A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 501 The wind blows overseas and the death of Xuan Gu

Han Li looked very ugly!

Although the power grid temporarily blocked all the gray-white flames, these flames burned fiercely on the arc surface as if nothing was burning.

This formed a gray-white fire shield, trapping Han Li inside.

Now even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't.

What worries Han Li even more is that these gray-white flames are swallowing up the pale golden arc little by little. Although the speed was very slow, it did make the power grid around Han Li gradually shrink.

Of course, these flames seemed to have lost some, but overall, the Shura Holy Fire had an overwhelming upper hand.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Gu breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face!

He didn't believe that under the shroud of the Shura Holy Fire, Han Li could find any means to escape from trouble again.

After all, with the power of this fire, Xuan Gu believed that even if a monk in the Nascent Soul stage was trapped in it, he would have to use a secret technique to escape even if his vitality was severely damaged. And when he has his own refined holy fire and returns to the peak of his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, I believe that there will be no problem sweeping through most of the chaotic star sea.

Thinking of this, Xuan Gu narrowed his eyes in imagination. At this time, Han Li was no different from a dead person in his eyes.

The situation is indeed getting worse!

Seeing that as the golden net shrinks, the protection composed of evil-warming divine thunder is about to break. But the sullen Han Li opened his hands expressionlessly, and two slender golden arcs shot out from his palms, merging with the golden arcs on the power grid.

Golden electric arcs were continuously transmitted from Han Li's hand to the power grid. The originally sluggish power grid immediately became bright and golden again. Not only did it return to its original size, it also continuously ejected finger-thick arcs at an astonishing speed. For a moment, those gray-white holy fires were blocked from the outside again, and there was a strong tendency to surround them.

Xuan Gu's eyes almost popped out, and his whole body almost jumped up!

Only now does he know what "man's calculation is worse than God's calculation" means.

Han Li still has so many evil-proof divine thunders, which really challenges the old devil's nerves.

Even if the Holy Fire of Shura is a higher level existence than the evil-repelling divine thunder, it is really hard to say who can destroy whom if there are too many evil-repelling divine thunders!

Xuan Gu looked straight at Han Li with a look that looked at an evildoer.

He really wanted to see how many Golden Thunder Bamboo magic weapons Han Li had hidden in his small body. Could it be that he really had inexhaustible use of the evil-dispelling divine thunder?

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Xuan Gu suddenly bit the tip of his tongue with his teeth in surprise.

The severe pain and the faint fishy smell suddenly made his mind clearer.

He shook his head slightly to erase this ridiculous idea from his mind.

Are the evil-repelling divine thunders inexhaustible? Naturally, such a thing cannot really happen. He was just a little unconfident because of the number of divine thunders the opponent had.

But Xuan Gu believes that the other party has released so many divine thunders over and over again, and now there must really be very few left. As long as he survives this critical moment, he can completely eliminate Han Li. So many Golden Thunder Bamboo magic weapons are naturally his!

Thinking of this, Xuan Gu's spirit was lifted again. After staring at Han Li fiercely for a few more times with greedy eyes, he raised his head and looked at the ball of light in the sky.

The other party had evil-proof divine thunder that he had not released, and he had not just fused all the dry blue ice flames into the Shura Holy Fire. He only fused a small half of the ice flames to reduce the risk of backlash from the secret technique.

But now it seems that this small half of the holy fire cannot extinguish Han Li.

Only by fusing all the remaining ice flames and releasing them can the opponent be completely obliterated in one go.

Thinking of this, he nodded slightly and started to cast the spell.

The ball of light in the sky rotated at high speed, emitting a dazzling glow again.

Seeing this scene, Han Li's heart suddenly became cold.

Just as Xuan Gu expected, Han Li continuously used the evil-dispelling divine thunder, fighting the opponent's dry blue ice flames and Shura holy fire one after another, and indeed almost consumed nine out of ten of the divine thunder. Now that the opponent is about to transform the Asura Holy Fire to attack again, Han Li will never be able to survive with the remaining divine thunder at his own expense.

The only way is to break through the blockade of this fire immediately and escape for your life first. After all, no matter how powerful the opponent's flame is, it is useless if it cannot touch his body.

Thinking of this, Han Li was heartbroken. All the remaining evil-proof divine thunder in the body was activated in an instant.

Suddenly, two golden arcs as thick as arms shot out from both palms at the same time and bounced onto the power grid.

The golden power grid flashed rapidly for several times, and with a low thunder, it finally turned into a golden glow and exploded.

Countless pale golden electric lights pushed away all the few remaining gray flames on the outside.

At this time, Han Li's figure flashed a few times, and he disappeared from the place and appeared in another place a few feet away.

During this movement, Han Like secretly broke into a cold sweat.

He was afraid that if he were not careful, he would be exposed to a trace of gray-white flames, which would definitely be fatal to him.

Now that he had escaped from the shroud of Shura's holy fire, Han Li shook his cloak without hesitation, and the blood-red cloak began to float in the windless air.

This is the sign before launching this ancient treasure.

He had made up his mind, rushed to the stone steps in one breath, and then used the Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword to avoid the wall and took the opportunity to escape.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Gu also guessed some of Han Li's thoughts.

He suddenly felt anxious, mentioned his magic power without thinking, and accelerated the speed of transforming the light ball.

A huge muffled sound was heard, and the entire light ball burned completely. In an instant, the entire surface of the light ball turned into gray-white flames, as if the Shura Holy Fire had been completed.

But what is surprising is that there is still a small group of inconspicuous blue light in the center of the fireball. This light group keeps beating, as if it is not stable.

Xuan Gu was slightly startled when he saw this scene, but then he didn't take it to heart. This may be because his magic power is not high now and he has not completed all the transformations. It is not a big deal!

What worried him was that Han Li was about to escape. No matter what he said, he would never let Han Li escape like this.

So he immediately waved to the white fireball. The fireball trembled slightly for a few times before it began to attack according to his wishes.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The remaining blue light in the center of the gray-white fireball suddenly flashed for a few times, and then exploded in the center of the fireball.

Suddenly, the surface of the fireball became uneven, and a scream came from the inside of the ball!

Xuan Gu was shocked and hurriedly tried to control the changes in the fireball.

But he had long forgotten that these Shura Holy Fires were not the flames he had truly refined, but he had used some external force to forcibly control the fires. Now stimulated by the explosion at the core, the fireball could no longer remain stable and became completely out of control. He can't control it at all with this little magic power!

While Xuan Gu Mantou was sweating profusely, the fireball instantly changed into several colors, black, green and white, before exploding on top of Xuan Gu's head.

Countless gray-white sparks fell everywhere.

There is no blood underneath Xuan Gu!

He didn't dare to think too much and hurriedly spun around, and a large black-green ghostly energy shot up into the sky, pointing towards the out-of-control Shura Holy Fire.

Then in a flash, lightning shot out like a crossbow. As long as he can escape the explosion range of the fireball, he can save his life.

Although the black-green ghost energy looked menacing, when it came into contact with those falling gray-white sparks, it melted away without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea, and it failed to hinder it at all.

But after all, the falling speed of these Shura holy fires is not very fast. Even if the explosion range is extremely wide, the Xuan Gu's back foot will be out of the range of the influence as soon as the front foot jumps out.

But at this moment, Xuan Gu's eyes suddenly flashed with green light, and more than ten green sword lights struck him head-on.

It was Han Li who noticed the reversal of the situation and immediately gave up the idea of ​​escaping. Instead, he seized the opportunity and shot out numerous Qingyuan sword lights, blocking Xuan Gu's path.

Xuan Gu was shocked and angry, and cursed in his heart!

But at this moment, he had no time to dodge. He could only grit his teeth and suddenly cross his arms with Ichigo in front of him. Then a thin layer of green energy appeared from his body, and he rushed forward.

When a ray of green light rushed in front of him, he opened his mouth and spurted out another ray of green light. It's the old devil's magic weapon, the Golden Thunder Bamboo Arrow!

After this green light shattered four or five in a row, it was finally blown aside.

The remaining sword light hit Xuan Gu's arms unceremoniously.

"Bang" "bang"... five or six muffled sounds sounded one after another.

Xuan Gu obviously underestimated the power of Han Li's Qingyuan sword light. Although he used his body to catch the first four green lights with no problem, the last two finally shattered the green energy that protected him and hit his true body firmly. . After letting his flying figure sway a few times, he took a few steps back instead of advancing.

This time, Xuan Guhun flew into the sky! With a look of horror on his face, he hurriedly touched his chest, as if he wanted to take something. But a small gray-white spark that looked weak and cool fell silently on his shoulder.

With a sound of "Zila", the gray-white flames burst out.

Xuan Gu didn't even have time to let out a scream, and his figure disintegrated in the firelight, turned into ashes, and disappeared invisible.

(Haha, the normal two updates will resume tomorrow! I am here to ask for some recommendation votes from everyone. Wangyu would like to thank everyone here in advance! I hope everyone will continue to like this book in the future!)

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