A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 305: Expelling Poison and Removing the Curse

"Stop talking, I've made up my mind!" The tall and thin guy said resolutely.

The young woman was anxious and quickly looked back to the young man and the old man for help.

After the two people looked at each other, the young man remained silent, but the old man sighed and said:

"Fifth sister, let the second child go! He is repenting for what happened before! Only by doing this can he feel better!"

"But the second brother is like this..." The woman still wanted to argue, but the second brother had already walked up to Han Li and said calmly:

"Senior, let's start! Use me to do the experiment."

What this person said was quite tragic, but what happened next made the four of them stunned as if cold water had been poured on their heads.

"Did you guys make a mistake? When did I promise to lift the blood curse for you!"

Han Li's words were bone-chilling, making the five friends in Mengshan look at each other in shock.

"Senior, if you don't plan to break the curse for us, why do you want to study this curse on my eldest brother!" The second eldest son of Mengshan's Five Friends asked hurriedly after being stunned.

"Did I say that I studied this blood curse to break the curse for you? I'm just curious!" Han Li said expressionlessly.

Seeing Han Li's cold face and listening to his ruthless words, these people were stunned on the spot!

"But don't senior want to know about those people? If we don't lift the blood curse for a few of us, how can we answer senior's questions?" The young man asked with some hesitation, his face was full of anxiety, and he obviously didn't want to let go. See the hope.

After hearing this, Han Li glanced at him sideways, sneered a few times, and looked up at the sky without saying a word.

Han Li didn't bother to answer such an obvious question.

"Fourth brother, don't ask anymore. This senior feels that the information he got from us is not enough to exchange for our lives, so he doesn't want to take action easily!" The black-faced old man is indeed much older, and his experience is not comparable to that of the young man. , pointed out the key points to the point.

"What conditions do seniors have before they take action? Let's just say it directly. As long as the blood curse can really be removed, we, the five friends of Mengshan, will definitely not hesitate." Then, the old man continued calmly.

"Okay! If you say this earlier, everyone won't have to go around in circles."

Han Li suddenly clapped his hands and smiled, his smile becoming brighter.

But in the eyes of these four people, they felt that Han Li was even more moody, which made them feel awe in their hearts unconsciously.

"The conditions are very simple! If I can relieve your serious worries, you will not only tell me everything you know, but also temporarily obey my instructions from today on, and help me deal with the attack of this group of people. I estimate, They shouldn’t let me go so easily, and I also want to get rid of them in a short time.”

"However, you don't have to worry about being outnumbered! I'm a monk from Yellow Maple Valley, and I'm just here to deal with some sect matters. As long as I survive this period of time, I will ask for reinforcements. Then, there is no need to be afraid. These are rats."

Han Li stated the conditions in a pleasant manner and unceremoniously raised the banner of the sect. Only in this way could they make them give up.

"Senior is a monk from Yellow Maple Valley!"

Although the old man had already guessed that Han Li's origin should not lie within the scope of the Seven Sects, he still smiled when he heard him admit it personally.

"Okay, everything will be as per what senior said. We will not stay out of it. After all, once the blood curse is lifted, we will definitely become the targets of their pursuit. It is safer to follow senior!" The black-faced old man agreed. Very refreshing.

After hearing what the old man said, the young man and the woman looked happy and did not say anything to refute! Apparently he agreed with the old man's approach.

For them, the Seven Sects are naturally much more powerful than those forces that use blood curses to control them, so of course they can join them.

The tall and thin man had a hesitant look on his face, as if he wanted to say something but was hesitant.

"If senior's method of removing the blood curse is really effective, I have one more request, and I hope senior can agree." After the black-faced old man glanced at the second brother, he suddenly made a solemn request to Han Li.

When Han Li saw this scene, he had some expectations in his heart, but he still said calmly:

"Whatever happens, as long as it's not too outrageous, I will try my best to satisfy you."

At this time, Han Li seemed to be surprisingly easy to talk to.

"My fourth sister is still staying in a private house in Yuejing City. Now we have been captured by senior by mistake. We don't know if she is okay now. I hope senior can rescue her when the time comes." The old man looked solemn. said.


After hearing this, the tall and lanky Er Er looked grateful.

"Okay, since you are following me for the time being, I will naturally rescue your companions. But now, it is better to remove the poison from your body! Otherwise, you will be dead in less than an hour or three, so what are you talking about? Break the curse!"

Han Li agreed immediately, but then changed the subject and said something that frightened the four of them.

"What poison? We should only have blood curses on us!" The young man's face changed, and he asked with some panic and suspicion.

When Han Li saw that the young man doubted what he said, he did not get angry, but just said with a straight face:

"When I checked the blood curse just now, I discovered that in addition to the blood curse, your brother is also poisoned by a kind of poison. Not only is this poison extremely poisonous, but it is also very unstable. It is estimated that it will attack soon. But okay Now, I still have some experience in detoxification. Removing them is just a simple matter, so you don’t need to worry too much about it. Of course, if you don’t believe it, you can also wait for a moment or three to see if it will really kill you! "

After Han Li said this, most of the four people believed him.

"So that's it. I asked why the person who ordered us to do things suddenly asked us to drink a glass of wine with him before we set off. It turned out that the wine was poisonous. We all thought that there was a blood curse on us, and the other party wouldn't No one cares about the matter anymore. Their methods are really vicious!" the tall and thin man said with an ugly expression.

Only then did the young man and the young woman show expressions of realization, while the old man had a gloomy face and seemed to have already thought of this matter.

Since Han Li had decided to recruit the Five Friends of Mengshan to be his helpers, he naturally would not let these people have a toxic effect. He immediately reached out and took out two porcelain bottles, one white and one blue, from the storage bag. , and threw it to the black-faced old man.

"Taking one pill each of the pills in this bottle will dispel most of the poison. Later, you can slowly use your energy to force out the remaining poison." Han Li said it very simply. The black-faced old man immediately followed his instructions. As he said, he distributed the elixir to the other three people and took the first one without any doubt.

It seemed that the old man knew very well that if Han Li wanted to attack them, he would not have to do anything with the antidote, so he swallowed it with confidence.

Not long after taking Han Li's elixir, these people felt intense abdominal pain in their stomachs.

After the young woman's face turned red, she suddenly stamped her feet and reluctantly lifted into the air, flying towards a nearby hill. But it was still restricted by Han Li, so it couldn't fly very fast.

Seeing this, the other three men were embarrassed and each found a hidden place to excrete the poison in their stomachs.

After a while, the three people returned to Han Li with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

After a while, the woman also flew back, but the crimson color remained on her face.

"Okay, let's start removing the blood curse now! Who comes first?" Han Li said directly without delaying.

"of course……"

As soon as the second child opened his mouth and wanted to take a step forward, a skinny hand grabbed his arm!

"Second brother, you still have third sister! Since I can't build a foundation with my old bones, I won't live much longer, so I'd better come first. After all, the child in third sister's belly still needs your care!" The black-faced old man Said calmly.

"Brother! This is not possible, how can you let..."

The tall and skinny boy shook his head excitedly and refused to say anything.

When the young men and young women saw this, they also asked to take the risk first!

"Stop arguing, let your eldest brother do it first. After all, it was his body that I just tested, so I can be more sure!"

Although the sworn friendship shown by these four people is very touching. But after all, the matter had nothing to do with him, and Han Li had no intention of feeling it carefully. He was now eager to know whether he could really lift the blood curse. If it doesn't work, all the things he did before will be in vain, and he will have to make other plans.

After Han Li said this, the four of them had nothing to fight over, and the old man walked over with a solemn expression.

After the other three glanced at each other, they could only watch the old man's actions with worried eyes.

"Bang" bang"... six or seven sounds in a row.

Han Li raised his hand, and several life-sized soldier puppets appeared behind Han Li in a white light, holding weapons.

"When I am dispelling the blood curse, I cannot respond to the enemy. These puppets are a warning method. Anyone who walks within a radius of ten feet from me will actively attack! You'd better stay away!" Han Li In his words, he bluntly pointed out that he could not trust them yet. The three of them had no choice but to retreat a little.

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