A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 46 A sword that breaks the chest

Doctor Mo looked at his left hand in slight surprise, then turned to Han Li and said contemptuously:

"Interesting, it seems that you have really not been idle this year, and you have actually practiced such weird kung fu. But do you really think that with these three-legged cat kung fu, you can be my opponent?"

"It seems that I haven't done anything for a long time. It would be good to do some activities in person. I'll let you make the first move!"

Han Li ignored the other party's verbal attack on him. He had decided to strike first and seize some opportunities.

The dagger in his left hand was held horizontally in front of him, attracting the opponent's attention. A white paper packet slipped quietly from the cuff of his right hand and fell into the heart of his right hand. Then he raised his hand and a large piece of white powder fell from it. The smoke came out of the paper bag and turned into a thick white smoke in the blink of an eye, covering Han Li's whole body, making his figure blurry and vague, and the smoke quickly evaporated. It spread throughout the room, turning the entire room into a vast expanse of white. He couldn't even see his fingers, and Han Li also mysteriously disappeared into the mist.

Doctor Mo frowned. He was a little surprised by Han Li's move, but he didn't agree with it in his heart. With his experience, he had many solutions to deal with such third-rate methods. Just for fear that the smoke would be tampered with, he had already held his breath, but with his profound skills, he could not take a breath every now and then, which was no problem at all.

"Hmph, how dare you show off your skills in front of me!" Doctor Mo snorted coldly, and suddenly struck the smoke with an empty palm from his right hand. The white mist in front of him immediately started to churn, as if being stirred by a giant stick, revealing A clear big hole appeared.

Not seeing Han Li's figure, Doctor Mo didn't stop. He opened his bow around and struck the air with his palm more than ten times in a row. The smoke in the room was completely dispersed from the door. The room returned to normal, except that Han Li was missing. This person is outside.

"It's strange, this kid really has some skills, and he can actually make himself disappear in front of him." Doctor Mo was a little surprised, but he didn't panic at all. You know, he had been guarding near the door, even if there was a bedbug. Even if it flies by, it cannot escape his eyes and ears.

He carefully scanned the whole room. There were numerous bookshelves, a desk, and a master's chair around him. Everything was as usual. There was nothing different. But how could a big living person like Han Li be in such a small space? That's gone?

Doctor Mo's expression did not change, but he was murmuring in his heart. However, he was a very brave man. He coughed a few times and walked tremblingly towards the corner of the room where Han Li disappeared, wanting to take a closer look.

When he reached a distance of ten feet from the corner of the room, he stopped and squinted his eyes. He could already feel a vague murderous intention, permeating the area, aiming at him, preparing to kill him. Take action.

Doctor Mo's eyes were gleaming, and he scanned carefully from left to right, but still found nothing unusual. He began to feel depressed in his heart. There was no one around. Could it be that he had gone to heaven and earth?

"Go to heaven and go to earth." His heart moved, and he felt as if he had grasped something. He was about to think deeply about it, but suddenly he heard a "clang" sound above his head.

"Not good." Doctor Mo suddenly realized, and then he realized that his opponent was hiding on the eaves. He didn't even bother to raise his head, and with a "whoosh", he raised his hand and struck out with a sharp flying palm, trying to hide himself above him. The guy who tried to do harm to him was stunned with a palm.

A rumbling sound followed the strike of the palm, mixed with a few crisp "ding-dang" sounds.

Doctor Mo was a little puzzled and hurriedly raised his head to take a closer look, but he couldn't help but froze. He saw nothing above his head, not a single ghost, only a black iron bell hanging on the roof beam, which was caught by his palm. It was so excited that it kept shaking, and the jingling sound came from it. Han Li's figure was nowhere to be seen!

Just as Doctor Mo was looking up, a ray of cold light, with lightning speed, quietly sprang out from under his feet and stabbed into his lower abdomen. Its speed was so fast that it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as lightning, until Just when the light was about to touch his clothes, Dr. Mo Eran noticed it.

Doctor Mo was horrified, and in a hurry, he suddenly came up with an iron plank bridge. His whole body seemed to have lost his spine, and he folded in half from the middle back, narrowly letting the sword pass, and letting the dagger stick close to him. The belly slid over and opened a long slender opening in the clothes on the abdomen, almost causing him to be disemboweled.

After letting go of the sword, Doctor Mo still didn't dare to relax. It was like a spring was installed under his feet. Without moving his body, his whole body automatically slid back a few feet. Only then did he dare to stand up. He was shocked and shocked. He looked angrily at the place where the sword light flew up.

I saw that the ground near where he was standing just now slowly bulged, and the bulge got higher and higher, and finally formed a yellow human shape. It was the combination of Cartilage Skill, Breath Condensation Skill and Pseudo-Concealment Skill. Han Li used together.

At this time, he was wearing a pair of khaki clothes that were exactly the same as those on the floor. He was holding the dagger that he had almost accomplished in his left hand. There was a look of annoyance in his eyes. It seemed that Han Li was very worried about the sword strike just now. It's a pity.

Doctor Mo's originally scorched face was now a little green. He was still struck by the danger of that sword strike just now. His heart was pounding and he was constantly frightened. It was not like he had not experienced risks before. He was a novice in the martial arts world, but he had only been so close to death a few times in his first half of life, let alone Han Li, whom he had always despised.

He took a deep breath, his expression finally returned to calm, and he said in a dry voice:

"It seems that I really underestimate you, my dear apprentice! You are very good at this skill, and you are worthy of my taking it seriously."

After saying these words of demonstration, Doctor Mo slowly raised his hands and placed them flat in front of his eyes. He stared at his hands tenderly without saying a word, as if he were watching a lover in love, as if he was so absorbed that he seemed to have completely forgotten about Han Li. To the back of the head.

Han Li raised his eyebrows and sneered. He grabbed the dagger with one hand, took a small square step, and slowly leaned towards Doctor Mo.

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