A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 419 The Wind is Rising Overseas Qingzhu Xiaoxuan

While Han Li was overjoyed, he was also a little curious. If he continued to ripen the Golden Thunder Bamboo, would there be any changes?

With this idea in mind, Han Li spent several months dripping green liquid into the bamboo.

As a result, the color and power of the bamboo itself did not change at all, and the size remained at the size of about ten thousand years without any growth.

On the contrary, after this period of growth, a young bamboo actually grew next to the bamboo.

As the green liquid drips on, the young bamboo grows day by day. A few months later, the new Tianleizhu was almost exactly the same as the original one. Of course this time it's a complete bamboo.

Seeing this scene, Han Li was not disappointed, but overjoyed.

To be honest, just one Heavenly Thunder Bamboo was not enough to refine a set of twelve "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Swords". Now that we know that green liquid can also induce the birth of young bamboos, then his main raw materials are not enough. The embarrassing situation is completely resolved.

However, this also made Han Li's ambition even greater.

Since he no longer had to consider the number of main raw materials, he not only refined twelve flying swords, but also suddenly wanted to refine the maximum number of "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Swords", a set of seventy-two. The flying sword comes out.

Although there are so many flying swords that he cannot refine and drive with his magic power in the early stage of pill formation, he is not in a hurry and can slowly refine them one by one depending on his cultivation level.

Anyway, as long as it is a complete set of flying swords, it can be regarded as a magic weapon and be stored in the body, or it can be taken apart and used separately. It has no impact at all.

As soon as such a thought occurs. Han Li felt extremely hot and began to consider whether he could really achieve this.

The biggest problem in refining a set of magic weapons is that the main raw materials are different, making it difficult to successfully refine them. But now that he uses the same bamboo root as the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo to refine it, this is no longer a problem.

The next step will be to see how well his refining level and auxiliary materials are prepared.

He has already prepared the auxiliary materials. Anyway, refining twelve at a time and refining seventy-two at a time use the same amount of auxiliary materials, so there is no need to find them separately.

The only thing that worries him now is that his level of refining magic weapons is too poor.

After all, he had never had any experience in refining weapons.

If it is an ordinary magic weapon refining, there is no need to worry about this aspect. It is a very easy to use elixir fire refining process.

But the "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword" is different.

Even if one of them is taken out individually, it will definitely be much more complicated than the refining of ordinary magic weapons.

What's more, it also involves the fact that in order to form a set of flying swords, the semi-finished products of these individual flying swords must be refined with a special magic circle, and this requires familiarity with certain knowledge of the magic circle. Otherwise, there is no way to talk about refining this magic weapon.

Han Li was also a very determined person. Even in the face of so many difficulties, he still decided not to refine it. Since he was refining, he must refine the best flying sword.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so attached to Tianleizhu in the first place.

In this way, after Han Li thought about it for a day and night in the cave, he finally arranged his training plan for the next twenty years.

A few days later, in the city of Tianxing City, a small, inconspicuous shop suddenly had a new owner, an ordinary young man who looked to be in his thirties. In addition to this person, there is also a tall servant with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The young man accepted this store and immediately replaced the original "Li's Grocery" with "Qingzhu Xiaoxuan". He only sold some talismans and medicinal materials in this store. However, half a month later, there were more items in the store. Got some crude low-level magic weapons.

But what surprised several nearby shopkeepers was that this young man never walked out of the shop easily. He just held a shabby silk book without a cover and read non-stop all day long, and occasionally danced and danced while reading. It seemed that Saw the fun part. But sometimes, he hid in the back room of the shop and stopped showing up in front of the hall for most of the day.

As for all the guests and business, they were all handled by the big man who looked very honest and honest.

Most of the nearby shopkeepers are mortals born in Tianxing City, and they just want to make a living by opening shops here. Only a grizzled old man named He had inferior spiritual roots, but he was only at the third or fourth level of Qi refining stage.

But just like this, the old man surnamed He was also deeply respected by several other mortals, and he was called "Master He" non-stop all day long.

Therefore, when the young man arrived, others asked the old man named He, knowing that the young man was just a mortal without any magic power.

Suddenly, others became bolder, and sometimes they would go to this shop and chat with the young man who called himself Han about household matters.

After all, this place is really remote, and there isn't much business on weekdays, so we can only visit each other to relieve our boredom.

The arrival of the unfamiliar face of the young man naturally gave rise to more topics to talk about.

But the young man seemed not to be good at dealing with people, and his speech was a little slow. He usually just stayed in the shop and did not come out. Even if other shopkeepers occasionally visited his shop, they mostly just listened but did not speak. It's really dull.

Moreover, the young man never mentioned his origin, and when others asked about it, he just smiled and did not answer. Naturally, other people can't go up and ask questions.

After several back and forths, the others gradually lost interest. No more running to this "Qingzhu Xiaoxuan".

But this situation actually gave the young man a sigh of relief.

Of course, the young man and the big man were disguised by Han Li and Na Quhun.

Although it is just the most common method of transformation in the world, it is naturally more than enough to deal with a few mortals and a low-level immortal cultivator.

And Han Li would come here to open a shop, of course, not to earn those despised spiritual stones.

It is a place specially chosen to hone one's worldly mentality and prepare to study the art of weapon refining and formation knowledge.

Han Li had not been involved in these two aspects of matters before. That was because the foundation building period was too short and he had no time to take care of these matters.

But now that the elixir has been formed, and the next step of refining the magic weapon also requires knowledge and experience in these two aspects, he naturally wants to take advantage of the time he cultivates Tianleizhu to delve into the "Yunxiao Experience" and the Xinru The formation book given by Yin.

In fact, deep down in his heart, Han Li was very interested in weapon refining and formation techniques.

In just twenty years, and taking into account the two aspects of study at the same time, he did not dare to expect that he could reach the level of those two geniuses, but he would be satisfied if he could each possess some of their abilities.

At least he can make the simplest formation flags and formation disks by himself!

But those who study these things don’t just need to read books and study hard. They must refine and practice them by themselves.

As a result, there are a lot of junk and inferior magic weapons, which are difficult to deal with.

Because it would be a pity to throw it away, but it would be useless to keep it, which is really useless.

And in order to have a sudden idea during practice, he has to buy all kinds of weird materials to use at any time. This makes him unable to run to the market every day.

It just so happens that the cultivation of the fourth level of Dayan Jue happens to have a worldly state of mind that must be tempered. Otherwise, you will not be able to withstand the backlash of inner demons during the fourth level of cultivation, and it will be difficult to master it.

So after Han Li thought about it, he simply bought the store in one fell swoop.

It's not too noisy here, and it won't disturb his usual study of weapon refining methods and formation knowledge. He is also very close to the world and can witness the ordinary lives of mortals with his own eyes. The materials needed for practicing weapon refining and setting up formations can also be purchased in time, and these refined gadgets can be sold on the counter. Just count as many as you can sell!

Seeing those low-level monks buying the magic weapons he had refined with his own hands, Han Li felt quite comfortable.

Of course, he had to return to the cave on time every few days to ripen the thunder bamboos and visit the gold-eating insects. He left the two blood jade spiders in the cave to look after the house.

But not long after, a scene that surprised Han Li appeared in the medicine garden.

When the first Heavenly Thunder Bamboo reached the spiritual age of five or six thousand years, the first Heavenly Thunder Bamboo fell off its roots for no reason, and the few branches and leaves on it fell completely. As soon as it touched the ground, it immediately transformed into The leaves are as bright as pure gold.

Although I don’t know what the use of these gold leaves is? But Han Li still didn't want to throw away easily and picked up all the items and put them into a storage bag. The main trunk, which was still green, was put into a box made of "paste jade" and carefully preserved.

When he gathered six or seven pieces, he could start refining the "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword".

In this way, Han Li, who had restrained his magic power, completely blended into the mortal world, and began his journey into the world in this remote corner of the city.

In addition to concentrating on studying the silk scrolls copied from the jade slips every day, he silently observed the emotions, anger, sorrow and other complex expressions of the mortals around him, and then slowly recalled and savored them.

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