A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 26 Accelerate the production of medicine

Just when Han Li thought that this rainy weather would continue in the near future, the sun finally hung in the sky again and the sky cleared up.

It has been almost half a month since Han Li discovered the secret of the green liquid, and he has long been impatient with the waiting. That night when the sky cleared, he finally saw again the spectacle that had happened four years ago. Dots of light densely surrounded the bottle, forming a large light group.

When Han Li saw this strange scene, the high-hanging stone in his heart finally fell down again. It was basically certain that this vial was not a one-time consumable, but a magical item that could be used repeatedly. things.

After another seven days of waiting, another drop of green liquid finally appeared in the small bottle. When Han Li saw the green liquid appearing in the bottle, although he was already eighty-nine percent sure, he was still extremely happy, which showed that In the future, I will have an endless supply of rare medicinal materials, and I will never have to worry about it again.

You must know that the preciousness of medicinal materials is mostly evaluated by its age. The longer a medicinal herb is, the greater its medicinal properties will be. Similarly, the older the medicinal materials are, the harder it is to find them, and they usually grow in deep mountains, old forests, and cliffs. It's something you can't even think about without taking some risks.

Although some pharmacies and doctors now specialize in cultivating some medicinal herbs, most of them are commonly used medicinal materials that can be used in a short period of time. Most people will not be stupid enough to cultivate them for more than ten or even decades. What's available.

However, there are also some wealthy families who, as a precaution, will ask people to plant a few very rare herbs to save their lives in times of crisis. Generally, these herbs will not have any effect unless they last for a long time, because even if they are slightly Ordinary things can be easily bought by these people based on their wealth, so why bother to spend so much effort in cultivating them! Moreover, these aristocratic families can pass on family wealth from generation to generation, so they don't care how long it takes to cultivate these herbs. No one knows whether they will be useful one day, so these herbs usually take hundreds of years to cultivate. Ordinary people do not have the financial and material resources to do the best, or some rare, one-of-a-kind products.

Occasionally, there are some rare medicinal materials in the wild that are short-lived on the market, and most of them are purchased by these aristocratic families. This results in the price of rare medicinal herbs rising steadily on the market, and there is often a situation where there is no market for the price.

Han Li is not optimistic about the prospects of Dr. Mo's outing this time, and he probably won't gain much, but now he doesn't have to worry about it anymore. With this bottle, many good medicinal materials can be used in a short time. spawned within a period of time.

With a strange mood, Han Li conducted several more experiments on ripening herbs in the next few dozen days.

One time, diluted green liquid was sprinkled on many herbs. As a result, the next day I only got a large amount of ordinary herbs that had only a one or two-year fertility effect, which was far inferior to the herbs I got the first time. From this experiment, During the process, Han Li vaguely understood some rules.

In the next experiment, Han Li simply omitted the dilution step and directly dropped the green liquid on a ginseng plant. As a result, when he woke up the next day, Han Li actually got a century-old ginseng plant. A ginseng that is completely indistinguishable from a wild century-old ginseng. This experiment made Han Li overjoyed, not because he got a rare medicinal material, but because he had roughly mastered the use of green liquid.

Han Li then did several more experiments on preserving the green liquid. He placed the green liquid just taken out of the bottle into various containers, including porcelain bottles, jade bottles, gourds, silver bottles, etc., and found that no matter No container can preserve the green liquid for more than a quarter of an hour. As long as the green liquid is taken out from the mysterious vial, it must be used within a quarter of an hour, otherwise it will slowly disappear without a trace. trace. The diluted liquid also has the same characteristics. Although it can be stored for a little longer, as long as it exceeds a certain time, only the other liquid that has penetrated will remain in the container, and the components of the green liquid will still disappear.

After several such tests, Han Li completely lost confidence in the preservation of green liquid in other containers. It seemed that he could no longer store this mysterious liquid in large quantities, so he had to do another test of superimposing medicinal properties.

Han Li dropped a drop of green liquid on a green Sanwucao, turning it into a yellow Sanwucao with centuries-old medicinal properties. A few days later, he dropped a drop of green liquid on it again, and its age turned out to be the same. Strengthened for more than a hundred years.

Seeing that this was indeed effective, Han Li kept repeating the same approach for more than two months. Whenever new green liquid was produced from the vial, he dropped it on the Sanwucao, and the Sanwucao lived up to his expectations. Its leaves gradually changed from yellow to yellow-black. Then it changed from yellow-black to black. Finally, after its leaves completely turned black and shiny, it became a rare thousand-year-old three-wage grass in the world.

This test was very successful. It seems that if you are patient, you can continue to increase the age of Sanwucao. However, for Han Li, this is completely unnecessary. As long as he knows that this approach is indeed feasible. Okay, he doesn't need these old medicinal materials now. Medicinal ingredients that are hundreds of years old are enough for him to take.

After the completion of this long series of experiments, Han Li was finally able to take a break and think things over. A lot of time had passed since Doctor Mo came down the mountain.

Currently, Han Li was lying on the wooden bed in his room, dazed, holding the thousand-year-old Three Crow Grass in his hand.

He stared straight at the black herb, seeming to be studying it, but as long as there was another person in the room, it could be seen from his scattered eyes that his mind was not on the three-flowered grass at all, but on it. I'm in a state of wandering mind, not knowing what I'm thinking about.

He now completely lost the joy he felt when he first got the three-flowered grass. Instead, he was thinking carefully about the benefits and dangers this vial brought to him, and making plans for his future.

Han Li saw many examples of "criminal possession of a treasure" from various books in Doctor Mo's house. The bottle in his hand was a priceless treasure. If outsiders knew that he had such a treasure in his hand, he would He will definitely not survive the next morning. Like many "people with treasures" in the past, he will be overwhelmed by all kinds of greedy people who come after hearing the news. Don’t tell people from far away, let’s give an example nearby. If the sect masters in this sect know the secret of this bottle, they will definitely not let you go. They will try their best to kill people and seize the treasure, and you will fall into the trap of "treasure seizing others". The bleak end of "annihilation".

"I must not tell anyone about the bottle, and I must be careful when using this bottle on the mountain. The bottle absorbs the light spots too much, and outsiders will discover its secrets accidentally." Han Li made up his mind. Decided to keep it secret and not say a word about it to outsiders.

"However, I am in urgent need of medicinal materials for cultivation now. It would be a pity not to use this bottle. I still have to find a way to get the best of both worlds." He thought of his insignificant cultivation and felt a little sad again. Regardless of Why should the progress of practicing the mantras not be delayed? He was not practicing because of Doctor Mo's supervision, but he had vaguely realized that some of his unusual changes in recent years were inseparable from the practice of the nameless mantras.

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