This is a stalactite cave extending in all directions. Although I don’t know how big it will be, it definitely doesn’t look too small.

Han Li picked up a piece of moonstone and looked around before coming to this conclusion.

The moment the tunnel collapsed and rocks fell down, Han Li quickly opened the protective shield. Although he was buried deep underground in a series of earth shaking, he finally had room to breathe and relax.

However, the terrain changed so much when it trembled that Han Li didn't know where he was, let alone his direction. In desperation, he had to release a few lizard puppet beasts around him and let them dig in several directions at the same time, hoping to find a way out.

At this time, he greatly regretted why he didn't learn the earth escape technique that day, otherwise he would be able to move freely through the earth with just a few spells. Now we have to follow the passage opened by the puppet beast and slowly move forward.

As for the idea of ​​using a magic weapon to open a path, Han Li only had a fleeting thought and would never actually use it.

It is not a wise thing to waste mana without knowing the direction and location. Moreover, using magic weapons in the earth and rocks is extremely dangerous! One improper operation will cause it to collapse again.

In this way, Han Li would control a few puppet beasts each time, explore a certain area, and then choose the direction that was most likely to provide a way out. After crawling like this for several hours, they finally arrived at the unknown stalactite cave, which completely relaxed Han Li's tense heart.

It feels really good to survive the disaster!

Han Li looked back at the cave he crawled out of, knowing that there must be others who also survived the tunnel collapse. But it’s hard to say whether we can find a way out of the debris pile!

Because in an airtight place, even monks in the foundation building stage might not be able to hold on for too long. Disciples in the Qi refining stage are even more in danger!

However, Han Li was still a little puzzled even though he was happy!

Why did the tunnel collapse and earthquake happen shortly after they entered the tunnel? Could it be the devil's fault? Han Li felt that this guess was probably true.

On the surface of the earth, demonic people were destroying the entrance of the spiritual mine, smashing everything in the cave to pieces with magic weapons.

And high in the sky above the spirit mine, the old man in yellow was saying regretfully to the girl in red:

"My pity to Junior Sister, you must have made such a big deal out of nothing! Why use an Earth Shaking Talisman just for some bereaved dogs? That is a very rare mid-level Talisman!"

"Hmph! How can it be so easy to run away from me, Lian Feihua! Although sweeping up the spirit stone mines here is just a side task, it still makes me feel uncomfortable if they really run out of this place smoothly. It feels so comfortable!" The girl in red curled her lips and said indifferently.

When the old man in yellow heard this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

What a joke to waste a rare talisman for such a reason! But who let her be the only daughter of the master of the Demon Flame Sect! Hey, as a protector of the Tiansha Sect, I'd better stay out of other people's business.

Thinking of this, the old prisoner had no choice but to shut up.

Not long after, the demonic people who completely destroyed everything in the spirit mine flew away from the place and gradually disappeared.

One day later, the Seven Factions were hiding in a huge medicinal plantation garden far away from here, and were attacked by the same group of people! All the medicinal herbs that were about to be used to make elixirs were looted, and even the seedlings were completely burned by the Qingyang Demonic Fire!

This incident immediately caught the hearts of the upper echelons of the Seven Sects. In comparison, the Lingshi Mine where Han Li was staying was also attacked, so it became insignificant. After all, the spiritual mine was destroyed, and it would only take some time to recover, but the spiritual grass that was snatched away and burned would not grow back within decades.

The top leaders of the seven sects were so furious that they sent their masters to chase him. Unexpectedly, they were ambushed by the other party's cooperators on the way, and they suffered another small loss.

Naturally, the seven sects were unwilling to swallow their defeat after such a series of defeats! After consciously regaining some strength, the second wave of large-scale war between them and the six sects began again.

Underground, Han Li frowned and finally identified a cave entrance that was blown by the wind. He let two puppet beasts explore the way in front and followed him.

After walking through dozens of caves in a row, the space of the stalactite cave became larger and larger, and the largest one could almost hold a hundred or ten people without any problem. The wind was also getting stronger and stronger, which made Han Li feel a little more relieved. After all, the wind meant that there was a passage leading to the surface.

When Han Li just entered a new cave, he met six or seven people. They were monks such as Xuan Le and Lu Tianmeng, and Zhong Wu was among them.

When they saw Han Li and the two puppet beasts beside him, they were also slightly stunned.

But then Xuan Le smiled and wanted to say something, when suddenly a shrill scream came from the other side, causing everyone's expressions to change and show surprise.

Xuan Le and Lu Tianmeng looked at each other and didn't bother to ask Han Li anything. They immediately walked quickly along where the sound came from. Of course, all kinds of defensive spells and magic weapons should be used as they should be used, and they should be vigilant as they should be. No one dares to be careless in the slightest.

Seeing this, Han Li hesitated. Finally, he took out the white phosphorus shield and followed slowly. However, no defensive spells were cast on the body, but the Light Body Technique and the Wind Control Technique were cast on the body at the same time. He has always believed that in a narrow place, speed is more important than defense.

When the group of them passed through three or four large caves and came to an even larger stalactite cave, they were immediately startled by the scene in front of them.

In the middle of the cave, a crystal white spider several feet long was biting a bloody corpse with its huge fangs. The tattered white clothes on the corpse showed that this person was a man who escaped from being buried alive. The disciples of the sect also discarded three or four rotten magic weapons near the corpse.

But what is even more eye-catching is that behind the spider, among the piles of raw spiritual stones, there is an extremely simple hexagonal teleportation array. On one side of the teleportation array, there is a five-color skeleton sitting cross-legged and meditating, floating three feet above the ground. , holding a bright blue token in his hand, exuding a faint brilliance.

"What's this?"

A monk in the Qi Refining Stage swallowed his saliva and asked dryly. No one knows whether he is talking about weird spiders, teleportation arrays or skeletons and tokens? Naturally no one answered him.

Perhaps the man's voice alarmed the spider. The monster stopped biting and looked up at the group of people who had just stepped into the cave with cold eyes.

This made Han Li and the other monks feel trembling, and they quickly put themselves on guard.

But after looking at it for a moment, the monster lowered its head and continued to bite the corpse, turning a blind eye to everyone, which made everyone look at each other!

"go to hell!"

A disciple of the Hidden Moon Sect may have felt sad after seeing his fellow student die in the spider's mouth. He suddenly raised his hand and released a fiery red dart-shaped magic weapon, which shot towards the spider.

This shocked Lu Tianmeng and other mature people, secretly cursing this person for being too reckless.

With a crisp sound of "bang", the dart hit the head of the spider that did not hide at all, and was bounced away. Not even a trace was left on the insect beast, but the tip of the dart was slightly bent. . The eyes of the other monks almost fell off. The shell of this spider is so hard, it's too exaggerated!

"Let's do it together!"

Xuan Le glared at the rash fellow student, but had to call for action because the spider had stopped eating and slowly crawled towards them.

As soon as he said these words, more than a dozen magical weapons were sacrificed at the same time, transforming into various divine powers and attacking the giant spider at the same time. Han Li also sacrificed his golden blade.

Suddenly, the white spider was attacked by various rays of light. For a moment, the spider's figure was covered in the strong light, and it seemed to kill it in an instant. But after a burst of crackling sounds, the light of all the attacking magic weapons weakened rapidly, and even five or six lower-level magic weapons fell to the ground without any spirituality.

When Han Li and other monks saw this, they were horrified, and they all withdrew the magic weapon to take a closer look.

As a result, the top-level magic weapon was fine and had no major damage, while the upper-level magic weapon was seriously damaged. As for the magic weapon that fell to the ground, it must have been a lower-level magic weapon. The white spider reappeared, with no scars on its body, and still crawled towards them leisurely.


Lu Tianmeng and Xuan Le looked at each other and said in unison.

Although they all had some ideas about the teleportation array and the token. But fighting against such a monster, even if you can kill it, the price will be extremely shocking, so it is more important to return to the surface.

But at this moment, the white spider opened its mouth, and a stream of white liquid sprayed directly into the crowd.

After seeing the power of this monster, whoever dared to take the unknown liquid foolishly all dodged to both sides.

"Not good!" Han Li had an idea flash in his mind, remembered something, and couldn't help shouting.

The other monks were slightly startled, a little confused.

As a result, the liquid suddenly turned into a giant net on the way, rushed towards the entrance of the cave and stuck to it, and suddenly sealed the entrance through which everyone came in.

The expressions of the other monks changed. Only then did they realize that this stalactite cave seemed to have only one entrance!

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