A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 373 The Wind Rises Overseas Manor

However, while Han Li was paying attention to the number of mortals, he also vaguely sensed the auras of many immortal cultivators around the port. It seemed that these people should be immortal cultivators who were specifically responsible for the order of the port.

While Han Li was thinking this, he took Quhun and followed Gu Dongzhu to a stone house on the edge of the port.

The interior of the house was very simple. Apart from a wooden table and a chair, there was only an old man with a yellow face sitting there with his eyes closed and meditating.

After hearing the sound of Han Li and others coming in, the immortal master opened his eyes.

Suddenly a ray of cold light shot out from his eyes, and Han Li felt a chill in his heart. This man was actually a monk in the foundation-building stage, and he no longer seemed like he had before when his magic power was still intact.

The yellow-faced old man directly ignored Gu Dongzhu and Wang Changqing, and after glancing at Han Li and Qu Hun, he found that Han Li's cultivation level was only several levels of the Qi Refining stage, and returned to his lazy expression, but However, Han Li noticed that this person seemed to have glanced at Qu Hun a little longer.

"What's the matter with you guys? If you're interested, please tell me quickly and don't disturb my rest." The man said feebly, with a hint of impatience on his face.

Because of his photographic memory, Han Li had already learned the local language from Wang Changqing to some extent. Although he could not speak yet, he could barely understand what others meant.

However, because he had no experience in dealing with the monks here, he didn't say anything. He just smiled and watched Gu Gu and the two negotiating with the monk.

I saw that Gu Dongzhu respectfully called "Master Yang", then approached the yellow-faced monk, whispered something in a low voice, then turned back and pointed at Han Li, as if to explain his origin, and then went to This one had several spiritual stones stuffed into his hand.

After touching the spirit stone in his hand, "Master Yang's" expression softened a lot. He then touched his body and took out a green jade token, and asked Han Li stiffly:

"What is your name?"

"Han Li!" Han Li said his name fluently. He didn't care what words the other party interpreted it in.

Master Yang's hand flashed with green light, completely covering the jade plaque. After a moment, the light dissipated, and two strange symbols that Han Li didn't recognize appeared on the jade plate.

Then the yellow-faced old man raised his hand and threw the jade token at Han Li.

"This sign must be kept carefully. If it is lost, you must come to me to replace it in time, otherwise you will be punished as if you broke into Kuixing Island. Of course, if you settle here in the future, you will not need this jade sign. , will be taken back. As for the refined corpse behind you, of course it is no longer needed." After saying these words angrily, the immortal master ignored the three of them and closed his eyes again to rest.

Boss Gu naturally understood the situation and immediately withdrew.

But Han Li was a little concerned about this person's true identity, and after looking at him for a while, he walked out silently.

Not long after Han Li left, Master Yang reopened his eyes and muttered to himself in confusion:

"This corpse refining is really weird. It's obviously a dead corpse. Why is there still spiritual energy flowing out? Is it a new corpse refining technique?"

Then, the yellow-faced old man fell into deep thought for a long time...

Outside, after Boss Gu left the port, he hired a beast cart pulled by two monsters that looked like sheep and cows, and took Han Li along a road to the island.

There are so many such vehicles on this road, it seems bustling.

But after the car passed through several neat and lively small towns, the number of such cars was obviously much less. Later, it even turned onto a few trails and encountered even fewer passers-by and cars.

After driving like this for half a day, the car finally arrived at a farm covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. Many strange crops were planted in front of the village that Han Li had never seen before.

Some cereal plants have ears like rice, but the leaves are thick and flat, actually purple-red, and exude a faint fragrance; some green vegetable plants look very much like cabbage, but there is no cabbage in Tiannan. It is as big as half a human, and there are several small blue flowers blooming in the center of the cabbage...

In these vegetable fields, there are more than a dozen people who look like farmers, farming in twos and threes, digging the ground.

What a peaceful farm scene!

Han Li was watching with great interest when the beast carriage arrived in front of Zhuangzi's gate and stopped.

Han Li jumped down first with Qu Hun and looked around the place.

The vicinity of Zhuangzi is full of green pines, and there is a large hill next to it. It can be said that the environment is elegant and quite unique.

The entire village is surrounded by an earthen wall that is two feet high and several feet wide. The houses within the wall are all new and unusual, as if they were built not long ago.

"This is the Gu family!" Han Li praised in his heart, but after carefully looking at the pine trees for a few times, his expression inadvertently changed slightly.

Because he was surprised to find that in the pine trees around Zhuangzi, there was a trace of the formation, which was obviously prohibited.

From Han Li's perspective, although this was not a brilliant formation, it was enough to trap low-level immortal cultivators.

While Han Li was wondering, Boss Gu, who got off the car with him, already said with an apologetic smile:

"Master Han, please go to the village and take a rest first! I will call my servants to prepare the island's specialty wine for Master Han!"

After hearing this, Han Li glanced around Zhuangzi vaguely, and then replied with a smile:

"Forget it, I won't disturb Boss Gu and his family. I'll just stay there for a while. After the things are done, I'll find another permanent place to live."

After saying this, Han Li pointed in a certain direction to the side.

Gu Dongzhu and Wang Changqing followed the direction of Han Li's finger and saw the lonely hill, and couldn't help being completely stunned.

But after several warm invitations failed, he had no choice but to let this somewhat weird immortal master wander up the hill.

The two of them looked at each other helplessly and walked into Zhuangzi.

Han Li led Qu Hun along a slope that wasn't exactly a path to the top of the hill, and then looked down at Gujiazhuang at the bottom of the hill.

I saw that the proprietor Gu, surrounded by a group of men and women, walked into a huge house in the center of Zhuangzi. Then the crowd dispersed automatically, and only a few people with some status and more gorgeous clothes followed into the house.

Han Li raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then turned around and went about his own business.

He first found a flatter slope on the middle of the hill. Then he picked out a few thicker pine trees, used magic weapons to quickly dismember them, and then Qu Hun...

Half an hour later, a simple cabin appeared on the hill. And the house is fully equipped with wooden tables, wooden chairs, and even wooden beds.

In the next month, Han Li took elixirs and medicine every day in the wooden house, refining his energy and meditating, hoping to recover his cultivation level in one day.

Boss Gu and Wang Changqing also came several times during this period to discuss some challenges with Han Li, and then hurriedly left without daring to delay Han Li's cultivation.

But proprietor Gu is also a caring person. Every now and then, he will send people to deliver some exquisite food to the hill for Han Li to enjoy.

Han Li accepted it with an unceremonious smile.

Among them were several very sweet fruits, which made Han Li feel quite happy after eating them. They were obviously specialties of the island and he had never seen them before.

In the last few days of the month, Han Li's cultivation actually returned to the level of the fifth level during the Qi Refining Period.

This surprised him and made him feel more at ease.

Because, according to what Gu Dongzhu said, the immortal masters invited by the ten families were not people with amazing cultivation levels.

Except for a few individuals, most of them were at the sixth or seventh level of Qi refining stage, and the challenge opponents were determined by drawing lots. As long as Han Li's luck is not too bad, defeating his opponent will not be a problem.

In addition, in order to increase Han Li's chances of winning, this boss Gu also collected two or three powerful magical weapons from all over the place, hoping to make Han Li stronger.

But when Han Li saw these few items that could barely be regarded as high-level magic weapons, he could only roll his eyes in his heart and accept them first, so that Boss Gu could feel at ease!

Just two days after Han Li had just recovered to the fifth level of cultivation, Gu Dongzhu and Wang Changqing finally came to Han Li with nervous expressions.

Without saying a word, Han Li followed him into another car pulled by that monster and sped away to somewhere on the island.

This time, after two hours of galloping, the beast cart pulled them into a city built entirely of white stone.

When entering the city, there were many mortal guards guarding the city gate.

They will not interrogate those who leave, but those who enter the city must show them a token that is very similar to Han Li's waist badge for inspection.

However, when Han Li entered the city, the guards just took a cylinder-like object and shook it at Han Li a few times. After seeing green light emitting from the cylinder, they immediately gave Han Li a respectful salute. Only the tokens of Gu Dongzhu and Wang Changqing were checked.

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