"Even so, in order to protect Spirit Beast Mountain, not to mention the other monks who died, two Danjie monks also died in the attack directed by me. This cannot be justified in any case!" Han Li frowned lightly. He said slowly, as if he didn't want to believe it easily.

"How can the other six sects easily believe it without the death of the monks in the Danjie stage? Besides, do you really think that the ones who died in the battle were the monks in the Danjie stage?" "Quhun" said with a sneer.

"Listen to what you said..." Han Li looked at "Quhun" in surprise.

"As far as I know, there are two or three secret methods in the Six Demonic Sects that can force monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage to reach the level of cultivation in the Core Formation Stage. Of course, each of these methods has great flaws, and they are basically used once. The monks are doomed to die with their meridians cut off, and the time for their cultivation is also pitifully short. However, this time should be enough to hide it from the eyes and ears of the other six sects. After all, an attack does not take long. play."

Hearing this, Han Li became silent. He already believed it.

It can be imagined that when the seven sects and the coalition of monks from the other two countries are setting up a large formation to confront the six demon sects, the demon sect, which has already understood all the arrangements of the coalition, will be easily torn apart by the betrayal of Spirit Beast Mountain. The formation of the seven sects, and the coalition of the seven sects without the protection of the large formation will definitely not be the opponent of the six demon sects.

"Even if what you said is true, the time for the decisive battle has not yet come. If I go to report the news, I should be able to turn defeat into victory. Why should I run away?" Han Li asked reluctantly after pondering for a while.

"Do you really think that our demonic path will launch a decisive battle according to the agreed time? You must know that according to the original arrangement, there was a decisive battle plan to confuse the opponent and hit the opponent with a time lag. Although I don't know the specific time, I estimate that it is Within days, we demons will suddenly attack your camp. After all, you are at the most relaxed stage before the war, and you are far from having all the manpower. Fellow Taoists believe that in the remaining time, you can spread the news Go to the place of war and let the higher-ups believe what you say?" The corner of his mouth curled up, obviously with the intention of gloating.

After hearing this, Han Li's expression finally changed, and he felt a little worried.

If the seven sects were really defeated, then his life would be really difficult. Either he would stay in the country of Yue and be hunted by demons, or he would have to retreat to other countries and wander around. Otherwise, he would have to repair the teleportation array and go to another strange place. Start a new cultivation career here.

"Your Excellency seems to know the devil's plan very well. It seems that your status is really high. Don't worry, I am not interested in asking you about your specific identity. I just want to ask one more question. You have said so much. Do you have any evidence? You don't know. You think, just by your mouth, I will completely believe what you say!" Han Li asked solemnly after thinking for a while.

Hearing Han Li's question, the monk from Yuling Sect was startled, and then he smiled bitterly.

"When I was in critical condition, I even lost my original body. Fellow Taoist, what evidence can be preserved? In fact, if fellow Taoist is a little patient, if you wait a few more days, you will probably be able to hear some rumors of the war." If it's true, say it.

Hearing this, Han Li sneered.

"With the body gone, how can the spirit escape? Since you were not shot to death on the spot, I don't believe you didn't put away the magic weapon and other important things separately." Han Li said indifferently, but the content of his words was to the point. The wry smile of "Qu Hun" froze.

"Hehe! It seems that I can't hide it from fellow Taoists. Yes, I have a piece of jade slip correspondence between our sect and Spirit Beast Mountain. In fact, I came to Vietnam a few years ago to be responsible for bringing this news back, but I didn't Thinking of..." He said with a hint of embarrassment after being exposed by Han Li.

Hearing that the other party finally admitted, Han Li secretly sighed. He didn't know how old he really was, but he was really cunning. It seemed that he needed to be more cautious.

"Where is the thing?"

Next, Han Li asked politely, while his eyes began to scan everywhere on his body.

"I didn't bring the storage bag with the jade slips with me. I put it in a nearby cave. Can I take fellow Taoists to get it?" Now "Quhun" is very cooperative.

"Didn't you bring it with you?" Han Li's eyes flickered, showing a look of disbelief.

"You also know that my current body is actually that of a zombie. Although it is much stronger than ordinary people, I have also lost most of my feelings. I am really afraid that I will lose myself if I accidentally lose the storage bag. I know. So under normal circumstances, I leave the storage bag at my residence." This person reluctantly took out one, and Han Li heard some awkward reasons.

But Han Li didn't say anything. Instead, he searched his body carefully. After finding nothing, he asked again coldly:

"Where is the cave? I'll go get the things!"

Seeing that Han Li was so cautious, "Qu Hun" could only tell Han Li the location with a depressed look.

Han Li nodded and seemed to want to leave. But suddenly he remembered something and turned around and asked again.

"How did you enter this body? Although the secondary body does not have soul and soul, which saves you the trouble of taking the body, it is not the body of a monk after all!"

Han Li was really curious.

"have no idea!"

The other party's answer made Han Li's face darken. But before he could say anything else, the other party hurriedly explained:

"I really don't know what's going on? When I dragged my seriously injured body to Jiayuan City, I was completely exhausted. I had to rush out of my body and look for monks who could seize the body. But I couldn't find him. I searched all over the place but didn't meet a single monk. When I was in despair, I found this zombie body without soul. I was just a dead horse and a living horse doctor. I just tried to enter this body. But I didn't expect it. , is actually safe and sound, which makes me extremely surprised."

When he said this, the Yuling Sect monk also had an incredible look on his face.

Han Li was silent after hearing this. After looking at the other party, he suddenly walked back to him and attached two more "Calming Talismans" to "Qu Hun" before disappearing into the darkness.

The "Quhun" standing there had a bitter look on the immortal master's face, but soon after Han Li left, his eyes showed a strange look.

According to the location mentioned by the other party, Han Li found the cave accurately. The hole doesn't seem too big.

Han Li raised his hand, and a piece of moonstone flew out of the storage bag and floated above his head, illuminating the surrounding area.

Then, he looked at the dark hole, thought for a moment, released the white phosphorus shield and the turtle shell magic weapon in front of him, and then walked carefully into the hole.

The cave was indeed not very wide as Han Li expected. After walking about seven or eight feet, he could faintly see a mountain wall blocking the front. It seemed that he had reached the bottom of the cave.

Han Li turned his sharp eyes and found nothing unusual, so he lowered his head and looked at the ground.

Because according to what the other party said, the storage bag was pressed under a large bluestone, so it should be easy to find.

Sure enough, two feet away on one side, there was a dark, dark object several feet high, which looked like a stone.

Han Li didn't think much, walked over in a few steps, and took a closer look under the soft white light of the moonstone.

"Ouch!" Han Li took a breath of cold air.

What kind of stone is this? It is clearly a pile of white bones stacked high together, with some vague flesh and blood remaining on it, exuding the faint smell of blood.

Han Li was shocked, and with a little more care, he discovered that the bones were left by tigers and leopards, and there were still some bite marks on them, as if they had been chewed by something.

When Han Li saw this, his thoughts changed, he secretly screamed, and hurriedly wanted to retreat.

But it was already too late. A black shadow flashed out of nowhere and slammed into Han Li's white phosphorus shield.

Suddenly, an extremely strong force came, and Han Li flew backwards with his shield in an instant, hitting the cave wall behind him hard, almost causing Han Li to faint from the pain on the spot.

"What kind of monster is it?" Han Li thought in shock and anger in the severe pain.

But before Han Li could fall from the cave wall, the black shadow jumped up and rushed towards Han Li.

Han Li was horrified and without thinking, he hurriedly held the two defensive weapons in front of him.

There was a clear "dang" sound, which surprised Han Li.

There was no huge force this time, but the white phosphorus shield blocking the front neatly split into two pieces from the middle with a "bang" and fell down.

Seeing this scene, Han Li almost bit his tongue in horror.

This is incredible! The "White Phosphorus Shield" was cut in half by the monster.

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