A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 478 The Wind is Rising Overseas and the Strange Ancient Treasure

No need to ask! Passing through this square passage is the wonderful illusion.

He possesses the Great Evolution Art and has the Brahma Bead Bracelet that Ji Yin temporarily borrowed. It is absolutely easy to pass this level.

Thinking of this, Han Li stopped paying attention to the passage and carefully studied the two ancient treasures in his hands.

If you don't understand their functions first, you won't be able to use them smoothly.

First there was a flash of blood, and the cloak disappeared from his hand, leaving only the five copper rings connected in a series.

These five copper rings are about the thickness of a normal human arm, and they are imprinted with mysterious runes, making them look mysterious and unusual.

Han Li grabbed one of them with one hand and flicked his wrist slightly. The glow on the several copper rings changed with each other, and the faint sound of phoenixes could be heard.

Han Li's eyes flashed, he lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and his spiritual power was slowly poured into the copper ring through his five fingers.

At this moment, he didn't blink an eyelid, and his face was solemn.

In a flash of rays of light, the five copper rings in his hands suddenly disappeared.

Han Li was startled, but then he suddenly raised his head and looked up as if he remembered something.

I saw five copper rings not far above my head, floating there flickering in and out, flickering like ghosts, looking a little weird.

Han Li frowned, raised his hand, and fired a blue spell.

The copper ring immediately spun around and then suddenly hit the stone wall on one side.

There were several muffled sounds, a white light flashed on the wall, and the five copper rings bounced far away.

It seems that these copper rings are not used for direct attack.

Han Li's expression did not change. With one move with one hand, he made them fly back to his head, and then he sprayed them with a breath of essence without hesitation.

The copper rings suddenly swelled up and turned into five huge copper rings in an instant. The lights were wrapped around them and the runes were fluttering, making it impossible to look directly at them.

Ring magic weapons are not used for direct attack, but are mostly used for trapping enemies or for defense.

Han Li has some experience with this!

Glancing at the giant ring that became astonishingly powerful, Han Li tilted his head and slowly uttered the word "ji".

As the sound came out, the giant ring fell down with a "whoosh", and the five giant rings overlapped and trapped Han Li inside.

Then the giant ring spun out of thin air, getting faster and faster.

A five-color light curtain formed in a blur, and Han Li was completely protected within it.

Han Li showed a smile.

It seems that this copper ring really has magical powers of defense. As for its effectiveness, it can only be tested when it is against the enemy.

After thinking about it this way, Han Li flicked his fingers. A spell hit the light curtain.

In an instant, the light curtain split apart and returned to the form of a giant ring.

But after a violent shaking, several copper rings flashed and disappeared from the side again.

This time, Han Li calmly stretched out a palm. After the five-color glow flashed, five palm-sized copper rings appeared on his hand.

Han Li stared at the copper ring calmly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

Not long after, an obscure spell came from Han Li's mouth, and the five copper rings mysteriously disappeared from his hands. However, the next moment they appeared on Han Li's limbs and neck, and shrank with a sudden radiance of light.

Han Li couldn't stand upright and fell straight down like a log.

Fortunately, he had already prepared in his heart, and a spiritual thought was sent over quickly, and the copper ring was immediately released.

After Han Li regained his footing, he touched his neck, which was a bit uncomfortable from being strangled just now, and couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

This ancient treasure is used to sneak attacks and plot against others. It is really difficult to guard against.

Even with his powerful consciousness, he had just noticed something strange at the moment when the copper ring trapped him, and had no time to react.

Han Li believed that even if the monks in the late stage of Dan Formation or even the Nascent Soul stage were not on guard, they would most likely be successfully attacked by him.

Of course, it's hard to say how long these five copper rings can trap the opponent.

Even so, the magical power of this thing was far beyond his original expectations, which made him secretly happy.

Satisfied, Han Li put the copper ring into his storage bag and took out the dark red cloak.

The test of this ancient treasure is naturally much simpler.

Han Li directly put it on his body and poured some mana into it.

The blood-colored light grew stronger, and a fiery feeling appeared on Han Li's body. At the same time, his spiritual power involuntarily leaked out into the cloak.

Han Li was shocked and hurriedly cut off the magic power. The brilliance on the cloak dimmed again and returned to normal.

Han Li was stunned, took off his cloak, looked through it again, and frowned.

After a while, he put on the treasure again and carefully poured spiritual power into it.

The same surge of mana appeared again, but Han Li, who was on guard, naturally did not panic. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and carefully examined the abnormality of his cloak.

At this moment, the dozens of feathers on the outer layer of the cloak simultaneously transformed into long blood-colored feathers, and the entire cloak was covered in a thick blood light.

After just staring for a while, Han Li slowly floated up with a wave of his hands. After looking around, the person suddenly disappeared from the sky without a trace.

But the next moment, a muffled sound of "boom" came.

A ball of blood exploded on the stone wall on the right, and then Han Li's figure flew out from behind. After staggering for a few times, he almost sat down on the ground.

His face was full of shock!

He didn't use all his strength just now, he just used the most common flying technique to move. But it hit the wall as if teleporting. This made Han Li extremely shocked!

Han Li was in disbelief and tried several different escape techniques. As a result, without exception, after a flash, they were all so dizzy from being hit by the wall that they could not control their progress at all.

It seemed that once he put on this treasure, he could only reach this amazing speed and could not slow down at all.

Han Li stood there silently with a face full of surprise.

This cloak is so magical! In terms of the speed of light, this is definitely a life-saving top-level ancient treasure.

Han Li believed that at this speed, even if an infant monk came after him, he would be able to escape for a while with this treasure, making it impossible for the other party to catch up.

But the flaws of this cloak are also not small.

Not to mention the huge amount of spiritual power consumed by using it, which is jaw-dropping. Even that kind of out-of-control characteristic like letting go of the reins of a wild horse made Han Li regretful.

Obviously this cloak is a defective top-level ancient treasure, otherwise it would not have appeared in the outer hall.

But no matter what, this thing seems to be very useful when escaping.

Han Li put away his cloak with a complicated heart, bowed his head and smiled bitterly for a few times, then sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and began to practice Qi.

In just a short period of time, a lot of his mana was consumed by this ancient treasure. He wouldn't just walk out of the stone room like this.

Han Li rested for most of the day.

When he felt that the consumed mana was almost replenished, Han Li opened his eyes, looked at the square passage, and stood up solemnly.

He touched the Brahma beads bracelet on his wrist, circulated the Dayan Jue in his body, and then slowly walked into the passage.

As soon as he walked in, Han Li realized that the square passage was short enough.

After walking through a right angle, we arrived outside the passage.

After his eyes lit up, an open-air corridor appeared. This corridor is extremely gorgeous and exquisite, but at a glance it is endless, and you don’t know how far it is.

Outside the corridor, there are white clouds floating, fairy sounds bursting, and the faint trace of Qiongtai Jade Pavilion, which is like a fairyland in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Han Li showed a sneer on his lips and strode up the corridor without hesitation.

As soon as he set foot here, Han Li mentioned the magic power on his body, and it turned out to be what others said. You also cannot use the flying technique at this level, so you can only walk step by step on foot.

Han Li didn't pay attention to this, but took a deep look outside the corridor.

The faint fairy sound seemed to be clearer after he entered the corridor.

Han Li listened to the so-called fairy sound for a while with an expressionless expression. After a while, a trace of ridicule appeared on his face.

Then he clicked his tongue twice and slowly walked forward with his hands behind his back.

Han Li walked without any anger, as if he was taking a leisurely walk in his own garden.

But the fairy sound outside the corridor became clearer and more beautiful, making people nostalgic for listening to it. At the same time, some extremely graceful white cranes began to appear in the white clouds outside. They raised their necks and danced gracefully when they heard the sound. People can't help but pay attention.

(After staying up for a few nights, I feel a little uncomfortable. It seems that this chapter is all I can do. Everyone, go to bed early! Tomorrow, we will continue coding!)

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