A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 422 The Wind is Rising Overseas, Picture in the Pearl

Two months later, Han Li finally walked out of the secret room.

Although his face looked a little haggard at this time, his heart was full of excitement.

When he thought of the seventy-two mouthfuls of "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword" that had been sucked into his body, Han Li couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing an unconcealable joy.

I think he spent more than twenty years of hard work on this set of natal magic weapons, and finally refined it without any mistakes.

Although the power of this weapon has not been tested, it is believed that after a certain period of training, even the power of a single flying sword is definitely far higher than that of ordinary magic weapons such as the Green Brilliance Sword.

When he was feeling complacent, his consciousness also received the news from Qu Hun that the "Gold-eating Insect" was laying eggs.

This made him even more happy!

Han Li returned to his dormitory to rest for a day, then went to the insect room.

There was a large area of ​​white flowers in the fruiting insect room, and there were snow-white gold-eating insect eggs everywhere.

Han Li did not hesitate and immediately opened a new insect room nearby to make it exactly the same as the original one. He then carved a huge mind-controlling circle on the floor of the new insect room and poured a large amount of blood essence into it.

Afterwards, he moved most of the insect eggs to the middle part of the magic circle in the new insect room, and performed the god-controlling ceremony to recognize the master.

In the protozoa chamber, nearly a thousand eggs with the strongest aura were left.

After doing all this, Han Li truly relaxed and began to visit a few monks he had met in the past in a nearby cave so that he could return to normal practice.

In the years since Han Li entered the world, a series of major events have occurred in the entire Luanxinghai Immortal Realm, making it appear to be in turmoil.

Among them, the most influential one was the seven or eight large and small forces, including the "Sixth Company Hall". Suddenly, subordinates or disciples rebelled overnight. Those leaders or sect leaders stepped down one after another and were replaced by some unknown people. Come down.

And some small and inconspicuous sects have been wiped out entirely and the sect's most important treasures have been stolen.

For a time, everyone in the various forces in the Chaotic Star Sea was in danger, almost simultaneously shrinking their manpower and becoming suspicious of each other.

But the worst thing is that, I don’t know when, there were rumors in the world of immortal cultivation that the "Two Saints of Heaven and Star" had gone crazy and their cultivation was completely ruined.

He also said that they were now deprived of power by several subordinates and that they were no longer able to control the Star Palace.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar.

Almost everyone who cares about this matter is paying attention to the reaction of the people in the Star Palace to this rumor.

But what was shocking was that Xing Gong had no reaction at all, neither coming out to refute the rumors nor admitting the matter.

As a result, the entire Chaos Xinghai became even more panicked.

Similarly, some forces that have long been ambitious and latent are ready to take action.

Some are plotting something secretly, while others are beginning to form some shady offensive and defensive alliances.

But on the surface, soon after the rumors spread, all the chaos suddenly disappeared without a trace, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

But anyone who cares understands that this is just an illusion before the storm comes.

Therefore, when he saw these monks he had made friends with and talked about this matter with them, they all showed some worry.

Han Li didn't care much about this!

To him, it didn't matter whether the Star Palace continued to dominate the Chaotic Star Sea or if other forces suddenly emerged to take its place.

Anyway, he is alone, so he just needs to be careful and don't get involved for no reason.

According to Han Li's own plan, he planned to spend the last few years training flying swords and refining several sets of more powerful formation equipment.

Then he went to sea to hunt those level six monsters.

After all, for monks in the elixir formation stage, only the elixirs refined from the inner elixir of the sixth-level monsters have obvious effects on improving their cultivation.

So in the following days, Han Li spent the day refining weapons and studying the art of formations, and at night he sat cross-legged and meditated, using the fire of his Dantian to slowly polish the seventy-two "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Swords" in his body.

Soon after, those gold-eating insect eggs finally hatched.

Han Li happily used several high-level spirit beast bags to put all the gold-eating insects that recognized their masters into them, and slowly trained and commanded them in his spare time, so that he could use them against the enemy in the future.

According to Han Li's true feelings, he is still very satisfied with his current stable cultivation life.

Now that the elixir formation was successful, he naturally began to focus on the Nascent Soul stage, trying to see if he could one day cultivate the Nascent Soul.

But on this day, Han Li was practicing flying swords in his mansion. Suddenly he looked startled, stood up, and walked slowly outside.

I saw a middle-aged man in his forties standing outside the cave. This man had fair skin, thin eyes and long eyebrows, and looked gentle and elegant.

"Fellow Daoist Han, excuse me for disturbing you!" As soon as the middle-aged people saw Han Li coming out, they immediately greeted him gently.

"Brother Jin! How come you have time to come to the small house? Please come in quickly!" Han Li did not dare to neglect, and after returning the courtesy in a hurry, he invited the middle-aged man to come into the house for a chat.

This person's full name is Jin Qing. He is a monk who lives near Han Li and is in the alchemy stage. He is quite decent and he gave Han Li some advice when he first formed the alchemy. He is the one with whom he has the best relationship among the monks.

The last time Han Li went to visit him, he found that he was not in the cave. After asking, he found out that this fellow Taoist Jin had not returned from traveling for several years.

Now that I see this person, I naturally feel a little happy.

"No need. Just say it here. Jin will have other things to do later." Jin Qing shook his hand and said with a slight smile.

"Brother Jin, if you have any questions, just ask. Han is all ears." Han Li said half-jokingly.

After hearing this, Jin Qing smiled slightly. He said slowly:

"Not long after I came back, I heard from other fellow Taoists nearby that fellow Taoist Han has been studying the art of formations over the years, and now he has achieved quite a bit of success. It's really gratifying! It's a coincidence that this time I happened to encounter a difficult thing when I went out, and I had to break the formation restriction in one place. So I came here this time to take advantage of fellow Taoist's attainments in formation, and I hope fellow Taoist Han will not refuse."

"Restricted! I don't know where it is?" Han Li was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a normal expression.

"Fellow Taoist, please look at this!"

Jin Qing did not answer him. Instead, he took out something from his storage bag and handed it to Han Li.

Han Li took it and saw that it was a white pearl the size of a thumb.

"Is this what it is?" Han Li glanced at Jin Qing in surprise.

"Fellow Taoist, just inject some spiritual power into this thing and we will see." Jin Qing chuckled and said with a mysterious look.

Han Li frowned and reluctantly channeled some spiritual energy into it.

Dazzling white light burst out from the pearl the moment Han Li's spiritual power was injected into it.

Mortals may have to avoid some of these brilliance to avoid hurting their eyes. But Han Li was a monk in the Dan-formation stage. Once he realized that these were just ordinary white lights, he stared at the pearls carefully.

As a result, the expression on Han Li's face changed slightly.

Because something seemed to appear in the pearl at this time.

This time, Han Li took the initiative to probe in without waiting for Jin Qing's reminder. At the same time, as time passed, his expression became serious.

"Ancient monk ruins?" Han Li took a deep breath and looked at the middle-aged monk and asked as soon as he took back his spiritual consciousness.

"Not sure? However, only the ancient monks would do this to preserve the map using such an ancient method." Jin Qing said with a hint of excitement on his face, a little hastily.

Han Li listened and nodded.

Using things like pearls and shells to store important information is indeed something that ancient monks from the Luanxing Sea often do.

And inside this pearl, there is half a map-like thing.

At this time, Na Jin Qing continued to say:

"There are two such pearls, which together form a complete map. I and a colleague discovered them together in a small shop. At that time, they were worn on a necklace with other ordinary pearls. , the other party and I each took one, and we worked together to find the place on the map."

"So, you have found the location on the map!" Han Li touched his chin and asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, we spent five or six years and finally found the place on the map not long ago. Unfortunately, this place was completely covered by a large formation. Neither of us knew anything about formations. I had no choice but to return disappointed."

"However, I made an appointment with the other party. After we go back, we will each meet a master in the formation to break the formation. Fellow Daoist Han also knows that there are very few of us who practice the formation in the casual cultivator. Even if There are two or three of them, and I am not familiar with them. After coming back, Jin was worrying. Unexpectedly, he heard about fellow Taoist, so he had to shamelessly come to ask fellow Taoist for help. Fellow Taoist Han, don’t worry! As long as he can break the big Array, no matter what appears in the ancient monk ruins, we will give it to fellow Taoists." Seeing Han Li's hesitation, Jin Qing hurriedly explained to Han Li in detail and made a promise.

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