A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 429 The Wind Rises Overseas Qixialian

The so-called "spiritual sealing pillar" is actually a huge magic weapon used by ancient monks to seal nearby spiritual energy and completely isolate the spiritual energy from leaking out.

This rare magic weapon is usually used for two purposes.

In order to seal some kind of extremely rare elixir and herb to prevent its spiritual energy from leaking and causing a great loss of spirituality, it was willing to spend so much effort.

The other is to suppress some powerful ghosts and monsters, and this object will also be used to prevent them from changing and escaping.

These two uses, no matter which one, mean that this discovery by Han Li and others is not trivial.

Let’s not talk about the elixir, but the Spirit Seal Pill suppresses some kind of evil ghost. It is also the best material to enhance the power of the magic weapon after being conquered and imprisoned in the magic weapon.

However, they also knew in their hearts that since the demons that could be suppressed by the Spirit-Sealing Pillar must be no small matter. It's also possible that after they entered, they failed to contain the demons and were instead attacked by the demons.

Therefore, after several people looked at each other for a few times, although there were expressions of surprise on their faces, no one had the temerity to immediately push it to this column to take a look.

After being silent for a long time, Jin Qing smiled bitterly and murmured something.

"Now, I really have a headache! But after all this hard work, no one will just turn around and leave, right?"

"If you want to leave, you can leave. I will never leave! Not to mention that there may not be a demon inside. Even if there is one, I will try to subdue it." The monk surnamed Jian said coldly with his hands behind his back.

"Fellow Daoist Hu, what do you think?" Jin Qing smiled slightly without saying anything, turned to Hu Yue and asked.

"Fellow Taoists also know this. Because we casual cultivators do not want to be restrained by others, although we live a relatively carefree life, we are much poorer than other cultivators of the same level. This is a rare opportunity, so I must give it a try. Yes!" After Hu Yue pondered for a while, he finally said with determination.

Hearing this, Jin Qing showed no surprise and looked at Han Li again.

"I don't care. If most people are willing to take a look, I will take a look." Han Li raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

He has the "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword" made from seventy-two heavenly thunder bamboos, so how can he be afraid of monsters?

"Don't ask me. Although I am only in the foundation-building stage, I happen to have a magic-preventing weapon given by my father. Even if I am defeated, I will have no problem protecting myself." Shi Die didn't wait for Jin Qing to ask him , he tilted his head and said proactively.

"Okay! Since all fellow Taoists are unwilling to return empty-handed, let's push it to this pillar! However, everyone should be more careful!" Jin Qing sighed lightly and said cautiously.

"Hehe! You don't need to tell me this, fellow Taoist Jin. No one will joke about their own lives. But the ugly words are ahead. If there are any evil ghosts and monsters, then whoever subdues them will belong to them, and no fighting is allowed." Jian's surname is A strange light flashed in the monk's eyes, and he suddenly spoke slowly.

"Of course. If there is such a thing, everyone will naturally surrender based on their ability." Jin Qing immediately expressed his position without objection.

Naturally, other people have no different opinions.

When the monk surnamed Jian saw this, he immediately became energetic and couldn't help showing a bit of joy.

"Why, does Fellow Daoist Jian have a special way to conquer demons? How can he be so confident?" Shi Die asked with a half-smile after a sideways glance.

"This... I'm not going to hide it from my fellow Taoists. The technique I practice does have a magical power that is specially designed to deal with ghosts and demons. I thought I wouldn't be able to use it in this life, but I didn't expect that I could try it today." Monk surnamed Jian After a slight hesitation, he nodded and admitted.

"The black skull that Fellow Daoist Han killed just now seems to have been made from a demon sacrifice. Fellow Daoist Jian seemed to have a hard time dealing with it?" The stone fairy showed disbelief again.

"Ahem! This made Fairy Shi laugh. Jian's magical power requires some preparation in advance before he can use it. He was caught off guard when he faced the monster, which is why he was so embarrassed." The monk surnamed Jian scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed. explained.

Hearing this, Shi Die nodded slightly and said nothing more. He turned around and looked at the Spiritual Pillar again.

"Since all fellow Taoists are unwilling to let go, let's do it! It's a bit troublesome to knock down this spiritual pillar. You have to use great force to rotate it a few times before you can knock it down." Shi Die showed a look of excitement. explained.

When the others heard this, they were a little bit wide-eyed. .

Although they are immortal cultivators, they really don't have much strength. Even if they apply the giant power talisman, they probably won't be able to move these huge stone pillars that are several people thick.

Seeing this situation, Han Li frowned and gave a secret order in his heart.

"Let me do it, I just have some strength." Qu Hun stood up and said in a deep voice, and then walked towards the stone pillar.

Hu Yue and others showed some surprise.

After all, Qu Hun has rarely spoken since he arrived here. Now that he actually took the initiative to take charge of this matter, they were a little surprised.

"Then there is Fellow Daoist Laoqu!" Shi Die said curiously.

As if Qu Hun hadn't heard anything, he walked to the stone pillar in a few strides. After a flash of yellow light on his body, he placed a giant power talisman on his body.

Then he rolled up his sleeves a few times, shouted loudly, and suddenly hugged the stone pillar up and down with his hands.

The stone pillar, which was about two feet high, made a rumbling sound and began to rotate little by little.

When the others saw this, they were immediately overjoyed.

The muscles of Quhun's two arms were exposed, and his body was covered with a faint red light. After turning the stone pillar three times, he pushed hard to one side, and then his body suddenly jumped back.

Amidst the roar, the stone pillar fell to one side, causing the ground to tremble slightly, and a deep groove was created. This showed that the stone pillar was indeed extremely heavy.

But everyone ignored the stone pillar, and instead looked at the large hole that was suddenly exposed on the ground after the Fengling Pillar collapsed.

The cave is dark and rumbling, with a hint of cold wind blowing out, and there is a small white stone step that goes deep into the ground.

"Let's go!" Monk Jian looked at the cave for a while, then took the lead and walked down without saying anything.

Several other people hesitated for a moment and followed suit. At this point, naturally no one will back down.

Han Li watched the monks walk into the cave one by one with excitement, but he stood there and did not move immediately. He held up his chin with one hand and looked thoughtful.

He suddenly turned over one hand, took out the shining red scroll, and started playing with it.

After a while, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, he put the object away and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Qu Hun also followed closely behind.

The cave was very deep, and after walking for a full quarter of an hour, Han Li reached the end of the stone steps.

As soon as his eyes lit up, a square hall of more than twenty feet appeared in front of him.

In addition to the entrance to this hall, there are two semicircular side doors, one on the left and one on the right, leading to unknown places. The top of the hall is inlaid with several fist-sized luminous pearls, which illuminate the place in a milky white color. The surrounding walls are dotted with stars, as if some magic has been cast on them, making them look extremely beautiful.

Hu Yue and others who went down first stood motionless in the middle of the hall, staring in the same direction, whispering from time to time, and seemed to be studying something.

Han Li became curious and walked over in a few steps.

"What is this?" Han Li showed a look of surprise when he saw clearly what everyone was looking at.

I saw a jade-white skeleton half lying next to a small pool, with a small green arrow about a foot long stuck in the head, nailing its head to the ground, which looked extremely weird. .

But everyone did not look at the skeleton. Instead, they looked at the three-color lotus in the pool with excitement.

Although this colorful lotus has not bloomed yet, it is just a bud, but it is already as big as the mouth of a bowl and exudes the brilliance of green, red and yellow.

The most incredible thing is that a few inches above Cailian, a small and exquisite seven-color rainbow appeared out of thin air, sparkling and extremely gorgeous.

Even the pond water that held up the colorful lotus was not the usual clear water, but an extremely viscous white lotion that faintly exuded a fragrant fragrance.

"Qixialian! That's right, it's definitely this thing. I thought it was something rumored in legends, but I didn't expect it to actually exist. That pool of water...could it be the legendary thousand-year-old stone milk?" Hu Yue's eyes widened. He murmured straightly.

"No wonder there are so many formation restrictions on it, and they are sealed with spirit-sealing pillars! If I have these two things, I can lay out more than a dozen layers of restrictions." Shi Die stared at it without blinking. Cailian said with a drunken look on her face.

"But who does this skeleton belong to? Is it the owner of this cave?" Jin Qing seemed to have woken up from the shock, looked at the skeleton, and asked a little strangely.

"Why do you care that there are so many of them? We've made a big deal this time! Although this Seven-Hydron Lotus only has three colors, it will definitely fetch a sky-high price when it is taken to the auction house." The monk surnamed Jian said directly without looking back, with eyes in his eyes. Full of greed.

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