After hearing Han Li's confident words and seeing Han Li take out a blue talisman and sit down with his eyes closed, Chen Qiaoqian and Zhong Weiniang also took out a red and yellow talisman from their storage bag without saying a word. Bao, the cross-legged posture is also inspiring.

Chen Qiaoqian's senior brother and Song Meng looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They didn't have any talisman of their own. Although Chen Qiaoqian's senior brother had a blue talisman left by a Taoist monk, he didn't know much about it when he first got it. Naturally, the power and effectiveness will not be used half-baked. And the power of Song Meng's Gray Spear Talisman was exhausted after the battle with the ice demon.

So, these two people simply stood beside Han Li and others, protecting the three of them.

At this time, Yue Huang, who was trapped in the sky, seemed to realize that running around like a headless fly was not an option at all, so he stopped and floated motionless in the air.

He lowered his head and pondered.

After a moment, the Yue Emperor suddenly raised his head, and ferociously tore off the golden crown on his head. His long black hair was loose and moving in the wind, covering half of his face. With the blood on his body, he looked It becomes more and more mysterious.

He took a deep breath, and suddenly crossed his sharp nails left and right to draw a scratch on his wrist. A large amount of blood rushed out, all blending into the blood light around him. The bright red blood light suddenly dimmed, and in an instant it turned into Dark red color.

Now Song Meng and others could smell the nauseating smell of blood, even though they were so far away. Their expressions changed slightly, but they had no choice but to watch the enemy continue to cast spells.

Seeing that the color of the blood around him had been transformed, the Yue Emperor opened his mouth and sprayed two bursts of red energy onto his wrists. He didn't know what kind of magic it was, but the two deep wounds immediately stopped bleeding and turned from red to light. It gradually disappeared, but the Yue Huang's face was obviously pale and bloody.

Then a stern look flashed on his face, and he reached into his arms to touch, and a bare black knife handle appeared in his hand. The handle of this knife is not large, about half a foot long, but it is dull, extremely worn, and very inconspicuous.

But the Yue Emperor held this object in his hand with a cautious look, as if this thing was not a dead thing, but an extremely dangerous thing.

He stared at the handle of the knife and began to mutter a spell in his mouth.

The spell was not loud, and it was bitter and difficult to understand, but there was a faint barbaric air in the extremely slow voice, which made people feel an ancient feeling at once.

"What is he going to do?" Song Meng was shocked when he saw this scene from a distance, and couldn't help asking subconsciously.

"I don't know, maybe he's casting some powerful spell!" The fellow disciple on the side said worriedly as he also couldn't understand the content of the spell.

Although neither of them knew the enemy's intention, looking at the man's self-inflicted bloodletting, they knew that the Yue Emperor was anxious and wanted to fight for his life.

Just when Song and Meng were feeling uneasy, the rhythm of the spells in the Yue Emperor's mouth sped up a lot, and the wild atmosphere became stronger.

The Yue Emperor's eyes flashed red, and a shocking scene appeared.

The handle of the knife suddenly erupted into a ball of black light amidst the sound of the curse, and it actually floated out of thin air wrapped in the black light, rising to about a foot above its head before remaining suspended.

Seeing this, the Emperor of Yue became more cautious. The hands formed strange handprints with great proficiency, causing wisps of black blood to appear in the blood around him. As soon as these blood threads appeared, they quickly floated towards the hilt of the knife.

At first, there were only one, two, or several black blood threads emerging, but soon more than a dozen, dozens, or even hundreds of blood threads began to emerge from the blood light, all of them like moths flying into a flame. Rushed towards the hilt.

In the blink of an eye, the handle of the knife was covered with dense black blood, and after some squirming, it condensed into a large filthy blood mass.

The handle of the knife was completely wrapped in it.

And if you look closely at the dirty blood, it is black and red, emitting a strange light. Once you see it, you will have a strange feeling of sucking the human soul in. It is really weird.

But when the Emperor of Yue, who was in the right hand seal, saw this scene, he showed joy.

When he dispersed his handprints and was about to use another method, the black blood that had stopped squirming emitted a dazzling black light and began to squirm violently again. It began to tumble and expand, appearing extremely unstable.

Seeing this scene, the joy that Emperor Yue showed just now disappeared, and instead showed a look of fear.

He hurriedly turned his head and looked around, and when he looked back at the blood mass, the look of fear on his face became even darker!

But immediately a look of determination appeared on his face, he growled and uttered several deep curses, then bit the tip of his tongue hard, and a mouthful of dirty blood, together with a bit of tongue-tip flesh, sprayed onto the constantly deforming blood mass.

The black blood group sucked these foreign objects into it, immediately stopped deforming, and the dazzling light dimmed.

When the Emperor of Yue saw this, he still felt worried and pinched more than a dozen spells like a windmill, hitting them all in one go. At this time, the last bit of light on the blood mass also dissipated.

The Emperor of Yue breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. After the mouthful of essence and blood spurted out, his face suddenly became more than ten years older and looked extremely haggard.

But now he didn't care about other things at all, but with a casual move, a large piece of the blood on his body suddenly pounced on the blood mass. At the same time, the deep voice sounded again, but because the tip of his tongue was missing, it was really Some words are unclear.

I saw that the black blood mass covered with blood gradually deformed and stretched, and after the last spell was finished, the black handle was revealed again, turning into a real long knife with a blade composed of black blood. Exuding amazing blood energy.

Seeing this sword, the Yue Emperor showed a look of fanaticism on his face.

He reached out without hesitation, grabbed the handle of the knife, held it in his hand, and waved it casually, without showing any power, but he showed a look of extreme satisfaction.

After taking a deep look at the sword, the Yue Emperor let out a long roar with high spirits, and the man with the sword turned into a huge ball of blood and light, and suddenly rushed towards the bamboo forest below, much to the shock of Song Meng and others who were watching closely. Get nervous.

At this moment, Han Li opened his eyes, which were originally closed, and stared at the blood balls rushing downwards with cold eyes.

Just now, although Han Li was moving the talisman in his hand below, he still had a clear grasp of the opponent's actions with his powerful spiritual consciousness.

But as soon as the black blood knife took shape, Han Li's consciousness that was originally wandering near it was immediately forcibly absorbed by the black blood blade, threatening to devour it all. This shocked Han Li, and he hurriedly withdrew his consciousness. Fortunately, the suction force of the blood knife was only the action of the object itself, and was not controlled by the Yue Emperor, so he easily escaped and returned immediately. ontology.

But even this made Han Li break into a cold sweat. If his spiritual consciousness was really absorbed by this evil knife, he didn't know what terrible consequences it would have!

Although Han Li now knows how powerful this sword is, he is even more confident in this hastily constructed "Inverted Five Elements Formation"!

After all, Lei Wanhe, who was in the alchemy stage, said that it was not easy for him to break the original unimproved "Inverted Five Elements Formation". Now that he has replaced this new more powerful array weapon, although the arrangement is not complete, he never believes that a foundation-building monk on the other side can break this array in a short time.

So even though he opened his eyes, he still didn't panic at all.

Just when Han Li was thinking about it, the blood light on Yuehuang's body had already hit the five-color glow, and a huge pressure sound of "squeak" and "squeak" was made. The glow easily blocked him.

But Yue Huang, who had been prepared in his heart, showed a ferocious smile on his face. He suddenly grasped the black blood knife with both hands and stabbed Xiaguang fiercely.

A scream came from the sword, and then a black light flashed into the sky. The sword actually emitted an astonishing black light of more than ten feet long. With a sound of "stab", Xia Guang was actually cut into a large piece. A passage about ten feet wide was revealed.

The Emperor of Yue was overjoyed when he saw this, and rushed in without any hesitation. At the same time, the black light in his hands flashed, and he actually rushed into the glow.

"Ah! What should we do?" Song Meng immediately lost his voice in panic.

Although the other one didn't speak, his face wasn't much better, and he was also full of anxiety.

"Don't panic, that glow is just the first layer of protection. My formation is not that easy to break!" At this moment, Han Li's faint voice sounded in the ears of the two of them. Suddenly their faces lit up and they calmed down.

However, they were also greatly surprised. Junior Brother Han actually had enough energy to transmit the sound while driving the talisman. It was really amazing!

At this time, the Yue Emperor broke out of the glow layer of more than ten feet in three strokes and five divided by two. He clearly saw Huang Maple Valley and others below. Naturally, he also saw the real situation of Han Li and others driving the talisman. Really.

He immediately smiled sinisterly on his face, and in a flash he reached a few feet above Han Li's head. With a slight wave of his hand, he hit the black blood knife, and the black sword light, which was more than ten feet long, struck head-on.

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