A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 361 Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other

A quarter of an hour later, Han Li walked out of the Stardust Pavilion calmly.

He looked back at the tall pavilion, with a mysterious chuckle on his face, and then strode away.

Now in Han Li's storage bag, the set of "red thread light-escape needles" and the jade slip with the prescription for the elixir are both staying in it.

Not long ago, after he casually asked the girl about the price of the thousand-year elixir, he did not show the girl any elixir. Instead, he took out two more "Ding Yan Pills" containing the ingredients of a thousand-year-old elixir and gave them to the girl.

Han Li clearly remembered that the girl who was originally extremely indifferent suddenly showed a fanatical look after hearing about the miraculous effect of "Fixing Beauty Pill" on her appearance. The completely opposite change in her expression surprised him. .

Then the girl immediately found an alchemist from the Stardust Pavilion and asked him to personally identify the elixir, which was widely rumored but no one tried to refine it.

As a result, after confirming that these two pills were indeed "Yan-fixing pills" and that they really had the effect of fixing the appearance, the girl immediately nervously called Mrs. Lan up from the fifth floor.

After the two women whispered for a while, Han Li exchanged the elixir recipe and magical weapon for the price of two calming elixirs and a thousand spiritual stones.

Thinking about it now, Han Li felt a little funny.

The beauty can last forever, and it is so tempting for women that they cannot resist it. Even Mrs. Lan, a female monk with deep thoughts and profound cultivation, showed the same eager eyes as the girl after hearing that Han Li had the "Ding Yan Pill". This made Han Li fully understand the woman's concern for her appearance.

However, this also made the price of Dingyan Dan far beyond his expectations.

Originally thought that they could be exchanged for up to two thousand spirit stones, but as soon as the two women opened their mouths, Han Li was greatly satisfied, and naturally he would not haggle over the price without knowing what was going on. It seems fortunate that the shopkeepers here are two women. If they were male shopkeepers, they would probably be able to give Han Li hundreds of spirit stones.

After the transaction, Mrs. Lan, who had recovered from her frenzy, finally couldn't help but ask about the origin of the elixir, but Han Li dismissed her with a casual "I got it by accident."

When Han Li left Xingchen Pavilion, he felt a little reluctant.

He knew that because Xingchen Pavilion could easily take out such rare items as the "Red Thread Escape Needle" and elixirs, there must be something more precious. But it was a pity that he really couldn't exchange any more elixirs and spiritual herbs. Otherwise, Han Li didn't need to think about how dangerous it would be if his money were exposed.

With a regretful attitude, Han Li found an inn for monks to rest in Fang City and stayed there.

In the remaining time, he began to refine his energy and meditate, preparing to find the shopkeeper Xu to refine the magic weapon for him tomorrow.

The next morning, Han Li arrived at the weapon-refining shop as promised.

Shopkeeper Xu had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Han Li come in, he immediately greeted him excitedly and walked to the backyard. Han Li smiled slightly and walked in...

More than half a month later, Han Li finally walked out of the store.

But contrary to his expression when he entered, at this moment, his face was full of gloom, and he seemed to be in a very bad mood.

Behind him, shopkeeper Xu followed Han Li with a look of shame on his face, and kept mumbling something behind Han Li.

Han Li let out a sigh of relief and seemed to feel a little better. Then he said a few pleasant words to shopkeeper Xu, and then slowly walked out of Fangshi, leaving only the old man with a blank look on his face.

Soon after, Han Li left the restricted area of ​​Fang City and flew directly to Xin Ruyin's nameless hill with his weapon.

Standing on the divine wind boat, Han Li's expression turned gloomy again. This was all due to repeated failures in refining weapons for more than half a month.

He overestimated shopkeeper Xu's weapon-refining skills, and actually allowed all the rare materials to be destroyed before refining a set of magical weapons. And all the mantid beast materials that he valued most were completely destroyed during the refining process.

This made Han Li regret so much that he almost had the urge to use a magic weapon to hit Shopkeeper Xu hard.

However, he finally gave up because the old man himself was extremely ashamed. Even before leaving, he comforted the other person with a few words of kindness.

Thinking of this with a sigh, Han Li slapped his hand into the storage bag, and five white flying knives flew out of the bag, circling around Han Li.

Han Li felt a little better when he saw these five magical weapons made from the limbs of white spiders.

Although there were still three legs that were broken during the refining process, and the imaginary armor made of spider shells also came to nothing. But in the end, all the materials of the giant mantis were not destroyed. This can be considered a great blessing among misfortunes! Han Li could only think with a wry smile.

However, from this refining process, Han Li finally learned that the more advanced and rare the materials, the more skillful the person refining them is. They are all the same person. Didn't most of the ingredients for the ink dragon last time be successfully refined?

Han Li showed a thoughtful expression while flying with his weapon.

A few days later, Han Li appeared again in the sky above the nameless hill.

This time, before Han Li could use the teleportation note, the white mist shrouded in the formation automatically made way for Han Li.

Han Li smiled when he saw this, knowing that Xin Ruyin was probably waiting for him to come back these two days, after all, the agreed date was almost here.

After a while, Han Li sat on a chair in the bamboo house, opposite Xin Ruyin, who was smiling and still wearing plain clothes.

"Senior Han, you came at the right time. I just repaired the ancient teleportation array yesterday. As long as senior repairs it according to the drawings, the ancient teleportation array can return to normal." Xin Ruyin said with a calm expression, and touched his body He took out a jade slip and handed it to Han Li.

For her, repairing an ancient teleportation array was a worthy challenge, and she was somewhat pleased to have succeeded.

Han Li reached out and took the jade slip, feeling extremely happy and with a rare undisguised smile on his face.

Although he has no idea of ​​using the ancient teleportation array right away, this must be a fallback path under consideration.

So, he sunk his consciousness into it and took a few glances, and sure enough, there was a complete repair method and detailed repair steps for the ancient teleportation array.

"Miss Xin, you're done!"

Han Li did not express his gratitude in a long speech, but thanked him very sincerely before carefully putting away the jade slip.

"Nothing, I am also very interested in this ancient teleportation array." Xin Ruyin said with a faint smile.

But then she seemed to remember something, and took out a small storage bag and handed it over, and said slowly:

"I still have one or two years to live at most. These sets of formation flags and formation disks that Brother Qi and I refined together will not be used in the future, so I will give them to Senior Han together! I hope it can be a blessing to Senior in the future. A little practice helps!”

Seeing Xin Ruyin give him such a big gift and say it so easily, Han Li was stunned, and then looked at the other person deeply.

After a moment of silence, he stood up, took the storage bag with both hands, and said solemnly:

"Although I, Han Li, am not a benevolent gentleman, nor a chivalrous and righteous person, now I promise Miss Xin once again that as long as my ability greatly improves and I can destroy the Fu family, Han will definitely let the Fu family from now on Get rid of your name in the world of immortality!" At this time, Han Li said it very seriously.

Xin Ruyin smiled when she saw this. She knew that the purpose of giving this gift had been achieved.

The more someone like Han Li refuses to make promises easily, the more he will value the promises he has made sincerely.

"Senior, if you have nothing important to do, you can stay in Woju for a few more days. Xin Ruyin really wants to discuss the formation method with Senior Han." Xin Ruyin said with a normal expression.

Three days later, Han Li flew out of the imperial weapon on Wuming Mountain. This time he went straight to Baichi Mountain, a nearby gathering place for immortal cultivators.

There, casual cultivators and monks from cultivating families often gather here to exchange some gossip about the cultivating world. Of course, they also take the opportunity to trade items.

The purpose of Han Li's trip was to find out from here how bad the current world of Yue's immortal cultivation was, and whether the seven sects had a chance to turn around.

Only after receiving this information can Han Li truly decide on his next plan.

And the day of the next party is coming soon.

Baichi Mountain is not very far from Xin Ruyin's Wuming Mountain. Xin Ruyin and Qi Yunxiao have attended several gatherings before. Of course, such small local gatherings are naturally mostly attended by those who are cultivating immortals in the Qi refining period, and there are very few There are monks who are in the foundation building stage.

One day later, Han Li arrived at the so-called Baichi Mountain.

This mountain is really not small. There are three peaks, big and small. Among them, the most dangerous and highest peak, the West Peak, is where many immortal cultivators gather.

The white light transformed by Han Li rushed directly to the top of this peak.

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