After scouring all the spiritual stones in his pocket, Han Li even gathered most of the raw materials for the new ancient prescription.

For the remaining shortfall, Han Li gritted his teeth and took the risk to sell two 400-year-old herbs. He could only participate in a few more missions to hunt down demonic monks. In this way, not only can you get a considerable spiritual stone reward, but the items in the enemy's storage bag can be exchanged for more spiritual stones.

With the help of several talismans in his hand and the power of Dayan Jue, Han was able to escape unharmed even when he encountered a monk in the late stage of foundation building. Similarly, if a demonic monk in the early or middle stages of foundation building encounters Han Li, he will naturally die at his hands without the ability to fight back.

Of course, how could a perverted guy in the foundation building stage like the young master of the Ghost Spirit Sect participate in such an action based on his status?

As a result, Han Li has become somewhat famous among the seven sects of foundation-building monks over the past year.

Everyone knows that there is a ruthless new character in the Yellow Maple Valley. He is only in the middle stage of foundation building, but he can snipe more than a dozen demonic monks and still escape unscathed, which is incredible.

After Han Li used the spirit stones he obtained in exchange to collect the remaining raw materials from the ancient recipe, he heard that other sects had similar exchanges in their camps. Han Li asked Fatty Chen to help him look out for elixirs. Fang, but now it seems there is no chance.

Han Li was about to say goodbye to the other party and leave, when suddenly a scent of fragrant wind hit his nostrils.

Han Li turned his head in slight shock and saw a cold and charming female monk coming behind him.

After seeing that moving face and plump body clearly, Han Li looked unmoved on the surface, but felt a little uneasy in his heart! It turned out to be Junior Sister Chen, who had had physical contact with him. When he thought of the hot and erotic scene that night, a strange feeling arose in his heart.

Speaking of which, he and this woman hadn't seen each other for a long time since they parted ways in the forbidden area, and he didn't know when the other woman came to this place.

"Uncle Wu, this is what you want!"

Junior Sister Chen looked at Han Li lightly, and with a hint of surprise in her eyes, she came to Fatty Chen and handed over a storage bag.

"Hehe! Niece Qiaoqian, you came just in time. We are waiting for this batch of goods here!" Fatty Chen said happily with the fat on his face trembling when he saw Junior Sister Chen.

"Fifth uncle?"

Han Li was stunned for a long time by this title from Fatty Chen!

He never expected that this fat man, whom he had known for more than half a year, was actually Junior Sister Chen's elder. Based on his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building, it seems that his status in the Chen family will definitely not be low.

Junior Sister Chen, except for glancing at Han Li at first, then stopped looking at Han Li indifferently. This made Han Li feel quite unhappy!

"Brother Chen, I'll take my leave now. I'll come back to visit you later!" Han Li didn't want to stay any longer. After saying his polite words, he turned around and walked outside the exchange.

At this moment, Chen Qiaoqian looked coldly at Han Li's retreating back, frowned and asked Fatty Chen who was checking the storage bag:

"Uncle Wu, is this coward looking for you to buy something?"


Fatty Chen was stunned for a moment by Chen Qiaoqian's words.

"Well, that's the guy who was standing here just now!"

"You mean... Han Li?" Fatty Chen blinked his eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"That's him, what's wrong?" Chen Qiaoqian asked strangely.

During the trip to the forbidden area that day, Han Li did not leave a good impression on Junior Sister Chen. He always thought that Han Li was a speculator who got lucky and avoided war.

Fatty Chen was silent for a moment, then suddenly sighed and said in a strange tone:

"Qiaoqian, you have just arrived here, and some things are not clear to you yet. Although I don't know why you think this guy is a coward, your fellow sect's reputation here is not small! He has killed more than a dozen people in a row. The powerful character of the foundation monk is definitely not a mediocre person. I even want to recommend this person to the head of the family after this battle is over. If I can win over this person, it will be a big help!"

"He killed more than a dozen foundation-building monks?" Junior Sister Chen heard this, a look of horror appeared on her indifferent face, she really couldn't believe what she heard.

She couldn't help but stare blankly in the direction of the exchange door, but at this time, Han Li had already walked out of the house.

After walking out of the exchange, Han Li pondered for a moment and then went to his master Li Huayuan's residence, preparing to greet him as usual and perform the courtesy of master and disciple.

Li Huayuan is a monk in the alchemy stage, so his residence cannot be compared with that of ordinary monks! He lived in an extremely comfortable house in the center of the formation, and naturally his young wife and master wife also lived with him.

Speaking of Han Li's seven senior brothers, except for the eldest brother who is still staying in Green Wave Cave, several others have missions and are not here. The only ones left here are Han Li and fourth senior brother Song Meng.

But when Han Li went to see Li Huayuan on the first day he came here, his mid-stage foundation-building cultivation level surprised the master!

After all, it had only been a few years since Han Li successfully built the foundation.

Under normal circumstances, even monks with excellent qualifications will take more than ten years to move from the early stage to the middle stage. Han Li's rapid progress naturally made Li Huayuan curious.

After checking Han Li's body to no avail, he asked about the reason why his cultivation had grown so fast.

Naturally, Han Li would not reveal the truth. Instead, he made a confused look that he did not understand. After making Li Huayuan depressed for a while, he let the matter go! After all, now that the enemy is facing him, he has no intention of spending too long studying this matter.

Li Huayuan and Hong Fu already knew about the Yan family's defection to the enemy and Dong Xuan'er's falling into the enemy's hands. Apart from being extremely angry about this, they did not blame Han Li too much.

After all, the opponent is too strong, and it would be very difficult for Han Li to escape with his own life.

While Han Li was thinking about it, people arrived outside Li Huayuan's house!

To his surprise, the fourth senior brother Song Meng was standing outside the house with his arms folded over his shoulders, very energetic, as if on guard duty.

When Song Meng saw Han Li, a smile appeared on his face and he said in a deep voice:

"Junior Brother Han, I'm here to say hello to Master again!"

Han Li chuckled and said, "Yeah."

Speaking of which, since Han Li became famous, Senior Brother Song forced Han Li to compete in a deserted place. Although Han Li was able to defeat him with a sharp move using a magic weapon, he and Han Li gradually became harmonious. After getting up, the brothers started talking and laughing.

"Junior Brother Han, the master is discussing matters with several guests. Please wait outside for a while! Speaking of which, my recent skills have made some progress, so why not compete with me later!" Song Meng explained to Han Li with a smile, But then another invitation was made that gave Han Li a headache.

Speaking of which, since Senior Brother Song was defeated by him, he would ask Han Li to spar with him again almost every once in a while. However, Han Li was not willing to let his details leak out, so he naturally refused.

If he were in Yellow Maple Valley, Senior Brother Song would never be so easy to get rid of! But fortunately, there are many powerful monks here and there are many opponents. Seeing that Song Meng had pestered him several times to no avail, he lost his temper and went to find someone else.

This finally made Han Li breathe a sigh of relief!

So after hearing the other party's last words, Han Li smiled bitterly and said that he didn't dare to accept the conversation casually!

However, Han Li became somewhat interested in the guests who were with Li Huayuan.

After all, Song Meng could use the word "discuss", which means that most of the people in the room are also monks in the Danjie stage. So when he was about to pry something out of Song Meng's mouth, the closed door suddenly opened, and several male and female monks walked out of it.

Li Huayuan and his wife followed closely and sent each other off.

As expected, they are all monks in the alchemy stage! Han Li saw clearly that the cultivation levels of the four men and three women were unfathomable!

He and Song Meng did not dare to block the road, so they hurriedly moved to the left and right and stood on both sides with hands tied!

Li Huayuan saw Han Li at a glance, but smiled and didn't care anymore. Naturally, other monks also took a look at Han Li, but most of them passed him by. After all, a monk who was in the middle stage of foundation building was really nothing to pay attention to.

However, after a female monk with a slender figure and a veil covering her face glanced at Han Li, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. At the same time, a pair of bright autumn eyes flashed a strange look that was difficult to identify.

"Has Fairy Nangong ever seen a scoundrel?"

After the other monks discovered the strangeness of this female monk, they couldn't help but look at the woman with a little surprise. Li Huayuan even asked in confusion.

As soon as the words "Fairy Nangong" entered Han Li's ears, Han Li's heart skipped a beat, as if he had knocked over the five-flavor plate. He had all kinds of tastes.

Although he barely controlled his expression, he still couldn't help but glance at the female monk.

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