
In a remote star field in the vast universe, a bit of hazy golden light slowly flies in the dark starry sky at a certain fixed speed, and from time to time, bursts of crying sound come from it, sometimes intermittent, sometimes continuous, sometimes not, as if weeping blood. The sound is like Jiuyou's ferocious laughter.

I don’t know how many years later, a huge blue planet suddenly appeared in front of me.

There was a loud "boom"!

Under the influence of the planet's gravity, the golden light rushed straight towards the huge planet at an astonishing speed, and at the moment it touched the atmosphere on the planet's surface, it turned into a raging burning meteor and fell towards the sea below.

In the ninth year of Tianyuan of the Qi Dynasty, a spiritual official reported to the court that an alien object from the sky fell into the East China Sea and turned into a huge wave that submerged more than 20 islands. Several counties along the coast of Yue Prefecture were affected by the huge wave, destroying thousands of houses and destroying people's livestock. Countless casualties - "Dongzhou Ji"

Wangyu's new book "The Gate of the Mysterious World" has been serialized on Qidian Chinese website. I hope everyone will pay attention and save it 1

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