A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 371 The wind blows overseas and Gu proprietor’s business

Wang Changqing then said:

"Mortals like Lao Chan who live on various islands must either work hard or pay spiritual stones, otherwise they are not allowed to live on the islands. Because these islands have been planted with magic by immortal masters, there is no need to fear monsters. The coming of the wind and the sky allow us mortals to stay safely. Moreover, the immortal masters have great magical powers. When we mortals go on a long voyage, most of us will try our best to hire one or two people to accompany the ship. In this way, if we encounter You can survive the monsters in the sea. Of course, these immortal masters who are willing to be hired are the ones with a relatively free status."

"Tianfeng?" When Han Li heard this word, a look of doubt flashed across his face.

Monster, he knows it! What this "Tianfeng" is, he has never heard of it.

"Didn't the place where the immortal master stayed before be attacked by the wind?" The old man showed a strange expression.

"I have never seen Tianfeng in the place where I practiced before! What is Tianfeng, and it can be compared with monsters?" Han Li said calmly, as if he didn't care.

Hearing what Han Li said, although Wang Changqing felt a little suspicious, he still explained honestly:

"Tianfeng, monsters, and ghost mist are known as the three major natural disasters in our chaotic star sea. Needless to say monsters, the immortal master must know more than me. Most of the monsters in the sea are huge and proficient in water attributes. Black magic. We mortals definitely have no way to deal with it. Only immortal masters can kill them."

"And the sky wind is a hurricane that appears from one end of the Chaos Star Sea twice a year and blows to the other end at regular intervals. Wherever it passes, the waves are soaring and houses are destroyed and people are killed. If we live on an island protected by magic, we Mortals are definitely in bad luck. And I heard that even if the immortal masters are involved in the sky wind, it will be extremely difficult to escape, and they may even be buried in it." When Wang Changqing said this, there was a bit of fear on his face.

"What kind of natural disaster is the ghost mist?" Han Li continued to ask without moving his expression.

It’s better to have a clear understanding of these three major natural disasters so that you can be prepared if you encounter them!

But after hearing Han Li's question, the old man finally confirmed that the immortal master in front of him really didn't know anything about the things at sea. He didn't even know about the most mysterious ghost mist among the three major natural disasters. I really didn't know that this immortal master had always been... Where did you practice? Could it be that it came from land, but this is the Chaos Star Sea. Apart from other sea areas, is there any continent nearby?

Suppressing the strangeness in his heart, Wang Changqing did not dare to neglect and continued to tell Han Li:

"The ghost mist is the most terrifying and mysterious of the three natural disasters in the Chaos Star Sea. I heard that it is a black mist that often floats on the sea. Not only are we mortals bound to die when we see it, but even the immortal masters will hide away if they see it. Not as good as that. Because any living creature covered by this mist has never come out again. Immortal masters are no exception! However, although this mist is powerful, it can only appear in one place at most, and never come close to a larger place. On large islands, as long as you evade in time, you can save your life. So although it is terrible, it is the least murderous among the three major natural disasters." The old man said, showing a look of joy.

When Han Li heard this, he began to think about it.

"What the hell is this place? According to this, my plan to find a small island with spiritual energy and practice alone will come to nothing. Otherwise, if I encounter those heavenly winds and ghost mist, wouldn't I die unjustly? ”

Han Li was a little depressed!

After hearing what he said, Han Li had a somewhat unhappy look on his face, and the old man became uneasy.

"Did he say something that offended Master Immortal?"

Just as the old man was muttering, Han Li pondered for a moment and then began to ask:

"Why did that Gu proprietor just now want me to live on Kuixing Island so much? And this ship is heading to this island, right?"

Han Li stared at the old man's face, and there was no emotion or anger on his face.

Seeing Han Li's expression, the old man's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but show some hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Han Li didn't know that there was something fishy about it. He calmed down and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang. I'm just asking to find out what's going on. After all, I can't just agree to Boss Gu's request without knowing anything. If I really need a little help, I can't." We can’t go to Kuixing Island.”

After Wang Changqing heard what Han Li had said, he knew that it was impossible not to tell him, otherwise he would greatly offend the immortal master and he would definitely not get any good results from himself.

So, after he coughed dryly, he said with a trembling smile:

"Master Immortal, please don't blame me. In fact, there is nothing to hide about this matter. It's just that Master Immortal has never asked about it before."

After hearing such excuses, Han Li rolled his eyes inwardly.

But the old man immediately explained the reason for the matter.

It turned out that this ship had indeed just completed a business trip and was on its way back to Kuixing Island.

This proprietor Gu is not a mortal born and raised on Kuixing Island, but a person born on an island affiliated with Kuixing Island. But after he made a fortune in business, he just moved to Kuixing Island.

Because the really profitable business is the long-distance trade from each big island to other big islands. And this kind of business can only be done by mortals on Kuixing Island, in order to highlight the different identities of mortals on the main island and those on the affiliated islands.

As for Boss Gu, he was originally engaged in reselling business among affiliated islands. After moving to this island, he naturally wanted to take his business to a new level.

But after the family moved to the main island, the customer was shocked to find out. It turns out that this kind of long-distance trading business on the big island is not something that anyone can join casually, but a certain share has been designated by the immortal master on the island. Only ten families on the island can do this business that makes them rich.

Moreover, these ten families are not fixed, but are selected through a fighting competition held every three years.

Families who want to get involved in this business invite an immortal master to challenge the immortal arts. Only if they successfully challenge those immortal masters who have qualified last time can they obtain permission to trade between big islands.

As soon as Boss Gu heard the news, he immediately panicked.

Because he used to do short-distance business, he would never encounter monsters at all, and he had never hired any immortal cultivators, so he knew very few immortal cultivators!

He originally planned to wait until the business was secured and then pay a large price to hire one slowly.

But now it's too late.

Because when he got the news, the three-year battle was not far away. How could there be time for him to contact and search slowly?

You must know that although there are many immortal masters on Kuixing Island, most of the immortal cultivators are arrogant. There are only a pitiful number of immortal cultivators who are willing to accept employment from mortals, and most of them have some distant or close relationship with these mortals. To help.

The few other immortal masters who could have taken action were too embarrassed to challenge them because they knew these ten immortal masters more or less. Therefore, in a short period of time, Boss Gu could not find any immortal cultivators willing to take action on Kuixing Island.

In desperation, he had to take advantage of the opportunity of delivering goods to return to the island where he was originally born, hoping to ask a distant relative of the immortal cultivator on the island to help. Unexpectedly, this immortal master had just left for a long trip.

At this time, Boss Gu was really dumbfounded.

But now, Han Li, a foreign immortal cultivator, has jumped into his boat. How could this not make Gu Dongzhu, who was looking for the immortal cultivator everywhere, overjoyed?

Although I don’t know what Han Li’s cultivation level is, it is better than giving up the opportunity in vain and waiting for another three years!

Therefore, he tried his best to win over Han Li and wanted Han Li to fight for him.

After hearing these words, Han Li was completely speechless.

When he first heard that immortal cultivators could be hired by mortals to go to sea, he found it incredible. But now, Han Li found it hard to accept that he would fight for no reason for a mortal's business qualifications between big islands.

It seems that although the immortal cultivators are still a high-ranking group in this place, they are not as disdainful of interacting with mortals as Tiannan. On the contrary, there is an intricate relationship between the two.

However, it is better to avoid having him fight with others for his business qualifications. He is not so depressed yet!

But he still had doubts in his heart, so he smiled softly and asked slowly:

"Mr. Wang, I have very little experience. I still have a question that I would like to ask."

"If you have any questions, Master Immortal, please just ask. I will try my best to answer them!" the old man said hurriedly and respectfully.

"I don't quite understand! If we want to transport goods to various islands, why should we leave it to you ordinary people? Shouldn't each immortal master have a magic weapon such as a storage bag? Isn't it fast to transport goods by flying? Is it safe?"

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