As soon as Han Li said those words, he felt a little regretful.

He had obviously made up his mind long ago and would no longer be entangled with this girl, but now he inexplicably agreed to this girl. It seems that his ambition is still not good enough!

Thinking of this, Han Li secretly shook his head and agreed:

"Okay, then senior sister, let's take my kamikaze boat, so we can go back quickly!"

After Han Li finished speaking, he released the white divine wind boat and asked Chen Qiaoqian to come aboard with him.

When Chen Qiaoqian saw it, she smiled brightly and got on the boat without any courtesy.

So, Han Li took Chen Qiaoqian's royal weapon and flew away. After a while, they arrived at Baiju Mountain, which is famous in Yuejing.

This mountain is covered with all kinds of chrysanthemums, mostly white, and the scenery is really charming.

To Han Li's surprise, Chen Qiaoqian didn't say anything to him after arriving at the mountain. She just walked along the path up the mountain. Occasionally she would stop for a while when she encountered a particularly favorite scenery.

Han Li, who was following behind, also didn't speak, but looked at his charming figure with a dazed expression, as if he didn't understand the charm at all.

An hour later, Chen Qiaoqian reached the top of the mountain, stood in a small pavilion, and looked around. And Han Li stood on one side.

At this time, except for Han Li and the two of them, there was not a single tourist on the top of the mountain. In addition, neither of them wanted to speak first, making it even more quiet.

I don't know how long this delicate atmosphere lasted, but finally Chen Qiaoqian said a faint word.

"Junior Brother Han, I'm afraid I will get married after the war is over!"

Hearing this, Han Li was startled and couldn't help but look sideways, showing surprise.

"The other party is a direct disciple of the Qin family, another powerful clan of immortal cultivators. He worships under the gate of Tianque Castle. He is also a monk who has just established the foundation! I have met him a few times and he seems to be quite nice. If nothing unexpected happens, he will marry us. The Chen family has become my dual cultivation partner from now on." Chen Qiaoqian turned a blind eye to Han Li's look of astonishment and said calmly and calmly.

At this time, Han Li's shock gradually faded away, he hesitated and said politely:

"Congratulations to Senior Sister Chen on your happy marriage! Junior Brother must prepare a copy later...!"

Han Li only said the beginning, but it was obvious that this was not what the other party wanted to hear. She trembled, and before Han Li could finish speaking, she raised her hand with a cold face and threw out a disc weapon. The weapon flew away, as if there was nothing left to miss.

Looking at the direction where Chen Qiaoqian disappeared, Han Li stood there motionless with a cold expression. After a while, he took a long breath and flew away listlessly.

Although he had already made up his mind, Han Li still felt a little disappointed when he saw that the woman who was interested in him really wanted to marry another woman.

This may be a common problem among all men! Although they are called immortals, they are emotionally the same as mortals.

Han Li thought mockingly to himself as he flew back to Qin's house.

But as soon as she returned to her residence, she learned from other people that Chen Qiaoqian had actually left this place and had taken a step ahead.

Han Li smiled bitterly in his heart after hearing this. It seemed that Chen Qiaoqian was really disappointed in him and was ready to marry someone else with peace of mind.

Although he was a little melancholy, Han Li was not an ordinary person after all. He just nodded as usual and continued talking and laughing with others for half a day.

In this way, early the next morning, others left Qin's house one after another, and Han Li was the last one to leave.

But before setting off, he secretly took a look at Mo Fengwu. After all, they had met each other and he planned to say goodbye.

But when he saw Mo Fengwu in the air outside the attic through the window, Han Li changed his mind about meeting before leaving.

Mo Fengwu, who was dressed as a young woman, was accompanying an old woman in her fifties who was reading scriptures in the building, with a calm and serene look on her face.

After Han Li looked at him silently for a while, he finally turned around and left quietly without disturbing the other party.

For this woman, maybe it would be better if she didn't see her!

To save her from recalling those painful things, maybe this kind of peaceful and contentious life is what this woman yearns for the most! Han Li thought with some melancholy.

Han Li left Yuejing and took a little detour, first going to Jiayuan City. Since he promised to help the Mo Mansion take revenge, he wanted to take a look.

Although there are no demonic people to disrupt the situation now, the war is imminent, and it is estimated that there will not be any high-level monks in the city to form formations. As long as he kills the master of the Five Color Sect without anyone noticing, no matter how angry the people of Spirit Beast Mountain are, they won't be able to find him at all.

However, in addition to looking for trouble with the Five Color Sect, he also wanted to see how Sun Ergou was managing the Siping Gang. Presumably, over the years, with the help of Qu Hun, he should have accomplished something.

And the escape route he left back then seems to be of little use now.

With this intention in mind, Han Li sat on the divine wind boat and headed straight for Jiayuan City.

Speaking of which, the last time he came to Jiayuan City was more than ten years ago, but many things were still vivid in his mind and left a deep impression on him.

Five days later, a young man in a green shirt came in front of the "Xiangjia Restaurant", a time-honored restaurant in Jiayuan City.

This man was standing on the street in front of the building, squinting at the restaurant's sign with a rather strange expression. He was Han Li, who had just entered the city.

Han Li stood there and sighed, then calmly walked in.

Coincidentally, as soon as he went up to the second floor, he immediately saw that the table by the window where he had sat that day was empty.

Han Li was overjoyed and walked over without hesitation.

As soon as he sat down, the waiter from the restaurant came up to wipe the table diligently and asked Han Li what food and drinks he wanted to order.

Han Li smiled slightly, ordered a few delicious side dishes, and let the child go. He didn't come here just to satisfy his appetite.

Thinking of this, Han Li looked out the window.

The huge Mo Mansion from that day still exists, and there are also some sturdy men standing in front of the door. It's just that the huge plaque on the door no longer says "Mo Mansion", but "Li Mansion" with two big gold characters.

Han Li looked at the "Li Mansion" plaque shining in the sun and frowned inadvertently.

As far as he knew, the leader of the Five Color Sect seemed to have the surname "Li". It seemed that they had taken over the magpie's nest directly.

For some reason, when Han Li looked at the word "Li Mansion" on the plaque, he always felt that it was particularly annoying. It seemed that it was still the Mo Mansion signboard from before, which made him find it more pleasing to the eye.

While Han Li was thinking about it, the waiter quickly served the food and wine. At this moment, there was a sound of joking from downstairs, and then several young people came up from the stairs. They were all dressed in brocade clothes and silk clothes, looking like young men from aristocratic families, followed by several tall and round-waisted men. 's servant.

These young men glanced at each other casually upstairs. One of them, who was as skinny as if he could be blown away by a gust of wind, waved to the waiter unceremoniously.

The waiter immediately ran over and said with a charming smile:

"Master Xia, do you have any instructions?"

"Call your shopkeepers. Today we are going to treat a distinguished guest to a drink. Let the irrelevant people on the third floor leave quickly. We will bear all the losses." This man is so thin and thin, but he has a loud voice. Very.

But the waiter didn't show the slightest hint of dissatisfaction. He nodded in agreement and hurriedly went to inform the shopkeeper.

After a while, a middle-aged man in his forties came upstairs.

As soon as he saw these people, he immediately agreed to their requests with a smile, and then took the waiter to the third floor to apologize.

I don’t know if this shopkeeper is smart and capable, or if these young men are really famous.

After a while, some of the guests dining on the third floor paid their bills and left, but no one dared to show any resentment.

Seeing this, Han Li just glanced lazily at a few people, then turned his gaze to the street outside the window.

They are just some young masters among mortals. In the secular world, there are such arrogant and domineering people everywhere. Han Li had no intention of paying attention to them.

At this moment, the young people headed by Mr. Xia nodded with satisfaction, and then went down to pick up someone.

After a while, footsteps sounded from downstairs again, and this time Han Li was slightly startled and couldn't help but turn his head and look back.

Because, among those heavy footsteps, there is obviously a person who is light and airy, as if he is not there. It is clear that people in the martial arts world can only perform like this after their Qinggong reaches a certain level.

This made Han Li a little curious.

(Wangyu is here, and I would like to express my humility to all the book friends! Khan, our recent state is really not very good, I feel very tired mentally, so I can only update once in the past few days. But we are trying our best to adjust Oh! I believe it will recover soon. This happened once before! This is really a helpless thing for the writer, please forgive me!)

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