Originally, Han Li did not plan to prepare the last two medicines that had nothing to do with martial arts practice, but after careful consideration, he felt that he was still half a man in the world. Who knew if he would suffer a natural or man-made disaster one day? Will he be involved in some fighting and killing in the arena? It is better to prepare some detoxifying and healing medicine in advance. If you are poisoned and injured, and you die because there is no good medicine, wouldn't it be too unfair?

After thinking about it this way, Han Li prepared a small amount of the latter two drugs and prepared to keep them with him in case of accidents. After all, everyone only has one life, and Han Li didn't want to die young.

Although doing this will affect the quantity of the other two elixirs, thus slowing down the progress of practicing the formula, it is helpless. After all, there cannot be so many perfect good things in the world, and there are always certain moments in life. There are some trade-offs.

On the day the elixir was prepared, Han Li started taking one "Huanglong Pill" and one "Golden Marrow Pill" according to the instructions on the formula. These two drugs were indeed the legendary holy medicines. Under the powerful and astonishing power of the drugs, he broke through the bottleneck that night and reached the fourth level of Oral Jue without any effort.

As soon as he reached the fourth floor, Han Li immediately experienced a completely different feeling from before. His five senses were suddenly lifted to an incredible level. Everything in his eyes suddenly became so bright and clear. It turned out that he The subtle things that could not be seen suddenly became magnified, and they were clearly visible to the eyes. Even the slender spider threads in the corners of the room could be seen clearly; the hearing of the ears also became clear. Suddenly he became extremely sensitive, and countless sounds that he had heard before or had never heard before poured into his ears, such as the "rustling" sound of an earthworm burrowing into the ground more than ten feet away, and an unknown insect crawling in the house. The "buzzing" sound flying in front of him, etc., these sounds seemed to be ringing in his ears, sounding so real and clear; in addition, some strange smells that suddenly appeared also made Han I immediately knew that my sense of smell was also very different from before.

Han Li was surprised and delighted. This was the first time since he was practicing this formula that he felt that the time he spent was not in vain. Such a unique feeling showed that this formula was not useless, but had its own uniqueness.

Although the previous levels of cultivation had improved his five senses to a certain extent, the changes were not as obvious and huge as the fourth level. This was simply a qualitative improvement, like a complete change. Same as a person.

In addition, he also felt that his body was much lighter than before, and his spirit had also made great progress. If Han Li didn't sleep for three to five days now, it would probably not be a big problem.

Han Li savored the things in his body that were completely different from before. He could understand everything happening within a few dozen feet by staying still. This feeling of being able to control everything made Han Li very obsessed with it.

Now he understands that only by practicing this formula at the fourth level can he truly achieve some success.

He couldn't help but think that the fourth floor had such an unforgettable taste! Then what kind of wonderful feeling will you have after practicing the fifth and sixth levels!

Not long after Han Li realized the mystery of the technique he was practicing, his nominal master, Doctor Mo, returned to the valley. Not only did he come back by himself, he also brought back a mysterious figure.

When Doctor Mo first entered the God's Hand Valley, Han Li heard the familiar coughing sound from a distance. He was meditating in the stone chamber at the time, striving to become more diligent as soon as possible. After noticing Doctor Mo's voice, he quickly took advantage of his luck, walked out of the stone room, and walked toward the entrance of the valley to meet the master whom he had not seen for nearly a year. As a result, he met Doctor Mo not far from the entrance of the valley.

When he saw Doctor Mo, Han Li was shocked. He was still the same person, but what he saw was a gray and lifeless face. Although he was also sallow and sickly, he was not as bad as he is now. His complexion was extremely corrupted, and he looked like his time had finally come.

What made Han Li even more surprised was that behind him was a mysterious figure wearing a black cloak, and his whole body was covered tightly by a large green robe, so that no trace of skin was exposed. This man was unusually tall and burly, two heads taller than Han Li. He had a huge body like a giant spirit. However, because he was wearing a cloak, Han Li could not see his face clearly from the outside and could only vaguely see his face. I feel that this person's face must be hideous, terrifying and extremely ugly.

Han Li suppressed the questions in his mind and hurriedly stepped forward to bow to Doctor Mo. Then he stood respectfully aside, waiting for Doctor Mo's questions.

He knew very well in his heart that the other party didn't care whether his apprentice was polite and respectful to him, but as a disciple, he still had to fulfill the master-disciple etiquette and could not abandon it at will and give the other party a sense of self. Feeling unruly will only put yourself in a more unfavorable environment.

According to Han Li's understanding of Doctor Mo and how much he cares about his oral formula practice, it is estimated that when he sees him after not seeing him for such a long time, he will ask about his oral formula practice first. Determine Han Li's progress.

Sure enough, when Doctor Mo saw Han Li proactively coming out of the valley, he was stunned for a moment, coughed twice, and asked feebly:

"How are you doing with your chanting? Have you made any slight progress?" A look of anxiety and expectation appeared on his face.

Han Li had already made mental preparations in his mind and spoke out his prepared answers.

"It's still the same as before, there haven't been any big changes." Han Li didn't intend to tell the other party the truth about his cultivation, because he couldn't explain his current divinely assisted progress, and how he could suddenly have a miracle without any external force. The same thing happened from the third level to the fourth level.

"Stretch out your hand." Doctor Mo's expression darkened, and his tone suddenly became stiff.

After Han Li carefully noticed Doctor Mo's expression, he felt a little uneasy in his heart: "Gordon ***."

However, he was not afraid of the other party taking his own pulse to check the state of Qi in his body. After entering the fourth level, Han Li unexpectedly discovered that he could control the strength of the strange Qi in his body at will. He could completely control the strength of the Qi to the level at the third level. A doctor's personal inspection.

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