Seeing that the two sides were about to come into contact, Han Li twisted the sword blade in his hand slightly, and the angle was tilted a little. Yes, it was just a small change, but in Doctor Mo's eyes, it had undergone earth-shaking changes. .

Doctor Mo only felt his eyes light up, and suddenly dozens of dazzling white lights appeared. This light was extremely intense and reflected in his eyes without any cover.

Secretly shouting "not good", he hurriedly stepped back and immediately closed his eyelids, but it was too late. The white light entered his eyes in an instant, leaving no chance to react.

Doctor Mo suddenly felt hot in his eyes, and then his eyeballs became sore. Tears kept pouring out. He didn't bother to wipe the tears. He endured the discomfort and tried to open his eyes and look out, but all he saw was a vast expanse of white. Not to mention seeing objects clearly, even the outlines of things become phantom-like and blurry.

At this time, he was frightened and angry in his heart, and he regretted that he had accidentally fallen into the opponent's trick again.

However, after all, Doctor Mo has traveled around the world for a long time and has rich experience in dealing with various dangers. On the one hand, he kept stepping back, keeping distance from the opponent, trying to delay some time; on the other hand, he retracted his palms and waved them in front of him, relying on his invulnerable magic silver hands to cover his upper body. The key points.

He had already made up his mind that he would never take the initiative to attack again until his eyesight returned to normal. He would have to wait until he could see clearly before launching any offensive, to avoid falling into the trap of this cunning brat again.

Nowadays, Doctor Mo has long since cast aside his original contempt. This battle with Han Li is no less dangerous than the several life-and-death contests he had with powerful enemies in his early years.

Although he couldn't see the other party's actions clearly, Doctor Mo raised his ears and listened attentively, trying to judge the other party's next move from the sound.

He seemed to vaguely see a figure swaying in front of him, followed by a sharp sound, accompanied by a cold wind, hitting him from the front.

Regarding Han Li's assassination, Doctor Mo not only did not panic, but was actually happy.

The opponent's methods are indeed a bit childish. If he hides silently and attacks secretly, he will probably be a little worried. But if he attacks from the front in such a arrogant way, what's so scary? If you know how to distinguish the sound of the wind, he would have already He has practiced so well that he can clearly hear the impact of a slender embroidery needle, not to mention the direct thrust of a dagger.

Doctor Mo heard it clearly, but he deliberately slowed down his hand, leaving a small gap in front of him. Sure enough, the sudden attack immediately turned around, got in through the gap, and then went straight to his throat.

Doctor Mo had a sinister smile on his face, and his right hand that had been waiting for a long time suddenly shot out, grabbing the blade of the sword like lightning, and held it tightly, showing no fear of the sharp edge of the dagger.

The opponent obviously knew something was wrong, so he pulled the dagger back several times with force, but under the control of the magic silver hand, he could not move at all, it was just a waste of effort.

Doctor Mo felt a little proud in his heart, but he did not dare to be careless with his hands, for fear that the other party would wake up and let go and run away. He didn't care that his eyes had not returned to normal, and suddenly used 100% of his strength with one hand. He pulled the dagger to his side, trying to force Han Li from the opposite side, and then stopped him with his own hands, but he felt that it was light and fluffy in his hand. , as if nothing.

He was shocked. The sword he was still holding in his hand suddenly became so light. Even if Han Li let go, it shouldn't be so light.

Before Doctor Mo could figure out what was going on, he suddenly felt a sharp sound tearing the air a few inches in front of his throat. It seemed like a sharp object was stabbing towards him at an extraordinary speed. Before it arrived, the blast of air had already stung his Adam's apple slightly.

He didn't have time to think about it, and his body made an evasive action first like a reflex. His head suddenly fell to one side, leaning that way desperately, and his neck was twisted to an incredible angle, trying to avoid this fatal blow. .

The profound skills he had cultivated for many years finally came into play at this moment. Doctor Mo felt a chill on his neck. The sharp object rubbed against his neck and slid past. It only slightly scratched the skin and did not cause any harm to him. greater damage.

After escaping this move, Doctor Mo was afraid that the opponent might have another move, so without thinking too much, he imitated Han Li's initial escape move, fell to the ground, rolled around, and left Han Li far away. Only then do you dare to stand up again.

After Dr. Mo stood up straight, he felt a burning pain in his neck. He couldn't help but touch the wound. He felt that his hand was wet, and it seemed that a lot of blood had flowed out.

He hurriedly sealed the nearby blood vessels with two fingers to stop the bleeding.

At this moment, he became frightened, feeling that it was impossible to escape from the attack just now. Unexpectedly, his body's instincts were used to extraordinary effect, and he managed to escape unexpectedly.

Thinking of this, Doctor Mo couldn't help but raise his head and glance at Han Li. Only then did he realize that the things in his eyes were clearly visible, and his vision had returned to normal at some point.

Han Li was seen glaring at Doctor Mo with an unwilling expression on his face, obviously unwilling to accept that the doctor had escaped another disaster.

He was holding a pointed weapon about an inch long in his hand. It looked like an extremely short awl in shape, but the handle was still the original hilt. The overall look was a bit weird, and there was some blood stains on it. It was the strange weapon that injured Doctor Mo.

Doctor Mo's expression was cold, and his eyes were full of anger. He couldn't bear the fact that he had nearly lost his life again and again. He was about to explode, but suddenly he felt that he seemed to be holding something in his right hand.

He lowered his head and saw that it was a handleless sword blade. It was light. When he picked it up and took a closer look, he suddenly realized that the blade was hollow. Looking at the size and shape of the hollow, it was the sharp cone hidden inside. This sword The blade is just a cover that covers the awl.

Suddenly, the anger he was filled with was completely extinguished by this unexpected discovery.

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