A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 468 The Wind is Rising Overseas Black Desert

Not long after, a male cultivator slowly walked up from the other side of the hill.

This man was in his forties, with a sallow complexion. He was actually the male cultivator who feared Patriarch Ji Yin like a tiger in the main hall.

At this time, he was wearing a strange turquoise hat and holding a white jade bowl in his hand. There was still a hint of coldness emanating from his body in such a hot place.

It can be seen that both of these things are extraordinary.

As soon as this man reached the top of the mountain, he looked around with a vigilant expression, as if he was looking for something.

After seeing that there was nothing around him, the cautious look on his face became even stronger.

Not long ago, when he glanced at the hill from a distance, he seemed to vaguely see a figure shaking on the hill.

Now that we are here, there is no trace of that person. This naturally made the male cultivator extremely wary!

After looking around again coldly, he inserted two fingers into the jade bowl without saying a word, and then pulled it out suddenly. A ray of white light flew out of the bowl with his movement and turned into an arc. It hovered above his head.


The yellow-faced man pinched the spell with one hand and spoke softly.

There was a soft "bang" sound, and the white light exploded after a tremor, turning into dots of starlight like a goddess scattering flowers, covering an area of ​​dozens of feet in radius.

Where the white light fell, layers of frost condensed on the red ground, but there was still no abnormality around it.

When the man saw this, a look of doubt flashed across his face.

After he lowered his head and thought about it, he felt a little bit dissatisfied that he might have been dazzled before. He put this matter aside for the time being and looked at the Black Desert with a solemn expression.

"This place is really evil." The man murmured in a low voice while looking at the strange black desert, also hesitantly.

However, he only thought about it for a moment before flicking his sleeves and robe, and a red light flew out and fell to the ground.

After the light faded, a small fiery red fox-like beast appeared on the spot.

The man flicked his finger and a green pill flew out.

The little beast opened his mouth and swallowed the pill, with a look of enjoyment on his face.


The yellow-faced monk pointed unceremoniously in the direction of the black desert and gave instructions to the little beast.

The little beast immediately exerted force on its limbs, turned around and turned into a red light and rushed down the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

After a while, the little fox-like beast penetrated tens of feet into the black desert, and led a yellow dragon in a large circle, still safe and sound.

Nothing unusual happened! It seems that except for the color, everything else about this black desert is the same as an ordinary desert.

The yellow-faced man had a look of astonishment on his face. Obviously, this result was beyond expectation.

He was prepared to have this "red raccoon beast" destroyed.

After all, this beast is just an ordinary first-level spirit beast. Apart from its quick movements and extraordinary sense of smell, it doesn't have any powerful abilities. Even if it dies, it won't hurt at all.

He frowned and stared at the little beast running back and forth in the desert for several times. Then he whistled to call the "red raccoon beast" back, letting it run back to the hill and fly into the sleeves of his robe again.

Then, the man looked at the black desert with an uncertain expression and became silent.

But this time he only hesitated for a short while, and then he walked down the hill with both feet and walked carefully towards the black desert.

What he didn't know was that just a moment after he walked down the hill, Han Li's figure appeared on the top of the mountain again after a wave of air fluctuations.

Although the yellow-faced man searched a wide area with spells just now, Han Li used the breath-condensing technique of the nameless technique and the Luo Yanbu to easily dodge the opponent's attack, leaving him without any sign. Discover. And Han Li is very confident that even if the opponent is a monk in the middle stage of pill formation, as long as the nine "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Swords" are suddenly used when the opponent is close to the opponent, he will definitely kill the opponent with one blow and destroy the opponent physically and mentally.

This made Han Li hesitate for a long time. He didn't know whether to kill the opponent immediately and seize the two treasures that were obviously valuable at a glance, or to let the opponent explore the road ahead first.

When the other party asked the little beast to explore the black desert, but found no results at all, Han Li completely gave up his plan to take action.

Unknown things are the most dangerous! Let's let this person clear the way for him from the front.

He didn't believe that this black desert was not dangerous at all.

Moreover, the white rhino pendant and ice beads he possesses are enough to protect him from fire. There is no urgent need for the other party's fire-preventing treasure.

The yellow-faced man, unaware of Han Li who appeared silently behind him, finally stepped onto the black sand and walked into the mysterious black desert.

One foot, two feet...

The man's expression became more and more nervous as he went deeper and deeper into the black desert! He had already used the bamboo hat to release a layer of green shield, protecting his whole body from wind and rain.

But when he walked hundreds of feet into the desert, there was still no problem at all. The man's face relaxed a little and felt much relieved.

According to common sense, having penetrated this deep into this area, if there was any danger, it should have appeared long ago.

Han Li looked at the man's shrinking figure from behind, with a surprised expression on his face.

Did he really guess wrong? The black desert only looks scary, but there is actually nothing wrong with it?

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have taken action to deal with this person and seize the two treasures.

Han Li felt a little regretful!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the distance.

After the yellow-faced monk took a step up and down, the black sand nearby suddenly floated for no reason.

They were suspended in mid-air and surrounded the man, emitting a dark light, moving silently and looking extremely strange.

The man was also an experienced person, and he immediately offered the jade bowl in his hand to the sky. Large swaths of white light flew out from the bowl, adding an extra layer of protection outside the green shield.

At this moment, those black sand grains instantly turned into countless black winged insects, overwhelmingly rushing towards the man with a horrified face.

The man roared angrily, and after the white light exploded, countless palm-sized ice shields appeared all around, and then spun rapidly, forming a white hurricane, wrapping him in it.

At this moment, he could see clearly the true appearance of these insects. They were actually jet-black flying ants. But their number is too astonishing, there are tens of thousands of them.

The yellow-faced man's mind was racing, trying to remember what kind of insect beasts these flying ants were and what kind of weaknesses they had.

But before he could think of it, the black torrent had already hit the hurricane formed by the ice shield.

There were crackling sounds one after another, and all the flying ants were bounced out and flew several feet away.

When the man saw this, he couldn't help but feel relieved, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

But after a moment, his smile froze.

Because those black flying ants that were deflected turned somersaults a few times, then fluttered their wings and flew over again, showing no signs of being injured at all.

This made him panic!

Then he raised his hand without thinking, and a gray flying knife came out of his hand, turning into a frightening rainbow about ten feet long and slashing at the flying ants.

As soon as the flying knife shot out of the hurricane, nearly ten thousand flying ants made a "buzzing" sound and swarmed up.

Still relying on how the gray light changed and slashed wildly, the flying ants were not injured at all. Instead, they instantly covered the flying ants, trapping them in clusters.

The yellow-faced man was shocked and wanted to take back the magic weapon, but it was already too late.

After a few flashes of gray light in the ant colony, it was submerged in the black torrent.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the man's face turned pale.

The death of the magic weapon that connects the mind and the mind has greatly damaged his master's vitality.

He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and hurriedly drove the white hurricane and ran on the road. As long as he got out of the black desert, he might not have a chance to escape.

But at this time, after those black flying ants devoured the remains of the flying knife, they stopped in place and did not chase him, but made a move that was jaw-dropping.

They gathered together in an instant, and after a flash of black light, they turned into a jet-black spear about several feet long.

With a piercing scream, the spear shot through the air like a bed of rage.

The yellow-faced man felt panic in his heart, and all his spiritual energy rushed out, making the hurricane around him become more violent.

The jet-black spear plunged into the white hurricane.

There were sounds of "bang" and "pop", and the black spear pierced through the hurricane in a flash.

The sharp spear head and long spear shaft were all stained with bright red blood.

(There is another chapter in the evening, but it will be later. Haha, I suggest you read it again tomorrow morning!)

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