A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 323 The Four Blood Warriors

"Not necessarily!" Han Li sneered and said in a cold voice.

Then Han Li suddenly closed his hand seals, and the magic weapons surrounding the cyan light shield flew into the sky with a loud roar, gathering together in mid-air.

This scene made Qing Wen stunned, wondering what Han Li's intention was. But he was also an old and cunning man. How could he let Han Li cast the spell calmly? He immediately flashed his hands, and two golden rings appeared in his hands. There was a cold air on them, and it was obvious at a glance that they were not ordinary ones.


The green-patterned Taoist priest whispered, and threw the ring out without any hesitation, turning into two golden lights and heading straight towards Han Li.

Han Li's eyebrows suddenly stood up, and he placed a white phosphorus shield on his palm with a sinister expression on his face.

But before he could throw the magic weapon, a green light about three feet long suddenly flew from one side, intercepting two golden lights halfway, and then they fought together.

"Yao Dao, how rare are you to have forgotten me?" Senior Brother Wang gave Han Li a kind smile while directing the green light.

When Han Li saw this, he felt relieved and smiled.

But Qingwen was not as calm as the two of them, his face became gloomy, and his eyes began to flicker.

But for a while, he was at his wits' end.

After all, manipulating the Aoki True Mask and the Golden Ring at the same time has already occupied his spiritual consciousness. He has never learned the Dayan Art like Han Li, and it is even more impossible for him to control so many magic weapons at the same time with ease.

Therefore, even though he still had some useful magical weapons on his body, he did not dare to use them easily. All the spiritual consciousness is used to control the magic weapon, which is a taboo for immortal cultivators. In this way, the owner of the magical weapon will not be able to notice the approaching danger.

Moreover, it is rare for Han Li to control more than ten magical weapons to attack the enemy at once. This is also because these magical weapons are used in sets, and the actual mana consumed is only the amount of three magical weapons.

If there are really more than ten different top-level magic weapons, based on Han Li's current cultivation level, no matter how powerful his spiritual consciousness is and no matter how distracted he is, he will not be able to drive them if he doesn't have enough magic power.

About five pieces were the limit of Han Li's magic power. This is also the reason why Han Li likes to use a complete set of magic weapons, because only in this way can he fully utilize the power of his Dayan Art.

As for the eight sub-blades that Han Li could use when he was in the Qi Refining Stage, the "Golden Cockroach Mother Blade" was not a royal weapon at all. He just relied on the mother blade in his hand to control the sub-blade. The power was as high as The flexibility is very different from what it is now and cannot be compared to the same level.

Just when Qing Wen was hesitant and wondered if he should think of another way, Han Li had already finished casting the spell.

"Great Sword Technique"

Cold words came out of Han Li's mouth.

Then all the magic weapons hovering above Qing Wen's head emitted a dazzling light.

When the lights of various colors blended together, it turned into a huge lightsaber of gold, black, and red colors hanging in the air. It was more than ten feet in size. It was really huge and astonishing.

This "Giant Sword Technique" sword control method was found by Han Li from the golden page that recorded the complete set of Qingyuan Sword Light. It was Han Li who had cultivated in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and now the only sword-controlling technique he could use, so the power naturally reacted differently.

Although Qing Wen and Brother Wang's magic weapon were still fighting each other, they both had looks of horror on their faces. Even the most idiotic person could see that Han Li's technique was powerful.

Qing Wen secretly groaned in his heart, and he didn't care about the two gold rings at the moment. Suddenly, he turned his hands and found a shiny brass mirror in his hand.

But at this moment, Han Li pointed at the huge lightsaber with a frosty face.

The giant sword immediately and silently slashed down from the sky, with an astonishing momentum that the sword was going to chop the shield and the people together.

Seeing this scene, Senior Brother Wang also forgot to take advantage of Qing Wen's undistracted opportunity to quickly destroy the opponent's magical weapon. He also looked at the shocking momentum of the giant sword falling, and was a little distracted.

At this moment, his mind was filled with wild thoughts about whether he could resist the sword if it was directed at him.

The Qingwen Taoist priest who was the first to bear the brunt had a very solemn expression and hurriedly threw up the brass mirror in his hand.

The bronze mirror quickly rose above the light mask, and after a flash of yellow light, a cloud of yellow cloud about ten feet long was ejected, covering the sky above Qingwen. And in the blink of an eye, the yellow cloud solidified into a huge copper shield, spinning continuously on its head.

Han Li's face darkened, and he made a fierce seal in his hand. The huge lightsaber made a rumble of thunder, and the momentum of its descent became even more astonishing. In an instant, a sword struck the copper shield.

A huge explosion sounded. Although the copper shield emitted a strong yellow light, under the fierce blow of the giant sword, it only lasted for a moment before letting out a whine and falling apart.

Without any obstruction, the lightsaber slashed down onto the blue prism without any pause, making a huge crunching sound.

Seeing the astonishing power of this inexplicable giant sword, Qingwen's expression finally became a little panicked.

His hands flashed with green light, and he quickly moved left and right, pressing the walls on both sides at the same time, and then desperately channeled spiritual energy into it, trying to strengthen the defense of the Aoki True Shield.

The three-color light emitted by the giant sword complemented the green light shield below, and a crackling sound began to be heard. With the help of Qing Wen, this Aoki Shinshishi really blocked the downward slashing force of the lightsaber.

So next, Han Li and Qing Wen activated their spells one by one, hoping to use their giant swords to forcefully break through the light barrier and kill each other, so as to avenge the plot against them. The other one desperately poured spiritual power into the light shield, trying to support the other party until the power of this technique was exhausted so as to save his life.

At this time, Senior Brother Wang on one side finally woke up and smashed the two golden rings into pieces with three strikes, five divided by two, and then commanded three green light energy to rush towards the Qingwen Taoist Priest.

He knew very well that Han Li and the other party were now in a stalemate. With a little help, he could be the last straw to crush the other party and easily kill this powerful Blood Warrior. When the time comes, he will be able to legitimately get a lot of the treasures on this Blood Warrior's body.

Thinking of this, this person's heart became more and more hot.

But just as Senior Brother Wang was having a sweet dream and Qing Wen's face changed drastically, suddenly a yellow light flashed past Qing Wen's side as fast as lightning, and then the Taoist priest disappeared in an instant, leaving Han Li's three Although the color light sword fell, it hit the ground with one strike, and suddenly there was a large pit about ten feet deep on the ground.

Senior Brother Wang's three green lights naturally also came to nothing, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the yellow light in shock and anger.

Sure enough, the green-patterned Taoist priest appeared more than twenty feet away with a light shield, and beside him there was a young man in yellow shirt with a lazy look on his face. When he saw Senior Brother Wang looking at him, he said without any panic. :

"This man once saved my life, but I can't let you kill him so easily." After finishing speaking, he smiled and said to Han Li:

"Brother Han, I didn't expect that we would meet one day. Wu Jiuzhi is so polite."

This young man with a nonchalant look on his face was actually Wu Jiuzhi, a young cultivator who had used secret skills in front of Han Li, but was discovered by Han Li. It's just that at this time, his body was faintly emitting a strange yellow light, and his cultivation was at the early stage of foundation building.

"Nine Fingers, this person is different from us, why do you need to say so much? Now that you are here, the four of us can just let go and fight." Qingwen Taoist finally recovered from the thrill just now , couldn't help but look at Han Li with resentment, and said bitterly.

When Wu Jiuzhi heard this, he sighed and said nothing to Han Li.

Seeing this, Qing Wen suddenly let out two long and one short whistles.

Tie Luo and Bing Yao, who were under siege by Liu Jing and others, were surprised when they heard the sound. They immediately jumped out of the battle group and flew to Qing Wen and Wu Jiuzhi.

"What's going on? There's one more person! Now we're in trouble."

When Liu Jing saw the sudden appearance of Wu Jiuzhi, he immediately understood the situation and couldn't help but frown.

Just now, the five of them were fighting with the other two Blood Warriors, but they were unable to hurt each other, and they just had a slight upper hand. Naturally, I understood that these four blood warriors were really not comparable to the ordinary monks in the foundation building stage. Now that the four of them gathered together, it was of course even more difficult to deal with them.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing said hello cautiously, and several of them also came to the side of Han Li.

Han Li looked at Wu Jiuzhi who had just appeared across from him, and he really didn't know what to feel. Back then, he had a great liking for this weird and elf boy. But fate has its way, and now the two of them have to fight to the death.


Qing Wen and the other blood warriors also understood that there was no chance of winning against Han Li and others by relying solely on ordinary magic weapons and Taoist techniques. After all, the number of people in Huang Maple Valley is here, and even two of them can beat one of them, which is more than enough.

So as soon as the four of them gathered together, amidst Qing Wen's cold voice, blood-red light emitted from their bodies at the same time, transforming into four blood-colored light cocoons of varying sizes, and began to transform into a demon. It seemed that they were planning to annihilate Han Li and others in one fell swoop.

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