"How old do you think I am?" The muscles on his cheeks twitched a few times, and he stiffly asked an irrelevant question.

"From the appearance, you are about sixty years old, but since you ask me this, your age must not match your appearance. Are you older or much younger than this?" Han Li was a little surprised, but his tone remained unchanged, and he said Said calmly.

"Tsk tsk! It's really a person who has practiced "Changchun Kung". A little kid from the countryside has turned into such a smart and intelligent person!" Dr. Mo kept saying wonders and began to look at him with eager eyes. Looking at him.

"You are right, I am only thirty-seven years old this year." A number that Han Li couldn't believe came out of Doctor Mo's mouth.

"Impossible?" Han Li, who had always maintained his composure, was surprised for the first time.

"Impossible! It is indeed impossible! People who meet me, let alone think that I am sixty years old, even if I declare that I am seventy years old, no one will doubt it." Dr. Mo's voice suddenly became louder. It was pointed again, and it was so harsh and uncomfortable in Han Li's ears, as if it had touched the most painful part in his heart.

"I, Mo Juren, was famous in the martial arts world of Lanzhou, Yue State in my early years. I gained quite a reputation and created my own world with my bare hands. Hehe! Who in Lanzhou at that time did not know the reputation of my "ghost hand" , regardless of whether it is black or white, those who follow me will live, and those who go against me will survive." Doctor Mo returned to his original tone and slowly narrated his story in a low tone. As he described, his eyes shone with a look as sharp as a sword, as if he had returned to the time when he was high-spirited and powerful.

After hearing what Doctor Mo said, Han Li was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that his nominal master would have such a big background.

"Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. When I had just entered middle age and was about to further develop my talents, I was plotted by a villain and was poisoned by a trusted person. Although I was able to control the onset of the injury with my own medical skills. , but could not heal himself, his martial arts skills were greatly reduced, and he was unable to gain a foothold in the north. In order to fear that his enemies would plot against him, he had no choice but to abandon his original foundation and family and disappear, looking for good remedies in other parts of Yue Kingdom, hoping to find a way to recover. The original skill." When he was describing his subsequent experiences, he was completely immersed in the narration of the past. He clenched his fists tightly with both hands, and the fingers on his hands were deeply inserted into the palms of his hands, drawing blood. DC, but he seemed completely unaware of this. He only showed a ferocious look on his face with gnashing teeth. This vicious look made people shudder. It seemed that he hated the villain who poisoned him at that time. Bone deep.

Hearing the continuous hatred in his words, Han Li couldn't help but feel his hair growing all over his body, and a chill settled in his heart.

"God has eyes. Finally, in a mysterious place, I accidentally got a strange book. This book is so mysterious and profound that I struggled to understand it and found recovery from it. As a shortcut to skill, I followed the method mentioned above, and the result..." Doctor Mo paused and did not continue speaking immediately, but his angry expression was clearly visible, and there was also some regret mixed in it.

"As a result, you ended up like this." Han Li coldly said what he wanted to say but had not finished, and said it for him.

"Yes, I didn't expect that after following the method in that book, my skills would be restored, but my body would age rapidly, turning into the precocious, half-human, half-ghost appearance I have now." Doctor Mo He nodded sadly, not getting angry at Han Li's sarcasm.

"You should have found the reason now."

"I did something improper and was invaded by evil spirits. Now I have to live a day which is equivalent to the energy consumption of an ordinary person living for ten days. I am overdrawing my life every moment. Fortunately, I am proficient in the art of recuperation and follow the book. As mentioned above, I have prepared a secret medicine that has been able to slow down the aging rate in recent years and support me until now."

"What does the formula I have learned have to do with solving your troubles?" Han Li went straight to the core of the problem.

"Not long after I became like this, I studied the solution from the book, which is the "Changchun Gong" you practice. As long as there is someone who has practiced it to the fourth level, he can help me perform the massage and stimulate it with Changchun Qi. By using the secret cave, I can get rid of my current predicament and regain my lost essence."

"Why do you have to find me? Why can't you just find someone to practice?" Han Li pondered for a while and then asked a question that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

"Do you think this "Changchun Gong" can be learned by cats and dogs? Not only does this formula require young people to practice it from scratch, but it also requires the practitioner to have a "spiritual root" physique. Although I don't know what "spiritual root" is, but I have looked for hundreds of boys before you, but none of them were able to practice Changchun Gong." Doctor Mo looked annoyed.

"Is there such a thing?" Han Li was a little startled. He didn't expect that he would be so rigorous in practicing this art.

"In the remaining years, I thought it would be impossible to find anyone who could practice the formula, so I gave up on myself and pretended to be a wild man, and started wandering around. Unexpectedly, I accidentally met the master of the Qixuan Sect who was also plotted. , feeling sympathy for each other, he reached out to save his life, and then at his invitation, he became a worshiper in the door, preparing to remain anonymous and spend his last days in the mountains. Hehe! Miracles still happen. At first, I was afraid that all my medical skills and martial arts would be lost, so I recruited you into the valley. I really wanted to accept you two as my disciples, but I don’t know what happened at that time, but somehow, you were allowed to try the Changchun Kung Fu, probably because of that. Just have a lucky mentality. In fact, even if you can't practice this mantra, I will accept you and pass on what I have learned. But what I never expected is that you will actually respond to this skill. Haha! What a blessing. There is no end to the road!"

Doctor Mo revealed all these mysteries in one breath, with a sickly blush on his face. He seemed very proud of his luck.

"I haven't mastered the fourth level of Changchun Kung yet. Why do you want to restrain me now and start all this with me?" Han Li finally asked the question he was most concerned about at the moment.

"You have to blame yourself. I have spent so much effort and effort on you, but you can't satisfy me and always play tricks on me. Now you are just short of the last step, but you still refuse. Going one step further, I could have waited for you for two more years, but when I went down the mountain this time, I was recognized by an enemy. After a fierce battle, although I killed the enemy, it also used up my little energy and life span. It has also been greatly shortened. Even if I try my best, I can only live for one more year. How can you ask me to wait any longer?" Dr. Mo's proud look disappeared without a trace, replaced by a fierce look on his face. Finally, he roared at Han Li.

After hearing this, Han Li looked as usual, with no sign of being touched on his face.

But my heart was in turmoil, not as confident and calm as it seemed on the surface.

Although he had already expected that Doctor Mo had a deep intention against him, he never imagined that there would be such a big inside story. The other person's life experience, experience, and oral training skills were all beyond the scope of his imagination.

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