A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 269 Demonic Fire Shows Its Power

"Go back, everyone, go back to the formation!" Lu Tianmeng saw that the blue flames on the flags were getting thicker and thicker. He suddenly shouted out of desperation, and took the lead to pull back and escape towards the formation behind. go.

Upon hearing this, the monks around him immediately and subconsciously followed the leader back.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Le also gave the order to retreat without hesitation.

However, except for a few of the monks on Han Li's side who had the upper hand and could escape at any time, the others were invariably entangled by their opponents and were unable to escape at all. Han Li's opponents also launched an offensive frantically, trying to contain Han Li.

But Han Li sneered, took back the other magic weapons, took out the white scale shield, and withstood the opponent's attack and easily returned to the formation. The monk from the Tiansha Sect had no choice but to stop outside the formation with a look of resentment on his face.

Xuan Le saw that most of his team was still outside the formation and could not escape. Instead, the fight became more intense, and he knew something was wrong. He wanted to go out with other monks to help, but as soon as he moved, Lu Tianmeng grabbed him.

"It's too late! The Qingyang Demonic Fire has been summoned by the opponent!" Lu Tianmeng shook his head and said with a livid face.

Han Li, who also heard this, noticed that the arms-thick cyan flames were emitting from the tips of the red-clothed men holding large flags. More than ten strands of green flames rushed into the air, gathering into a huge ball of green flames several feet in diameter, floating gently in the air and swaying majestically, making it extremely eye-catching.


Xuan Le was stunned for a moment, then he was about to say something. But the following actions of the men in red immediately made him look extremely ugly.

The men in red pointed their flag tips at the monks of the seven sects who were still entangled outside the formation. Suddenly, the huge fireball made a muffled sound and turned into more than a dozen small fireballs several feet long. Pounced on these monks.

These green fireballs were extremely fast, and they flew in front of the seven sects of monks in a blink of an eye.

Naturally, these people had discovered the changes in the big fireball early. Most of them used various magic weapons to fight against the blue fireball. A very few used some talismans to carry out Taoist attacks, all trying to shoot down the object.

It's a pity that since this green flame is called "Qingyang Demonic Fire", it is really scary!

Whether it was a magic weapon or a Taoist attack, once it came into contact with the blue fireball, it was like a moth flying into a flame, and was completely melted away without any sound.

Seeing this incredible scene, these monks' faces turned as pale as snow!

Before they could think about it, more than ten fireballs hit them at the same time, and all the shielding and shielding spells outside their bodies were destroyed at the touch of a touch. People were instantly reduced to nothing under the demonic fire, leaving no trace in this world.

The remaining monks who had not been attacked did not hesitate at all when they saw this terrifying scene! He tried his best to be seriously injured by the monks from the Tiansha Sect on the opposite side, or he simply didn't even want the entangled magic weapon and fled directly to the formation.

But as a result, two or three people panicked and died directly under the opponent's magic weapon.

As a result, the seven factions defending the spiritual mine had already lost nearly a dozen Qi Refining Stage disciples and one Foundation Establishment Stage monk as soon as they came into contact with the other party. It was a heavy loss!

But the power of Qingyang Demonic Fire is not just that!

Under the control of the man in red, these cyan fireballs merged into a whole again, and then turned into a wave of cyan flames and rushed towards the Four Evil Formation.

At this time, the faces of everyone hiding in the formation changed drastically, and panic spread throughout all the monks.

Seeing this, Xuan Le frowned and asked Lu Tianmeng bluntly:

"Brother Lu, what is going on with this green flame? How can a monk in the foundation-building stage release such a terrifying real fire? The restriction of this formation should be able to block the impact of this fire, right?"

Lu Tianmeng couldn't help but smile bitterly after listening to the other party's series of questions. But seeing the other monks watching him intently, he had no choice but to explain:

"To be honest with you Taoist brothers, when Lu was fighting at the border that day, he only occasionally saw the terrifying power of the Qingyang Demonic Fire! As for whether it can break through the Four Evil Formations, I really have no way of guessing! However, I later heard some The elders mentioned that this kind of demonic fire cannot be released casually. Not only does it require these Kuangyan monks to practice the Qingyang Demonic Fire Art, but each release also comes at the cost of lowering their own cultivation. That's why It will be so irresistible!”

Lu Tianmeng's words made Xuan Le and other monks look at each other with depressed expressions!

At this time, the cyan flame finally collided with the four-color restriction of the formation, making a low bursting sound, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

I saw the green waves hitting the four-color light curtain one after another, causing the light curtain to ripple non-stop, but finally the terrifying demonic flames caught the eye, which made the seven monks in the formation temporarily relax. One breath.

However, Han Li and others did not relax for long before they became frightened again.

Because as time passed little by little, the four-color light curtain gradually dimmed under the repeated washing of the green flames. This was an obvious sign that the formation was about to be broken. Although the men in red were also waving the flags with sweat on their faces, they obviously had no problem holding on for another moment and a half.

At this time, all the monks in the formation were desperately using their brains to think of ways to retreat from the enemy or escape!

Judging from the attacks on other spiritual mines, although the monks from the seven sects who fell into the hands of the devil were not killed immediately, they were immediately escorted behind enemy lines. No one knows how they will be treated by the demonic people after being captured.

However, the war between the Seven Sects and the Six Demonic Sects has become as deep as the sea! How could one treat the other party's captives so easily? In particular, the other party is particularly good at the vicious method of extracting souls and refining gods, which makes the monks of the seven sects even more uneasy!

Therefore, surrender was not a last resort and no one mentioned it at all.

"I know an underground passage that can lead directly to dozens of miles away. It should be enough for us to escape!" Yu Xing, the old man who had been stationed here for more than ten years, suddenly said with a calm expression.

These words were like a boulder stirring up a thousand waves, which immediately surprised Xuan Le and other monks at first, but then they became excited.

"Brother Yu, is it true?"

"Great, you can get away now!"


The monks from the Seven Sects who were originally panic-stricken suddenly became angry and overjoyed!

Han Li was also pleasantly surprised. After all, he also has no way to deal with those cyan demonic flames. Even if he wants to fight hard, he may not be able to do it.

Xuan Le and Lu Tianmeng, who couldn't hold back their excitement, once again confirmed the authenticity of the underground passage from Yu Xing's mouth, and gave the order to retreat without any hesitation!

As for the spirit stone mine, there is no need to worry. At most, the opponent will completely destroy the entrance of the cave, making it impossible for the mine to restore the supply of spirit stones in a short period of time. The demonic people cannot take any of the spiritual stones contained in the mine. Even for mortals who are mining, the warring parties will generally not harm them!

So all they have to do is pat their butts and leave.

In this way, Han Li and more than fifty monks guarding the mine, led by Yu Xing, entered an underground tunnel in the Lingshi Mine. But the moment they entered the underground, everyone felt the entire canyon tremble slightly.

"The Four Evil Formation has been broken!" Xuan Le said expressionlessly.

Suddenly, the pace of the monks became much faster.

The tunnel was brightly illuminated by the moonstones in the hands of the monks. It can be seen from the pitted walls around the tunnel that this tunnel was completely dug manually, which surprised the monks.

According to Yu Xing, this tunnel was originally a very long spiritual stone branch, so the people who collected the spiritual stones unknowingly dug out such a long underground tunnel and directly opened the exit at the other end.

Fortunately, this tunnel is too long, so Yu Xing’s memory is still fresh. Otherwise, there is really no way to escape today!

The other monks nodded in agreement with these words.

But at this moment, the tunnel suddenly began to shake violently, and with several loud rumbling sounds, it collapsed bit by bit.

In the horrified eyes of the monks, countless earth boulders directly buried everyone under them, and the entire underground world became pitch black again.

A few hours later, a large hole opened in the stone wall of a natural cave in the underground world with a "crash" sound. Then a lizard-like puppet beast rushed out of the hole, looked around for a moment, and then jumped in again. into the cave.

After a meal, the lizard mechanism beast jumped out of the hole in the wall again, but this time a person climbed out immediately behind it, it was Han Li who survived the collapse but survived.

Han Li stood up and looked at his surroundings, with an expression of rejoicing on his face that he had survived the disaster!

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