A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 457: The Wind Rises Overseas Appears (Happy New Year’s Day to all my book friends!)

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. You help me find the Nine-Tune Spiritual Ginseng first. Then I can kill that kid, and you have a physical body." Xuan Gu interrupted with a cold voice.

"No problem! With our 'Spirit Searching Technique', finding a spiritual ginseng is not something we can easily do." The man said disdainfully.

"Then do it!" After saying this, Xuan Gu's sleeves shook down with a dark expression.

Two slender streaks of black energy shot out from the middle of the cuffs in a flash. As soon as they touched the ground, they drilled into the ground without stopping and disappeared.

At the same time, under Xuan Gu's feet, a strangely faint green light also quickly disappeared.

Xuan Gu himself was floating in the low altitude, his eyebrows lowered and his eyes closed, his body motionless.

On the other side, in an open space near the stone mountain, Han Li was playing with a yellow formation flag in his hand. His expression was as usual, but his eyes were flickering, as if he was thinking about something, and there was a hint of hesitation between his eyebrows.

Suddenly he raised his hand, a ray of yellow light flew out, and the small flag in his hand was firmly planted on the ground.

"Although you can't see anything wrong with this formation of flags, do you really think I won't take any precautions?" Han Li murmured to himself, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he reached into his storage bag and found a dozen very similar small yellow flags in his hand, exuding a strong earth spirit.

Looking at these sparkling flags, a strange look flashed across Han Li's face.

Not long after, Xuan Gu's expression on the other side changed, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

Two black energy and a green light jumped out from the ground at the same time and flew into Xuan Gu's body.

"I found it. The Jiuqu Spiritual Ginseng is really good at hiding. It actually placed its main body in the groove of a huge stone. If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to find." The honest man had some thoughts in Xuan Gu's mind. He said proudly.

"Okay, just find it! Now let me see if the boy has arranged the formation flag and is trapped. You have to be careful and don't show up casually, so that the other party doesn't find out." Xuan Gu solemnly warned.

"Don't worry. The transformation technique I used will never be discovered unless it is the spiritual consciousness of a monk at the Nascent Soul Stage. However, if you fail to control the other party after a while, don't expect me to help. Yours! His Golden Thunder Bamboo is the nemesis of my bodyless soul. I don’t want to be destroyed by the evil spirit god’s lightning strike.” The man looked like he was saying something ugly.

"Hmph! I don't need your help to deal with a junior who is in the early stage of forming a pill. To deal with this person, you have to be absolutely sure before you take action. And you don't have to be afraid of any evil-proof divine thunder. Because he was fighting with him a few days ago. During my fight, those Golden Thunder Bamboo Flying Swords had just been released. There was still some residual divine thunder in the magic weapon, and it was estimated that it should have been exhausted when passing through the ghost fog. His current golden thunder The Bamboo Flying Sword is not something to be afraid of. But when he fought with me that day, the swarm of golden and silver beetles he released made me a little afraid. Based on my experience, I don’t even know the details of these bugs. This is a bit strange. Although I don’t know What kind of spiritual insect is it? It should probably be more powerful than ordinary ones!" Xuan Gu said calmly.

"Oh! If there is no evil-proofing divine thunder, this person will not be a threat. I will decide whether to take action based on the situation." The man said with a relaxed tone.

After hearing this this time, Xuan Gu curled his lips slightly and said nothing more.

Although he had a trace of the opponent's natal essence, he also knew in his heart that it was not enough to completely control the opponent.

The other party has been immersed in the ghost path for many years, and his soul control methods are better than his. Maybe at most he will be seriously injured, and the other party can escape from his control.

He doesn't want to intimidate the other party too much.

Xuan Gu looked around. It turned into a cloud and flew towards the direction of Han Li.

After a moment, he found Han Li and landed.

Although this place is relatively flat, there are many wild grasses, and a small forest composed of dozens of sparse large trees stands in the back.

"Is the arrangement ready?" Xuan Gu asked calmly as soon as he showed his figure in front of Han Li.

"Of course! It's over there!" Han Li leaned against a big tree and pointed backward lazily.

Xuan Gu looked intently, and sure enough, in the woods behind Han Li, there were a large number of earth spiritual energy fluctuations.

Master Xuan Gu was secretly happy.

But then, he took out a jade box from the storage bag and opened the lid in front of Han Li.

"What's this?"

As soon as the jade box was opened, an extremely fishy smell hit his nostrils. Han Li managed to stand up straight, immediately held his breath, took a few steps back with a warning look on his face, and looked at Master Xuan Gu suspiciously.

"Don't worry, this is the excrement of the Musk Orchid Beast. Although this thing smells so unpleasant, it is very tempting to the Nine-Turned Spiritual Ginseng. As long as you put it into the formation, the incarnation of the Nine-Turned Spiritual Ginseng will definitely come. Search. Once this incarnation is controlled, we can dig out the true form of the spiritual ginseng calmly without fear of it changing and escaping." Master Xuan Gu glanced sideways at Han Li and said without changing his expression.

"Musky dung?"

After hearing this, Han Li looked at the jade box in Xuan Gu's hand.

At this moment, he could see clearly that it was a lumpy object about the size of a thumb, light yellow in color. That strong aura came from this point.

Han Li couldn't help but be a little stunned!

Of course he knew "Mulk Orchid Beast". It is a strange spiritual beast raised by immortal cultivators. It has a fiery red strange horn on its head. It emits a strange fragrance and has a miraculous effect of calming the mind and calming the soul. It is very popular among immortal cultivators.

Unexpectedly, the feces of this spiritual beast smelled so bad. And such a spiritual thing as Jiuqu Lingshen actually likes this thing.

This left Han Li a little speechless.

However, Han Li looked at Xuan Gu's expressionless face and said with a smile:

"Then please ask senior to put this object into the formation. I will check the formation flag again to see if it is really safe and secure. Then I will stay here to capture the incarnation. The Nine-Tune Spiritual Ginseng I'll ask you, senior, to dig it out." After saying this, Han Li clasped his fists and walked into the woods behind him. He did not know what means he used, but he disappeared after a moment.

Xuan Gu was stunned!

Looking at the woods full of earth aura, he frowned secretly.

But after twitching the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand.

A strange snake transformed from black energy flew straight into the center of the forest with the jade box in its teeth, placed the jade box firmly on the ground, and then flew back.

After finishing this matter, there was still no trace of Han Li. This made the stern look on Xuan Gu's face disappear in a flash.

But he immediately flew away without saying a word.

"What? You did something to the formation flag, but you became scared yourself." The rich man's somewhat mocking words suddenly sounded in Xuan Gu's mind.

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake! I'll try the formation first and see if it's really set up with the formation flag I gave you. Although the possibility that the opponent happens to have an earth attribute formation flag on him is very slim. But I don't want to take the risk!" Xuan Gu! Said nonchalantly.

"If you had been so cautious back then, you wouldn't have ended up in this situation now. It seems that the big loss back then was really not in vain, brother Xuan Gu!" the man said with a tsk-tsk sound.

Master Xuan Gu didn't hear whether the other party was praising him or making fun of him. This made him snort depressedly and stop paying attention to the man.

Then Xuan Gu floated in the air, his figure paused, the five fingers of his right hand spread out, and another yellow formation flag appeared in the palm of his hand.

The appearance and shape of this flag are exactly the same as the four poles handed to Han Li, except that the length is much shorter, making it appear smaller and more delicate.

Xuan Gu looked at Xiao Qi solemnly and shook it slightly.

Suddenly the flag gave off a faint yellow glow, and after spinning around in Xuan Gu's hand, it pointed directly at the woods below.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Gu let out a long breath, with a sinister smile on his face.

Then he put away the small flag, glanced in the direction of the formation, and flew straight to somewhere in the small stone mountain.

At this time, Han Li finally appeared in the woods.

Looking at Xuan Gu's retreating figure, a cold light flashed in his eyes. But after his expression changed, his figure blurred for a while, and suddenly disappeared from the place, leaving only the dry grass on the ground.

As time passed, the stench from the jade box on the ground became stronger and stronger. Han Li, who was lurking on a nearby big tree, frowned and had no choice but to block his breathing.

But as time passed, Han Li gradually became more excited.

There is really not much time to stay here. If the Nine-Tune Spiritual Ginseng hadn't been fooled and appeared. He could only give up and go back first.

When Han Li was thinking about it, his face moved. His consciousness noticed that something small broke into the woods. This surprised Han Li, and his whole body was completely covered with aura, and he stared at the jade box without blinking.

There was a flash of yellow light, and a sneaky hare appeared on the grass outside the formation. The rabbit was all white, with a pair of blood-red eyes that kept moving and looking here and there from time to time, looking extremely timid.

But despite this, the hare's pink nose was still sniffing in the direction of the jade box, and from time to time a humane and intoxicated look appeared on its face.

The smell that was really unpleasant to Han Li seemed to be extremely enjoyable to this little thing.

(Haha! Wangyu wishes everyone a happy New Year! There is another chapter in the evening, but it’s a bit late! You can read it the next day!)

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