A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 315 The Secret of Blood Sacrifice

While Han Li was thinking about it, the black-faced old man continued to talk:

"...We have no way of knowing the true cultivation of the Lord of the Black Evil Sect. He is also surrounded by close guards like the four blood warriors we met today. We are definitely not his opponents, so I suggest that seniors It’s better not to provoke the other party proactively anymore, it’s best to wait for reinforcements…”

"Don't worry, this leader of the Black Evil Sect is at most in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and will not be a monk in the Core Formation Stage."

Han Li, who had been listening to the other party's words, suddenly interrupted the old man's words and said with great certainty.

As soon as Han Li said this, the black-faced old man was stunned and suddenly became happy, and several other people also looked relieved.

Although I don’t know why Han Li is so sure, since this senior Han said so, there is a high probability that he will not be wrong! A few of them were still discussing just now. If the enemy was a monk in the Dan Formation stage, they would have no choice but to run away! I'm afraid even if the support from the seven sects arrives, they may not be able to do anything to the leader of the Black Fiend.

Now that Han Li said this, the four friends of Mengshan naturally became calm.

"Senior, can you please tell me something about this? The manager Wang we interrogated knows nothing about the cultivation of the leader of the Black Evil Sect!" The young man, who had recovered a lot from the attack of the fifth sister, wanted to ask for a clear answer.

"Fourth brother, what are you talking about? Since Senior Han said this, he must be absolutely sure." The black-faced old man, however, straightened his face and scolded the young man severely.

After hearing what the two said, Han Li smiled slightly and said calmly:

"There is nothing to keep secret! This information comes from the fact that the leader still needs blood sacrifices from foundation-building monks."

Han Li's voice was calm and he explained slowly.

"Although we in the Yellow Maple Valley don't have much experience with demonic techniques, we still have a certain understanding of the evil method of blood sacrifice, which is counterproductive. This kind of demonic technique, which absorbs the essence and blood of other monks to improve their own cultivation, used to be in the demon sect. It is not uncommon to see the magic. It can greatly increase a monk's magic power in a very short period of time, eliminating most of the time of meditation. Therefore, there is a period in the world of immortality, not to mention the devil, even decent people also practice this secretly. Similar exercises."

Han Li sneered when he said this, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, and then continued:

"But this crazy cultivation method not only requires ruthlessly killing a large number of other monks, but its flaws are also fatal. Not only is it only effective below the foundation building stage, but once the blood sacrifice is made, it is destined to be unable to form elixirs for life, and can only linger in the foundation building stage. . Back then, there were so many monks who secretly practiced the Blood Sacrifice Demon Art, but no one could successfully form an elixir."

"What's even worse is that devouring other people's mana through blood sacrifices often causes backlash. If you are not careful, you will go crazy and die. Of course, the main reason why this kind of skill disappears is still the act of devouring other people's essence and blood, which is too embarrassing. Other monks are taboo. All those who know this magic skill are gradually being strangled to death by the good and the evil."

"However, I later heard that people in the Demonic Way were reluctant to give up this method of rapidly improving their cultivation, and created a separate cultivation method also called blood sacrifice. However, this method no longer directly swallows the blood essence of others, but Attack the souls and souls of those who cultivate immortality. I heard that although the improvement of cultivation is not as rapid as the original blood sacrifice, it also avoids the danger of pill formation and backlash. It is also called soul sacrifice. Regarding soul sacrifice, this sect's classics mention many things Many, I only know that once it was created, it was only in the hands of a few high-level officials of the Demonic Dao, and it was not widely circulated. This prevented it from being banned by the immortal world! And it is said that there are many restrictions in other aspects."

Han Li told so many secrets about the blood sacrifice in one breath, which opened the eyes of the four friends of Mengshan who were casual cultivators. At the same time, they also understood why Han Li was so sure that the leader of the Black Evil Sect was only in the foundation building stage. level. Obviously, the blood sacrifice method used by the Black Evil Cult is the first blood sacrifice method.

"We have figured out the general details of the Black Evil Sect, but the bald man fled back. The people of the Black Evil Sect should also know our situation, and will they abandon their nest and run away immediately. In this way, the other party will Just changing from light to dark is very detrimental to us." The second among the people suddenly remembered something and said worriedly.

"No! The current Black Evil Sect will not flee immediately. I learned from the young prince that the leader of the Black Evil Sect is now in a critical period of seclusion and practice, and must resort to a yin acupoint in the palace. I heard that the leader has been preparing for this training for several years and will never give up halfway. Most likely they are accumulating strength and are stepping up their guard against us." Han's tone was filled with emotion. Some mockery of the Black Evil Cult.

After hearing this, the four friends of Mengshan perked up and showed slight excitement.

"Senior, what are we going to do next..." After the black-faced old man calmed down, he asked tentatively.

"There is nothing to do below, just wait for reinforcements! Although the other party knows our appearance, they don't know where we are hiding. And the people in charge of things going beyond Beijing are the two prisoners in our hands, the Black Evil Cult. Even if they come to us now, they won't be able to send any capable manpower. However, everyone should be careful and don't go out recently. Just stay in the house and recuperate. When reinforcements arrive, we will make a long-term plan." Han Li stretched out a palm to rub it. He rubbed his nose and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, his eyes narrowed into a thin slit.

The half-smiling look on Han Li's face made everyone else in the room confused and confused.

The Imperial City of Yue Kingdom occupies one-fifth of the entire Yue Jing, but one-third of the area is completely taken up by the magnificent Ouchi Imperial Palace.

The layers of exquisitely carved jade palace buildings, countless elegant corridors, and gorgeous gardens decorated with exotic flowers and plants made the eunuchs and maids who had lived in the palace for several years often have troubles. Ridiculous thing about taking the wrong path. This shows how vast the Yue Kingdom’s palace is!

It is now the third watch of the night, and the huge palace that was originally supposed to be a place where all kinds of eunuchs and maids shuttled back and forth has become heavily guarded.

But under such circumstances, there was a solid man wrapped from head to toe in a wide cloak, holding a gold medal, swaggering through the layers of Ouchi sentries, and walked to a cold building deep in the palace. In front of the palace.

This man is extremely tall!

Looking at the gloomy palace door, the mysterious man suddenly took off his cloak, revealing a huge shiny forehead, which turned out to be the bald man who escaped from Han Li's hands.

At this time, he no longer looked like a demon and had returned to his original appearance. But his face looked pale and lacked blood, as if his vitality had been severely damaged.


The bald man had just taken two steps forward when an extremely cold voice came from inside through the palace door.

"Ice demon, it's me."

The bald man replied unceremoniously, but without stopping at all, he walked to the door in a few steps.

"It turns out that Tie Luo is on a mission! But why are your steps so weak and your energy so weak? Could it be that you, who claims that magic weapons are hard to damage and impervious to water and fire, have suffered a big loss?" The ice-cold voice said in surprise, but then He gloated over his misfortune.

"Hmph, what do you, a cold guy, know! The guy I met this time is a tough guy. Don't talk about me. Even if we both come together, I'm afraid we won't be able to get along! If I hadn't cleverly turned into evil in advance. You monster, I’m afraid even your life is left there.” The bald man said with a sneer.

"Using the evil demon incarnation? No wonder your vitality is so damaged. It seems that if you don't practice hard for half a month, you won't be able to return to normal! However, it is really not easy for this opponent to force you to be like this. Can you do it first? Tell me!" There was curiosity in this ice demon's words.

"I'll explain this to you later after I apologize to the leader first! This time even the leader's named disciple has fallen into the enemy's hands, and I don't know what the punishment will be!" the bald man replied impatiently.

"Old Tie, it's not like you don't know that we are different from others. We are almost of the same mind as the leader. How could the leader punish you and me so severely? At most, it's just a reprimand!" the ice demon inside said disapprovingly.

But as the words fell, the originally closed palace door opened with a creak, revealing an extremely dark door, like the mouth of a monster that was choosing people to devour.

But when the bald man saw this, he walked in without hesitation.

"Where are Blue Stripe and Leaf Snake?"

As soon as the bald man walked into the palace door, he immediately asked casually to the white figure on the side of the door.

"I'm going to the blood prison to practice! I'm the only one staying here for the time being." This white figure was erratic in the dark, and his body was exuding a faint white aura, making it difficult to see his appearance.

"Hmph, that guy with Qing Wen is already in the middle stage of foundation building, and he is still practicing so hard. Isn't it rare that he is not afraid of the backlash of his true energy? But that leaf snake kid, when did he become so diligent!" The bald man showed a shocked expression, asked in confusion.

"Don't be jealous after hearing this! Ye Snake said that he seems to have sensed the signs of entering the middle stage of foundation building. Who is born with good talents and can catch up with you and me without practicing? What can be done about this!" Ice Demon! Although he tried to persuade the big man not to be jealous, his own words were full of sourness.

(After being reminded by a book friend, we also found that the number of chapters was wrong. Chapter 310 was written as chapter 311. However, the chapter names cannot be modified, so we can only make the mistake. Haha, there are only two Chapter 311! Please forgive me!)

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