A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 402 The wind blows overseas, kill the demon and get the elixir

Han Li's worries were obviously unnecessary.

Only half an hour later, Han Li felt two powerful spiritual energy waves approaching the Red Coral Island from the east and west directions, causing his expression to change slightly.

He suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the row of flags in front of him, and tightened his dry lips.

Although everything was arranged well, facing two high-level monsters at once, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

Suddenly, a purple formation flag in front of him shone brightly, and then started to shake slightly.

Han Li looked solemn, but did not take any immediate action and just watched silently.

He knew that although the fifth-level demonic beast was already intelligent, it would be impossible to break out of a large formation such as the "Inverted Five Elements Formation" for a while. Because the cultivation level of fifth-level monsters is said to be comparable to that of monks in the early stage of forming a pill, but in actual combat, most of them are not rivals of monks of the same level.

After all, they suffer from their low intelligence and the single spell they are born with, so they can easily be killed by immortal cultivators of the same level seizing on their flaws.

Something as profound as the formation is not something they can break in a short time.

Therefore, Han Li could wait with peace of mind until another monster fell into the formation before taking action with confidence.

Just as he was thinking anxiously to himself, a yellow formation flag also shined brightly and made a low buzzing sound.

Suddenly, Han Liyuan's solemn face showed a hint of joy, and then he pinched the spell with both hands, sealing the aura of the neon grass not far away with the restrictions of the surrounding magic array.

Otherwise, if one or two more monsters are attracted, he won't be able to handle it.

After doing this, Han Li stretched out his hand and lightly grabbed the void. The two formation flags emitted a strange shape and flew to his hand automatically. He softly uttered the word "Go" in his mouth!

The Quhun behind him suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out a beam of yellow light. Then the yellow light exploded, and it actually swept up Han Li and turned into a yellow rainbow and flew away into the sky.

A moment later, Han Li appeared in the sky above the westernmost "Transformation Tianluo Formation". He saw the yellow and green clouds rolling in the formation, and a faint roaring sound like a bull's roar came from the formation.

Han Li released the divine wind boat, and the imperial weapon flew away alone.

Then he took out the yellow formation flag from his arms and waved it gently in his hand. A yellow light shot out from the flagpole and hit the colorful clouds in the formation. Suddenly the various glows converged, revealing the colors trapped in the formation. A monster came out.

This demon is about two to three feet long, with a round body and fiery red thorns all over its body. At first glance, it looks like a huge sea urchin, but its round body is covered with dozens of green eyes of the same size.

These eyes are extremely cold, and they are emitting red rays of light one after another, constantly impacting the restrictions of the formation, and the sound like a bull's roar is coming from its fat belly, which seems to be in the midst of violent impatience. middle.

"Thousand-Eyed Demon"

As soon as he saw the monster's appearance clearly, Han immediately recognized its origin and felt a little excited.

This is one of the most common fifth-level monsters in the Chaotic Star Sea, which is just the perfect place for him to practice his skills.

He didn't dare to delay for too long! This was not an "inversion of the Five Elements Formation". I couldn't bear the demon's tossing a few more times, so I immediately thought of it and gave the order to Qu Hun.

After Qu Hun received the order, the yellow light around him immediately changed, suddenly transforming into a bloody light that reached the sky. Then he quickly moved his hands together, and a yellow crescent light flew out from between his palms, shooting directly into the In the formation, he slashed hard at the "Thousand-Eyed Demon".

This is the magic weapon "Hunyuan Bowl" that Quhun has refined seven or eighty-eight times.

Although the "Thousand-Eyed Demon" was trapped in the formation, he seemed to know how powerful Huang Mang was. All his eyes instantly stared at the direction in which "Hunyuan Bowl" was flying. Dozens of red lights gathered together and turned into a A thick red beam of light withstood Huang Mang's advance, and for a moment it became a mana competition with the Quhun that drove the magic weapon.

Seeing this scene, Han Li showed joy instead of being angry.

He reached out and patted a bulging storage bag on his waist. Suddenly, hundreds of white lights flew out of the bag, and in a blink of an eye, they fell around the formation, revealing ferocious puppet beasts.

As soon as these puppet beasts, which were about ten feet tall, showed their figures, they immediately opened their mouths, and all kinds of thorns began to condense in their mouths, looking like they were ready to attack.

At this time, Han Li's face flushed with excitement, and when he turned his hand, the set of "red thread light-escape needles" appeared in his palm.

At the same time, hundreds of light beams sprayed out neatly from the mouth of the puppet beast, and shot menacingly at the "Thousand-Eyed Demon" in the formation.

The monster seemed to have noticed something was wrong. It suddenly screamed, and its whole body whirled, curling into a huge flesh ball full of thorns. At the same time, the color of the light ejected from its eyes changed, and the red light suddenly changed. It turned into green light. These green lights did not fly out to attack the enemy, but condensed into a thick light shield around the meat ball.

Hundreds of light beams hit the green light shield at the same time. Amidst the rumbling light splashing, the monster's shield really held up, but the green light on the light shield flickered uncertainly, showing a weak state.

At this time, the Hunyuan Bowl finally dispersed the red light pillar that had no back-up support. Under the command of Quhun, it grew in size and instantly transformed into a huge disc with a diameter of several feet, cooperating with the attack of the light pillar. , struck hard diagonally.

There was a crisp cracking sound. Although the light shield was supported by the "Thousand-Eyed Demon" spraying green light, it still could not withstand the double attack of the light beam and the "Hunyuan Bowl" and completely collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Han Li, who had been waiting for a long time, raised his hand without thinking, and more than a dozen red threads flew out of his hand, taking advantage of the opportunity and shooting towards the monster's exposed body...

After a meal, Han Li was in the middle of the formation, holding a green ball the size of an egg in his hand, his face full of joy.

At its feet lay a scarred monster corpse, with a bloody hole the size of a fist exposed somewhere on the corpse.


Han Li didn't hesitate. After collecting the corpse of the Thousand-Eyed Demon in a storage bag, he was immediately swept away by Huang Hong, who was transformed into a warped soul, and rushed towards another formation.

In this way, Han Li stayed on this Red Coral Island for more than a month.

He dropped green liquid on the "Neon Clothes Grass" several times, forcing it to spread its leaves and emit a smell, thereby gradually increasing its range to lure monsters.

As a result, monsters will be attracted almost every two or three days. He and Qu Hun were able to kill more than a dozen level five monsters in one go, which made Han Li extremely happy!

But when the neon grass reached the 400th year, it actually attracted a rare level six monster "cockscomb dragon", which frightened Han Li. He hurriedly used a formation to prevent the aura of the neon grass from escaping. Only then did the beast wander around for a few times before leaving in annoyance.

Han Li, who was quite frightened, finally knew that it was best to only ripen the neon grass to three hundred years. If you add more years, it will attract higher-level monsters.

So, he quickly replaced a seedling of Neon Grass and ripened it again!

But at this time, he had almost killed all the level five monsters near Red Coral Island.

After seeing that no monsters came for six or seven days in a row, Han Li and Qu Hun did not linger on this place. Instead, they immediately put away their formations and flew deep into the outer star sea for several days. They found another coral island and set up similar arrangements. In the big formation, continue to kill monsters and get pills.

This exciting, boring and dangerous life allowed Han Li to live in the outer star sea for five years!

During this period, he killed hundreds of fifth-level monsters, some of which were even strange monsters that the world of immortality had never heard of. This put Han Li, who was facing him for the first time, into the thin line between life and death several times. .

If it weren't for the bravery of Quhun and the puppet, he would have been buried in the vast sea even with the help of the formation.

And after these years of consumption, not only have the puppets been lost in all likelihood, only about twenty or thirty are left, but even the formation equipment has been destroyed and mutilated by the self-explosion of several fierce-tempered monsters. .

Even the most powerful "Inverted Five Elements Formation" accidentally attracted a level 7 monster half a year ago. In desperation, he had to abandon the formation to temporarily trap the beast, and he and Qu Hun immediately escaped. .

In the past five years, the losses have been so great, and of course the gains have been astonishing!

In addition to hundreds of fifth-level demon pills, Han Li also obtained countless rare demon beast materials. He even had to discard some items of slightly more value to use the storage bag to relieve the pressure.

In addition, in the fight to kill hundreds of monsters, he honed his practical skills to perfection, and also mastered many unique tricks for killing monsters.

Today, Han Li can face an ordinary level five monster alone without any fear.

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