This teahouse was not big, just three bungalows connected together, but before Han Li even entered it, the tangy aroma of tea came to him!

Han Li was a little surprised. Although he didn't know much about tea ceremony, he felt a faint aura from the fragrance of tea.

As soon as his heart moved, he stepped inside without any hesitation.

There are three rooms in a row, one large and two small, and they are all filled with tea drinkers in groups of three or five. Even because there were no empty seats in the teahouse, there were still seven or eight people dressed in different clothes standing aside quietly waiting.

Even though there were many guests in the teahouse, no one made any noise.

Most of them closed their eyes lightly and tasted the tea in front of them. Only a few people were muttering something in a low voice.

On the front wall of the big room in the middle, there is a piece of yellow paper about ten feet high, which reads "Limited to one pot per person per day" and other large characters with flying phoenixes, which is extremely conspicuous.

When Han Li saw these words, he felt a little amused. This was the first time he heard that people in the food and drink business restricted the amount of food and drink others could eat.

However, he just laughed it off and didn't bother to think about it. Instead, after scanning the room, he immediately walked over to a person who looked like a shopkeeper in the corner.

This should be the shopkeeper of the teahouse. He is about forty years old, has a mustache, and looks extremely shrewd.

At this time, he was behind a counter, lowering his head and calculating, and looking at an account book beside him from time to time.

Han Li walked over in a few steps, stood in front of the counter, and then remained silent. This made the shopkeeper raise his head and look over in astonishment.

As soon as he saw Han Li clearly, the man's expression immediately changed. He hurriedly put aside his abacus and account books and walked out from behind the counter.

He asked with some fear and respect:

"Senior, do you need help from me? I'll do my best!"

This shopkeeper turned out to be an immortal cultivator, but his cultivation level was pitifully low, only at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

Now facing Han Li, an unfathomable "senior", I naturally felt uneasy!

Without saying a word, Han Li flicked his sleeves on the counter, and a crystal blue jade pendant appeared on the table.

When the shopkeeper saw this jade pendant, he was stunned for a moment, but then he said with a look of surprise:

"It turns out that it's Senior Han who has arrived. I'm so rude! Master Qi has already given the order, saying that Senior will arrive in the near future. This junior has been waiting for a long time!"

After hearing what the other party said, Han Li put away the jade pendant in the same way and said calmly:

"I want to see your young master now, please lead the way!"

"Yes, senior!" the shopkeeper responded obediently.

Then the man called over a man dressed as a waiter. After giving him a few instructions, he took Han Li out of the back door and headed straight out of the small town to the west.

To the west of the "Golden Horse City" is a large group of yellow-green hills, and there are countless large and small ones. However, the shopkeeper knew the way and led Han Li through the hills. After several turns and twists, they arrived at a flat depression covering an area of ​​more than 100 acres.

In the middle of the depression, there are seven or eight white stone houses. There are a few emerald green bamboos planted in one place to the east and one to the west, which are sparse and inconspicuous.

After the shopkeeper brought Han Li to the area, he bowed and said to Han Li:

"Senior, my young master is inside the house. However, there are some formations set up outside the house. I should have informed the young master before letting outsiders in, but the young master has already given instructions about Senior Han, so senior just follow me closely. . Otherwise it will trigger the ban and it will be very troublesome!"

Han Li looked thoughtfully around the depression and at the green bamboos that seemed to have no pattern at all, and said nonchalantly:

"I know, just go ahead.

After hearing this, the shopkeeper took a breath and carefully led Han Li towards the house.

His walking route was very strange. He took three steps for a while, then took two steps back, and then took five steps to the east, but then took six steps back. The whole move was chaotic and there seemed to be no pattern.

In this way, the two of them slowly approached the house in the depression.

"Master, Senior Han is here, come out and meet him!" When he was only about ten feet away from the house, the shopkeeper finally breathed a sigh of relief and shouted loudly into the largest room.

"Senior Han is here? That's great! But wait a moment, I'll be out right away!" Qi Yunxiao's voice of surprise came from inside the room, but then there was a muffled "bang", and then Qi Yunxiao's voice was heard complaining incessantly. words.

"Ahem, failed again!"

As soon as the stone door opened, Qi Yunxiao walked out with a disappointed look on his face, and there was a hot breath on his body.

However, when he saw Han Li, his expression suddenly turned from gloomy to clear, and he hurried forward with excitement:

"It's really senior, this is great! Please come with me and let me, my junior, do my best to be a landlord. There is nothing else here, but there are indeed a few cups of good tea."

Qi Yunxiao enthusiastically invited Han Li into the room next door. His gestures were much more mature and sophisticated than a few years ago.

"Then thank you, fellow Taoist!" Han Li said politely, knowing that he still had to ask for help.

Then he entered the room and sat down next to a rectangular table.

"Senior, um..." When Qi Yunxiao ordered the shopkeeper to go down and make a pot of tea, he turned around, looking hesitant to say something.

Han Li turned over his hands with a smile, and the "Yunxiao Experience" appeared on the table. The silver light of the book still showed that it was still banned.

Qi Yunxiao was refreshed when he saw this book. Just when he was about to reach out and take it, he suddenly remembered something. He quickly said "Senior, please wait a moment" and hurried out.

Han Li chuckled, as if he had guessed the other party's intention.

Not long after, Qi Yunxiao returned to the house excitedly, with a wooden box about a foot long in his hand.

"Senior, here is an improved set of inverted five-element formation magic weapon. Although the power is not as high as originally expected, it can reach half the power of the original magic formation, but it has also been increased to one-third of the power of the original magic formation. It's much stronger than the original one!" Qi Yunxiao said apologetically, obviously feeling a little uneasy about his failure to increase the power of this formation weapon to the promised power.

"One third?" Han Li's expression changed, and he was extremely surprised!

You know, he had no hope of actually improving that set of formation flags. The upside-down Five Elements formation that could exert one-tenth of its power had already made Han Li extremely satisfied! You know, monks like Lei Wanhe, who are in the alchemy stage, feel a headache when they see this formation. If it really improves by two or three times, wouldn't it be possible to exclude monks in the Danjie stage from outside the formation?

Thinking of this, Han Li couldn't help but take the wooden box and prepare to take a closer look, while Qi Yunxiao also picked up the silver book and looked at it carefully.

As soon as the lid of the box was opened, a set of impressive array flags and array plates appeared in the box.

Han Li took it out one by one and looked at it carefully. The number of formation flags and formation disks in this set of magic weapons was much greater than the original set, and the patterns and runes on the formation flags and formation disks were also obviously complex. Yes, it seems that what the other party said is true, and the power should indeed be greater than the original one.

Han Li happily put away the set of formation flags, and then glanced at the opposite side.

At this time, Qi Yunxiao was stroking "Yunxiao's Experience" with his hand with a happy face. It seemed that the seal had also been verified.

"I'm very satisfied with your improved formation weapon! It's really troublesome for you, fellow Taoist." Han Li said with a smile.

"Senior, what are you talking about? I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for returning this book intact. Only this junior should be very grateful!" Qi Yunxiao heard what Han Li said and shook his head like a drum, sincerely. said.

Han Li smiled, and after a few words of modesty, he started chatting with Qi Yunxiao.

After the shopkeeper went down for a while, he brought two cups of green tea.

The fragrance of this tea is obviously more fragrant than that of the "Qingquan Teahouse" tea. It is obviously a higher-quality tea, and the aura it exudes is also stronger.

Han Li took a few sips at Qi Yunxiao's earnest invitation. Suddenly my mouth felt refreshed and my mind was clear, and I couldn't help but praise:

"Good tea. I didn't expect that the tea leaves can be blended with spiritual energy. It's really wonderful! This must be made by Taoist fellow Taoist himself. Han admires it very much." Han Li said this sincerely, which can make ordinary people Tea leaves contain spiritual energy, which is indeed something I have never heard of before. What’s more, this tea is indeed extremely fragrant, no worse than any of the world’s most famous teas.

After hearing what Han Li said, Qi Yunxiao showed embarrassment on his face and hurriedly explained:

"Senior, I misunderstood. This tea was not prepared by this junior, but was given by a good friend. My good friend spent nearly ten years researching this tea!"

(We’ve finally finished coding. We’re almost exhausted! Go to bed quickly.)

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