unfamiliar environment, she felt even more desolate!

After more than an hour, the girl stopped thinking and looked at the passage outside the house. She hesitated.

After a while, he stood up and quietly walked out of the house.

After walking out of the stone room and walking along the path for a while, she turned into a criss-crossing hall with several arches.

One of them was the passage through which she entered.

But what caught the girl's attention was that there was a giant ape puppet standing next to each arch. They were motionless, like dead things.

The woman blinked her long eyelashes and tentatively walked towards the nearest arch. But before she could get close to the place, the giant ape next to her silently flashed and blocked the way with an expressionless face.

The girl took a step back in fear, but the giant ape stood back coldly.

The woman's dark eyes rolled slightly, and she stepped forward tentatively again, but the puppet also blocked the front.

At this moment, Gongsun Xing understood that the front was not a place she could go, so she headed towards another arch.

This time, the giant ape puppet next to her didn't move, which made the girl feel relieved and walked directly through the door.

After passing a rather unique small garden, another stone house with a closed stone door appeared in front of the woman.

The girl walked to the door in a few steps and pushed it curiously with her slender hands. The stone door was easily pushed open.

This Xing'er glanced around the room with clear eyes, and it was clear what was inside.

A row of stone platforms stacked with colorful jade slips were placed in the middle of the room. There was a short round stone pier next to it and several pots of light green exotic grasses, making it look unusually quiet.

The girl pursed her cute little mouth and walked in without thinking too much.

Then he walked to the stone platform, casually grabbed a red jade slip, and sank his consciousness into it.

This was a classic book that introduced the knowledge of formations. The girl was not interested in it. After a few glances, she pulled out her consciousness and put the jade slip back in its place.

Another novice picked up a white jade slip and looked at it with his spiritual sense again.

This time it is a classic that introduces the art of weapon refining. Naturally, the girl had no intention of taking a closer look, and also withdrew her consciousness.

However, the contents of the jade slips obtained twice were different, which made the girl a little curious. He picked up three or four more in succession and looked at them one by one.

(I’ve been staying up late for several days, and my body can’t bear it. So that’s it for tonight. Let’s go to bed early! I hope everyone has a sweet dream tonight!)

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