A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 404 The Wind is Rising Overseas, Pill Formation and Magic Weapon

In the cave, the door to the secret room finally opened.

The figure flashed, and a man with disheveled hair and an unclear face slowly walked out of the secret room.

At this time, yellow light flashed, and Qu Hun immediately appeared next to this person, his expression extremely dull.

"Hey, the elixir is formed. The golden elixir is finally completed!" Looking at everything outside the secret room and Quhun beside him, the man suddenly raised his head and laughed, and there was a faint sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring.

The face that emerged from the messy bun was that of Han Li who entered the secret room sixty years ago.

It's just that at this time, his eyes were shining brightly, and his movements were full of aura, as if he was a different person.

After Han Li finished laughing, he felt a strange feeling when he looked at everything outside the secret room.

Sixty years of being indifferent to worldly affairs gave him a strong sense of right and wrong, as if everything that had happened in the past had become very far away!

Han Li did not stay where he was, but followed the impression in his memory and returned to his dormitory.

After a meal, Han Li came out of the dormitory with a radiant face, regaining his appearance and attire from decades ago, still looking like a young man in his twenties.

But at this time, he looked extremely cold and walked towards the insect room calmly.

The gold-eating insects in the insect room are completely different from those decades ago!

Not only did the number reach the terrifying tens of thousands, but the originally silver insect shells also had golden spots, making them look much more ferocious and ferocious.

Seeing this scene, Han Li did not show any surprise.

He had known this news through his clone Quhun many years ago. Now I just witnessed the real situation with my own eyes.

Speaking of which, Han Li himself never thought about it. In a flash of inspiration, I used these gold-eating insects to experiment with neon grass, and unexpectedly solved the problem of cultivating gold-eating insects.

After he went into seclusion, Qu Hun continued to feed the gold-eating insects with spreading leaves of neon grass every month. After eating these flying insects, their temper became more and more irritable.

After three or four years of feeding, the gold-eating insects finally mutated.

After they finished eating the neon grass at once, they devoured each other and started fighting.

In a few days, there were only a dozen gold-eating bugs left out of the hundreds, but the size and aura of the surviving bugs were far superior to those of the same kind before.

Moreover, not long after these insects devoured other species of the same kind, they actually began to lay eggs on their own. Each insect slowly died after laying nearly a hundred eggs.

Han Li obtained thousands of insect eggs in one go.

The worms hatch on their own after just one year of hatching.

So Quhun fed them with neon grass, letting them devour each other and lay eggs.

After several rounds of this, the number of gold-eating insects began to increase dramatically.

If it weren't for the limited number of neon grass that can be ripened, and the time it takes for them to eat each other is getting later and later, the number must be far more than this!

What’s even more surprising is that the offspring of these gold-eating insects that eat each other and reproduce become stronger and more ferocious from generation to generation. Even the insect shells have golden spots in the pure silver, and the golden spots are becoming more and more The bigger the trend.

This made him wonder whether they would truly advance in level after all the insect shells were transformed into gold.

Standing outside the insect room, Han Li stared at the gold-eating insects with flashing eyes for a long time without saying a word.

He knew very well that this method of breeding gold-eating insects was definitely not the orthodox method used by the ancient beast-controlling monks.

Because he believed that the miraculous ripening effect of the mysterious vial was absolutely unique in this mortal world.

Maybe this method is better than the previous methods of breeding insects!

Thinking of this, Han Li smiled slightly. Walk to another insect room not far from the next door, where two blood jade spiders are kept.

Although under Han Li's instruction, Quhun only used a small part of the green liquid produced over the years to cultivate and refine the elixir for the Spirit Feeding Pill. But after such a long period of feeding with Spirit Pills. The two blood jade spiders have already advanced several levels and are now peak level four monsters.

Now they are exactly the same as the white jade spiders seen in the underground cave that day. Their whole bodies are as crystal clear as jade, and they are extremely beautiful!

Han Li's arrival obviously alarmed the two white spiders. They had already connected with Han Li's mind and immediately rushed towards the stone door, as if they wanted to play intimately with Han Li.

Han Li was overjoyed and immediately opened the stone door. Two blood jade spiders immediately jumped out and circled around Han Li.

Han Li stroked the backs of the two monsters for a while, marveling at their crystal-clear bodies! Then he put them away with the spirit beast bag, turned around and left the insect room.

Han Li had no intention of using those gold-eating insects yet.

He planned to wait for these bugs to hatch for a few more generations, and then use them for great use after their bodies were completely transformed into gold. This was his secret trump card.

Next, Han Li walked around the cave again before returning to the dormitory with great interest.

Lying on the comfortable wooden bed, Han Li remembered the situation of forming pills in the secret room.

Speaking of which, Han Li's success in forming the elixir so quickly this time was beyond Han Li's expectation.

He did not complete the third turn of the "Three Turns of Chongyuan Gong", but only completed the second turn after spending more than thirty years.

Because he relied entirely on taking pills to practice the "Three Transformations Heavy Yuan Gong", the progress was much faster than he originally expected.

I thought that it would be extremely difficult to complete all three transformations, or even impossible.

But he didn't expect to complete the second level in just over a hundred years, which gave him more than enough lifespan to cultivate to the third level.

As a result, Han Li's mind became active, and he did not dare to put all his hopes of forming a pill in the "Three Transformations of the Chongyuan Gong".

After all, this technique is unique and no one else has practiced it yet!

Moreover, this technique says that after three rounds, half of the elixir formation rate can be obtained. That does not mean that even if he completes three rounds of practice, there is still a half chance that he will not be able to form elixirs.

This made him worried, and he couldn't help but want to take more measures to increase the hope of forming a pill.

At this time, the former young master of Qianzhu Sect, "Senior Brother Lin" who was destroyed by him at the beginning, said that practicing Dayan Jue to a high level can increase the rate of forming pills, once again appeared in his mind.

So after some careful consideration, he changed to practice the third level of Dayan Jue.

"Whether this statement is true or false, there is no harm in practicing it!" This was Han Li's simple thought at the time.

The third level of Dayan Art certainly takes longer than the second level of practice.

It took Han Li more than twenty years to finally break through the bottleneck and barely master it.

As for the fourth level of Dayan Jue, Han Li had no intention of cultivating it.

Because the time it takes to cultivate it is still something Han Li can afford to waste now.

After that, Han Li began to form pills for several years with the help of various elixirs.

To be honest, Han Li didn't have much hope for the second round of pill formation because of his extremely disastrous failure in forming pills in the first round.

I just did it with the mentality of giving it a try after a few years.

It took Quhun four years to form the evil elixir, and Han Li took more than five years to complete the golden elixir that he had unexpectedly not long ago due to his inferior qualifications.

Even though he personally felt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth pouring into his body crazily, and when the true energy in his body was desperately flipped in his Dantian, and condensed into a four-color bead the size of a thumb, Han Li still felt as if he was in a dream.

"Have you entered the elixir formation stage just like this?" He still couldn't believe it!

Han Li, who had little mental preparation, almost collapsed the still-unstable Jin Dan due to this huge surprise.

He was so frightened that he quickly calmed down and calmed down, so that he didn't make a big mistake and fall back to the foundation building stage.

When he thought of this, Han Li, who was lying on the bed, couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth with a faint smile.

With a huff, he got up and walked out of bed.

Now, even though such a long time has passed since he formed the elixir, he is still getting more and more excited as he thinks about it, unable to remain still.

Entering the elixir formation stage not only means that he can now be regarded as a senior expert in the world of immortality, but also his longevity has reached a terrifying five to six hundred years, which allows him to practice with peace of mind in the future.

The most important thing is that he can finally use the elixir fire to refine and polish his magic weapon.

When it comes to magic weapons, Han Li has two in his hands.

A piece of "Hunyuan Bowl" has been refined by Quhun. He planned to use the other sword "Green Brilliance Sword" for protection first and use it temporarily.

In the end, what he wanted to refine was the magic weapon "Green Bamboo Peak Cloud Sword" that he had coveted for a long time on the "Golden Page".

This sword is made in a complete set. Once it is successfully made, it will be extremely powerful and can sweep away monks of the same level.

In addition, he has now reached the seventh level of Qingyuan Sword Technique, and can finally use the magical power of "Sword Shadow Spectroscopy".

This made him full of expectations for the path of cultivating immortality after forming the pill!

What he has to do now is to quickly collect the magic weapon materials for refining the "Qingzhu Peak Cloud Sword" so that this magic weapon can be cultivated with great power in the elixir fire and soul as soon as possible.

(Haha, in fact, according to our original thoughts, Han Li would not be able to form a pill so easily. But if we delay it any longer, I am afraid that I will be scolded by book friends, so I have to delete two less important plots. Let the protagonist form the elixir as soon as possible! This also makes us feel a lot more relaxed. In addition, don’t wait any longer tonight, we don’t plan to stay up late. After staying up for so many days, I feel like day and night are reversed, and it’s really too much to bear. Let’s continue coding tomorrow! Everyone went to bed early, and it’s better to go to bed early. Hehe! Tomorrow is the beginning of the month, so don’t forget to vote for this book and support it!)

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