A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 34 Blinking Sword Technique

"Blinking sword technique?" Han Li repeated the name of the sword technique to himself.

"Yeah, what do you think swordsmanship has to do with blinking? Is this name funny?"

"Have you ever practiced this sword technique?" Han Li asked with concern.

"Of course not. Who can practice martial arts that doesn't even use Qi? Isn't that just a show? Don't talk about me. No one has practiced it since its creation."

"I heard that if the elder who founded it had not saved the Qixuan Sect from several crises and made a will before his death, he must include this sword technique in the Qijue Hall. This blinking sword technique would not be possible at all. It may be included in the list of Qijuetang’s unique skills.”

Li Feiyu had a big mouth that was completely different from his cold appearance. Before Han Li even asked, he revealed all the secrets of his swordsmanship. Of course, his big-mouthed nature would only be revealed in front of Han Li. When he got outside, in front of other senior brothers, he became that cool idol again, "Senior Brother Li."

After Han Li listened to Li Feiyu's narration, his fifth sense vaguely told him that this was what he had been looking for.

"Senior Brother Li, can you make a copy of this sword technique for me and bring it out of Qi Jue Hall?"

"Hehe! No problem. When it comes to other martial arts, I can't make a copy for you, because there are special people watching and checking every day, but this blinking sword skill is placed in the corner and no one notices it. But it is too difficult to copy. Trouble, why don't I bring you the original sword manual quietly, and after you finish memorizing or copying it, I will put it back secretly, and no one will notice." Li Feiyu nonchalantly made a bolder suggestion. .

Seeing that he seemed confident, Han Li agreed to his approach.

He was originally worried about the bad habit of forgetting everything in front of him. If he accidentally missed a few points when copying the sword skills for him, wouldn't he be wronged?

It is of course better to get the original sword manual now.

"Okay, it's getting late, I should go back to practice. Otherwise, the manager of Qijuetang will find me secretly going out again." Li Feiyu dried himself, put on his shirt, and prepared to leave.

Han Li said nothing more, but just told him to be careful when stealing the sword manual, so as not to fall on it.

Li Feiyu turned around nonchalantly, waved to him coolly with the back of his hand, and slowly climbed out of the nearby cave.

Han Li saw his back gradually disappearing into the cave entrance, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared, revealing a few hints of darkness.

Not long after Li Feiyu left, Han Li also returned to the Divine Hand Valley.

As soon as he returned to the Divine Hand Valley, Han Li saw the tall mysterious man from a distance.

He stood motionless outside Doctor Mo's house, close to the door, wearing a cloak, as if he didn't care at all about the scorching summer sun.

Han Li stood at the door of his room, stopped, and looked at the man who never spoke.

Ever since he was blackmailed by Doctor Mo, Han Li had been very interested in this man who did not reveal his true face. This man seemed to be born mute and had never spoken since he came to the valley.

What's even more strange is that this man's physical strength is really amazing. He can stand still like this for a whole day, and he has never been tired. Han Li had already dubbed him a "monster" in his heart.

He also tried to communicate with this person, but this person was like a piece of wood, unresponsive. No matter how fancy Han Li said, he just ignored it.

Han Li was completely convinced by Doctor Mo, who was able to train a living flesh and blood body like a puppet without any weaknesses.

He absolutely obeys orders, has amazing physical strength, never speaks, and has no emotion at all. Although it is not yet known what his martial arts skills are, he is definitely not too weak. This is his final judgment on this man.

Han Li knew that this person would probably become another one of Doctor Mo's trump cards, but he was helpless. He could not find any flaws in this person.

The only thing that made Han Li a little confused was that when he occasionally looked at the person's back from behind, he would always have a familiar feeling, as if he had seen the same figure there before. But when he thought about it, he couldn't remember it being similar to the back of that person he knew.

After watching for a while, Han Li sighed, closed the door, and returned to the room. He knew that this person would not rest without Doctor Mo's order.

He was a little confused, and jumped directly to his bed, fell down, and lay there, then put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

He replayed the moves he learned from Li Feiyu today in his mind, and then secretly simulated them out of thin air in his mind. He divided the details of each move into several paragraphs, and then thought over and over again bit by bit to figure it out carefully.

This is Han Li's newly acquired ability after reaching the fifth level of Changchun Kung Fu. He has a photographic memory.

With this advantage, he could completely memorize any martial arts skills out of thin air, and then play them back and forth in his mind countless times to refine and refine them. This is why Li Feiyu thought he was a genius.

Two months ago, Han Li relied on the effectiveness of two holy medicines to forcefully break through the fourth level of Changchun Gong and reach the fifth level.

The efficacy of "Huanglong Dan" and "Golden Marrow Pills" was so great that it far exceeded Han Li's estimation. He still underestimated the power of those formulas. These prepared pills were really priceless treasures.

However, less than half of the two marrow-cleansing elixirs were used. The remaining should be barely enough for me to practice the sixth level of Changchun Gong. I am really looking forward to what the sixth level of Changchun Gong will bring to me. Accident.

There was only half a year left before the ultimatum given by Doctor Mo. Although he had learned some moves from Li Feiyu, because he did not have the internal energy to match, he could only be regarded as a superficial kung fu.

It can still be used against people who are proficient in martial arts, but if it is used against Doctor Mo, it will be like a meat bun beating a dog, and there will be no return.

Han Li was a little worried and troubled when he thought of this. His Changchun Kung was good at everything, but it couldn't be used in actual combat or fighting.

Now he can only look forward to the blinking sword technique, hoping that it will bring him a surprise.

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